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Everything posted by bootedrbrboi4poz

  1. this story keeps getting better...
  2. Great story - looking forward to reading the next part
  3. Great story, can't wait for the next part
  4. Another great story that I missed the first time round. Wow! This is what I need.
  5. That was great. Would love to read more
  6. Nothing but praise from me @NECub this is a brilliant work of fiction. It aligns with what a younger me would have liked to have happened. Keep up the good work.
  7. Aww, I really wanted to know what happens next...
  8. Awesome story.
  9. Great story, don't know how I missed this one first time round. Any more chapters likely?
  10. Another great chapter. What happens next?
  11. What an engaging story, one you have to keep coming back to read the next chapter.
  12. Another piece of writing that gets better with every chapter. Look forward to reading more..
  13. Amazing, I can't wait for the next part
  14. Keep it cumming, please!
  15. The first three chapters set the scene nicely. Looking forward to the fourth part
  16. Great first two chapters. Can't wait for more.
  17. Glad you've continued. I'm looking forward to reading what happens in group therapy
  18. great start - look forward to the next installment
  19. Is there another chapter to the Conversion Therapy story?
  20. More (please)
  21. That was one hell of an amazing story. I wish that had happened to me at 18.
  22. Great second chapter - keep up the writing
  23. I guess we will never find out what happens at the parTy?
  24. Yes, great prologue - can't wait to see what happens from his 18th birthday...
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