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Everything posted by north.mpls.guy

  1. I haven't been there on a Wednesday in a while, but was chatting with some of my sluttier friends (I'm a slut...) who said that it's always hit-or-miss like any sex club anywhere, but Wednesdays are usually pretty busy, usually busier earlier than later.
  2. Just show up with ID and $20. Note that the location is the house next to the structure on the corner. The structure on the corner was what was known as the Warehouse (which was originally a telephone exchange building, now remodeled by the newer owner to look quite modern). The house has play space that includes the garage and back yard. The yard is fenced, has equipment such as a sling and fuck bench, and has sight blocks from neighbors. Have fun!
  3. As others have written, your stories are extremely hot. I started reading this one some years ago, and enjoyed it then, but only this week came across the recent updates that started in 2020 -- they're fantastic. I really like the way you use the words "pussy" and "cunt" for a boy-hole and how the action flows from nice, soft, and gentle to mean, hard, and forceful and back again. It's great the way you describe the inner ring in a boy's hole, and all the rimming and felching has my cock throbbing ... makes me want to get my beard wet with cum that I've felched from a well-used cunt ... before adding my load.... Oh, and love the references to Ian Jay. Perfect. Thanks, and please continue!
  4. Like others, I've read this story more than once. 😉 Really great stuff! Looking forward to the Armband Party with throbbing dick....
  5. You'll become focused on your hole for your primary sexual pleasure, which presumably is what you want. If you're lucky, and/or he's talented in how he fucks you, you'll orgasm from the prostate stimulation through your rectum. It's something you'll learn through experience. Hopefully he's really horny and will fuck you several times a day, so you can learn faster how to get off from the stimulation of his cock fucking your hole. Hope you enjoy it! Are your nipples "connected" to your hole now? If not, they probably will be, after he locks you up. You could start working on that, before he locks you up....
  6. Fantastic thread. What are guys doing now? Evidence is strong about transmission risk being hugely reduced being outside. (Just don't stand within a foot of your neighbor across your fence talking face-to-face for an hour - was it in Japan?) Being into leather, I definitely second the motion to make the hood black leather, but in a darkroom, it doesn't matter.... Considering the pup culture, you could style the front. Hell, why aren't there current pup hoods modified with air filtration? Some of those hoods stick out a lot already - plenty of space for a filter. Some people are really worried about touching things, but I'm not. I consider risk for SARS-CoV-2 transmission analogous HIV risk this way. Touch is like unprotected oral. Sharing air and breathing in close proximity is like unprotected anal. The risks for the two viruses are not identical, but the way SARS-CoV-2 has spread, if it were easy for transmission to occur by touch, I think we would have heard about it by now. I think touch is less risky for the same reason that being outside is less risky - dilution. Don't have numbers, but take a simple case - imagine a grocery stocker sneezing onto a box of cereal. If I grab the box right where the snot was deposited, how much transfers from the box to my hand? Half? Now, my hand touches my cart handle. Some transfers to the cart handle. Half of that? Now I grab other groceries, maybe shuffle things in the cart, but then definitely touch EVERYTHING again at the end to check out. Do I grab the cereal box in the same place to put it on the belt as I did to take it off the shelf? Where is the virus that was on that cereal box that I touched? Can it be in sufficient quantity/density to be contagious? As long as I'm not sticking my fingers up my nose or otherwise giving the virus an easy way to get into my respiratory tract, the risk is lower. Viruses (unlike bacteria) don't reproduce outside a compatible hosted environment (like lungs). Viruses don't reproduce on or leap off the cereal box. They get spread out and diluted. I'm poly; I have a few local lovers, and I have been with two in recent months, along with one hookup with a repeat a few days later. My partner and I are higher-risk, as is one of my two lovers. When I was with my higher-risk lover, I poked at his risk tolerance for BB. He's 100% safe-only, and I only fuck BB so we don't fuck; we do other things. He knows I'm on PrEP. When we played last month, I asked about fucking BB and his answer was still "no." I didn't push it with him, but this was toward the end of our time together, after spending two hours kissing, sucking, fondling each other, in his bedroom, with no noticeable air flow. We had risked transmitting SARS-CoV-2 in the way bareback fucking risks HIV. I hope he'll understand that at some point - would be fantastic to fuck him and have him fuck me.... I was with my other lover over the weekend while my partner was in Las Vegas. My partner goes to play video poker, which is solitary, and the protocols were good and enforced, so it seems the risks were fairly low. (I disagree with the protocol about moving a mask to sip a drink or take a drag off a cigarette, because touching the mask so much adds risk, but that's what they require....) I spent many hours with my lover, while my partner was by himself, spaced out, in a huge casino. What are the comparable risks? I know my lover has reduced risk at work (office job with good protocols that he enforces). For my partner, the airplane was sparsely filled. My partner knows what I did. He got his jollies and I got mine. We think we're managing the risk fairly well.... I thought about making a private glory hole as a risk reduction strategy. I would consider a glory hole experience relatively safe. Being in a glory-hole booth in a bathhouse or adult arcade, however, is different. I'd want to know how recently it was occupied before I walked in.... Outdoor fun is winding down in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. What are guys doing now? Plans for moving it indoors through the winter?
