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Everything posted by JoshLandaleXXX

  1. Quick question guys... I'm sure one of you IT literate pornlovers will know the answer. Porn on sketchysex, fraternity X, and now their new site and my current favourite wank material, is available for streaming only on the sites, and as my internet connection is flaky at best, it means that watching it is difficult. I just! wondered if anyone knew how to download the videos from the sites while using an Android phone? I usually use IDM+ for this, but alas it doesn't work with these 3 sites.. Solutions on the back of a fag packet please....
  2. YES DO IT.. I haven't looked back since my now infamous pozzing on camera...


    1. Read1


      Congrats! Happy gifting!

    2. RawSexPig
    3. Wxmguy


      Glad to see u back


  3. I'm back bitches!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bbcumholenyc


      Would LOVE to take your loads and eat your hole for hours. 

    3. Boxerslad


      Good to see you back !

    4. VersGuyAnon


      We need to see you back AGAIN!

  4. 31/7 - headed to Amsterdam for gay pride barebacking. +447428075778 MSG ME

    1. cuntspunker


      jealous! which places are you hitting for it?

  5. That's right! On Friday 31st July I'm travelling to Amsterdam, Holland for Gay Pride. I'm staying with a friend of mine and aim to take as many loads as possible during my stay. Ill be in Amsterdam from about 7pm local time 31st July, until Tuesday 4th August. If you want to breed me (all are taken, no questions asked), then hit me up. I'm also looking to breed any young fit slutty twinks 18-21yo while I'm there. If you wanna hook up, be sure to get in touch.... joshlandalexxx@gmail.com +447428075778 Josh
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  6. AM in Amsterdam for pride this year, would love to give my toxic load to you - and any other slutty young twinks who want it.. email me: joshlandalexxx@gmail.com
  7. Excited to announce that my blog is back - JoshLandaleXXX.com