  7. Nice setup, and quick, first load ... can hardly wait for more. Will the flight attendant who knows something be one of the guys who shows up to dump a load? Is he actually the controlling guy?
  8. What he said ^^^^ These are great characters!
  9. Your stories are ALWAYS VERY HORNY - great edge food, and I've lost it more than once to some of your sleazier descriptions....
  10. Nice setup....
  11. Eagerly awaiting round two. Enjoying JJ's and Mateo's versatility, looking forward to when Mateo will be in the middle of the sandwich....
  12. Oh, yeah! Can't wait for more!
  13. There's no meaningful consent here. It's absolutely a tricked-you-into-it rape (fantasy) -- and one of the hotter ones. All fora like this require some tolerance of distasteful things, and tastes are different. Enjoy what you like and leave the rest. A quick click of the Back button is all that's required. @Voyeurboy69 Please continue. You haven't gotten to my favorite part: a fan of well-used boyhole, I look forward to what happens after the last guest leaves. 😜 You have set up nicely with the bondage to gradually undo it while the Dom enjoys his fucked-up BF. Gag off right away? Does he plead, or is he really broken and doesn't care whether the wrist-ankle bondage stays?
  14. The English is a little rough, but I'll bet it was fun thinking that he didn't know you were the guy he fucked, until a few days later. What happened to his load?
  15. That's a very hot scene -- somewhat crazy, but that's what makes it even hotter. I'll bet you have good stories from when you had a buddy lock you into the sling. I like the idea of him using 'coaching' techniques to get you to go past your supposed limit. It might go something like this. You've just been bred for the Nth time (you've lost track), and you feel like you've had enough. "I've had enough. Please let me down." "No, your hole can take more. I'm sure of it. You have, before. Let's just wait a while and see who else wants to breed you." "I'm really ready to get down." "I know, but you let me restrain you, so you couldn't 'chicken out' or anything like that. I can imagine you're tired, but that's not important. What's important is getting your hole used more. That's why we're here. It's why you had me restrain you. You predicted this situation, and I'm following through on the 'non-consentual consent' you gave me at the start of this. You know the actual safewords...." Never had anything like that, before? Having the right guy in control of your bonds will do wonders for your bondage experiences ... assuming 'stretching limits' is part of the consent agreement.... It's every bit like having a workout coach to motivate you to do those few, extra reps that make all the difference.
  16. Fun story so far, omega boy. Did more men arrive?
  17. Wow! I came across this story only recently, but I have to hand it to you for grabbing my attention and not letting go. My only quibble is that in the last installment, you did not expand on the sex in a couple of situations. When Tom and Brad were alone, fucking several times, around the RoseWood pool, and in Bora Bora, t'would've been great to hear about how several bung holes were filled up in that overwater bungalow, when Eddie spent more time in theirs than his own. No matter, this was a great story! Now I find myself looking around for more of your work.... Thanks! (Around the pool, I like the idea that Jacob and Marcus had solid furniture as well as several pieces of decorative sculpture, abstract art, all of which were sized, shaped, and placed to promote male ass fucking. Some have the bottom face down; others, face up. All promote deeply planting seed. Brad's high sex drive was in full force and it combined with their mutual curiosity, as it dawned on them what they were looking at around the pool, to drive them to use each piece, in turn. Tom's hole would have been leaking Brad's cum by the end of that fuck-fest....)
  18. VERY HOT! Hope you write more!
  19. Great stories! Hope there are more.
  20. How would you react to a guy who refused to pull out, and bred you properly?
  21. Just ran across this story and really enjoying it. Please continue!
  22. Congratulations on enjoying your lover's youth and vigor. Have you considered trying to keep his DNA in you? A comfy plug, promptly inserted after he breeds you, rather than dumping his fine load....
  23. Meant to ask: if I want to add or remove something I'm wearing, is there easy access to the clothes check throughout the party?
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