    1. Greedy Hole

      Greedy Hole

      Great news! You've always been a big inspiration for me :P

  8. Excited to announce that my blog is back - JoshLandaleXXX.com

  9. After a 18 month hiatus from blogging (the last 12 of which has been without my blog being online at all) I am finally back online. Update your bookmarks as my blog name and URL has changed. Check me out now at JoshLandaleXXX I would love to hear what you would like to see on the blog. If I am able to do it, I will. You can contact me via twitter or the contact me page on the website. Hope you're all keeping well. Please also check out my hosts, Moon Kage Media.
  10. Hi guys, After taking a break from saunas for a while, I am heading to Dewsbury's Plastic Ivy sauna at 2pm on Sunday 29th September to offer my smooth bubble butt up to anyone who wants to drop a load into me. All loads taken, no questions asked. Do it in private, in public, through the glory hole... anywhere. If you are coming, get in touch! 07428075778 Spread the word too... the more the merrier! Josh
  11. Not true I know, personally, at least one bareback porn star who has a bio-hazard tattoo who is in fact HIV negative.
  12. Tested poz on September 21st 2011, and over the course of the next 12 months my CD4 went from 971 down to 407, and my VL from 105K to 1.7 million. During that time, i noticed my energy levels were exceptionally low, i felt constantly fatigued, work was a bind and i let my social life slide because I just couldn't be bothered to go out, instead choosing to sleep on my days off. I opted to start meds in November 2012, and was put on Sustiva and Truvada, with a view to going onto Atripla in a few months time. I used to take the meds between 9pm and 11pm, but the spaced out, trippy effects of the Sustiva left me unable to work properly, it also impacted on my personal and social life - I was unable to go for meals out, as I would feel really ill. So just before Christmas i opted to take them just before I go to sleep. Which means that now I can go for meals out, have a few beers after work etc, and continue living a usual life. I only have to remember to pop 4 pills just before my head hits the pillow. Now the only side effect of the meds is really vivid dreams - but to be honest, these are kinda cool. I don't know what my current levels are, I get those results a week Tuesday, but I can tell you that my energy levels have rebounded, and I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders - once again I am up for being up all day and night, and catching up with my friends, as well as working 90 hour weeks. Other than that, and steady weight loss of about 10kgs over the year, there has been no other noticeable effects of being HIV+.
  13. IF you follow me on twitter, or read my blog, you will know what I am talking about. For others, I am taking a small break from blogging as lately I have been attracting a hell of a lot of hatred and vicious emails from people on both sides of the pond. They basically center around the fact that I am an out and proud barebacker, and also HIV+. The emails and comments have been getting more and more aggressive in tone, with some threatening to reveal personal information about me - postal address, work location etc - so I have taken the decision to take a back seat from blogging until this current maelstrom of shit dies down. I will return to blogging though, and when I do I will be be taking a step back to my roots and being even more depraved. Although I will still be blogging about HIV issues, as, as I said in April last year, this is now also a part of who and what I am. Just wanted to let you all know. Peace! Josh
  14. @JoshLandaleXXX on twitter here.
  15. Generally I am happy with BBRT, however the main thing that annoys me is that York isnt listed as a city there - despite being a major urban area, with millions of visitors each year, and two of the countries top universities here. The nearest metro area we have to list ourself under is Leeds, some 30 miles away.. which makes hooking up quickly a night mare, and nearly impossible. I have been asking them for THREE YEARS if they will add York, and each time i get a canned message saying they will do it at their next system update, but as yet, it has not happened. I know of 50 barebackers who live in york who are listed under leeds, and am sure there are more - none of them are paid up members, and when i asked them why, they all said the same thing - beacuse we cant list ourselves as being in York. The exact same reason that i never pay for membership for the site. If York was listed, then i would sign up and pay, as would many of the others in my boat... but pigmaster seems reluctant to do it for some reason. Its a shame, as BBRT is a good site, but with this simple change, it would become GREAT.
  16. Andy, my blog is listed in the signature of any post ive made here at breedingzone, however here it is for you again: confessionsofabarebacksaunaslut.bestmalediaries.com

  17. Andy, the link to my blog is in the signature of any of the posts i made here on Breedingzone.

    Its confessionsofabarebacksaunaslut.bestmalediaries.com

  18. These types of exchanges are exactly what I'm talking about... not so much verbal as this can be off putting - but visual - kinda like where not using a condom is made a significant part of the scene.
  19. Does anyone know where I can get hold of more of this stuff? I've got a real hot spot for the Russian Dad/Son stuff... if anyone knows where I can get hold of any more of it, I'd be greatly appreciative. It reminds me of my younger days - whoring my hole out to all the old men in the cottages around town!
  20. bump - sorry - still getting 10-20 messages a day - so bumping this so more people see it. As you were lads.
  21. I dunno how many times it has to be said, but hey, lets keep on saying it because its fun for us. If you're in doubt, don't do bareback. Simples!
  22. ...pozzing video. Please guys, don't email me asking to see it, as i no longer have it. Its around on the internet somewhere - but i havent placed it there, so i dont know where. I never managed to upload it to xtube or protect it with a PIN. So if you see my post from years ago on here about it, please just ignore it. Whats more, even If i DID have it, i would NOT send it to people who have registered on the site, but not filled in their profiles, nor who have made little if no posts on the forums.... That is all - Rant over. As you were lads....
  23. Excellent new Wiki Mark - I have amended the link from my blog to look at this as opposed to the old BRD.
  24. Interesting this. There was a study don a while ago professionally about this and they concluded that bareback porn didn't influence people to have bareback sex. I say thats rubbish, and this poll here confirms that. I'm currently working on another piece for positivelite.com and am doing it on this very subject. So thanks for asking it rawTOP, and thanks to everyone who's voted and commented.
  25. I love antwerp... so many sleazy sex clubs where bareback is rife... i had a great time there in 2010... love to go back sometime soon... and the ETAP by Centraal Station is just PERFECT for doing anonymous pump and dumps too!
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