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Everything posted by Pelops

  1. No, never could do it. There was always another available tart, perhaps a new prostitute on the street. It may have taken a few fucks to get her bareback but that was always the aim. All my successful affairs have been with cumdumps, prostitutes or retired prostitutes. I encourage their profligacy, and all the rest isn't cheating!
  2. For someone who must have spent half his life objecting to discrimination against the Gay Community, discriminating against women has to make you some sort of hypocrite! Shame on you Lol
  3. Isn't it wonderful that the clown signing this into law is on a KGB sex tape, in a hotel room, pissing on a prostitute, and calling her Hillary"; such a fine example to everyone who voted for him!
  4. This seems likely to wipe out the entire straight section here, since it all revolves around the word escort, few of us are getting any random bareback sex without paying for it and referring each other to the recommended sources; and general discussions about infamous barebackers like Kiri is all about her career in the escort business, with direct references to her perfectly legal advertising on UK sites The best recent material in this section has been the confessions of MiaSlut24, who also discusses her professional fees for street prostitution in Miami Florida. Fully understanding your concern about the term "whoring out", isn't just going to effect this site, but will tear a swathe through Fetlife, where it seems to be part of their Dom-Sub speciality. Fiction written about this subject needs to be reality based to have any authenticity. I'm not sure that simply using the word "fiction" will provide Admin with his "get out of jail free card". Neither might dating the events described as being at a specific time in the past, not even last century! Our best alternative might be taking these discussions to http://barepunting.info/index.php. This being a UK based site covering the same subjects. We need to encourage them to fix their occasional connectivity problems, especially for new members. Once they do this and have their site better moderated so it will not simply fail because of the loss of one Admin; I think we'll find it a very welcoming place.
  5. Just never heard of them as "slut pills"
  6. Okay, this questionnaire is on the main (gay) side of the site, yet I got onto it because I was "following" a FEMALE hoe and gangbanger from the straight section, who was proudly announcing her score! I grant you that SHE seems to have been massively turned on by reading about gay guys taking multiple anonymous loads, and that has apparently encouraged her to do the same, the only difference being, that on her knees with her arse in the air, she can offer the alternative of two holes to fuck! The problem with the questionnaire is that it's Gay! HER score (and my puny score of 116) are impossible to compare "like for like" with everybody else's. Do we just ignore the questions that don't seem to apply to us, or do we "turn the question inside out" to allow us to answer? I know FEMALES who are turned on by seeing their guys handle and guide in each other's cocks, give them a desultory wank, a courtesy suck, hold the girl they adore in their arms as they are fucked by someone else, feel them coming for the other guy, and use the other guy's cum as lube. And I know one or two who are massively turned on by watching two gay guys having sex; and two girls in "three pillow" relationships each with two gay guys! The really nice thing here is the fact, that stuff I might cringe a bit at, has had such a wonderfully "moral influence" on this FEMALE's attitude and active desire to seek multiple anonymous loads in motel rooms from unvetted Craigslisters. Again, more power to her! But do I have to run a mile from saying so in case some guy gets his panties in a knot about the very existance of a vagina? (She hasn't been blocked from this thread!)
  7. Definition, active ingredients, source, please Sounds like some crook selling red MnMs for 100 times their price to fools!
  8. You need to add (with a high score) fucking a stranger in the marital bed, and fucking on a church altar! LOL
  9. negligible, look at the CDC's stats! Stunned by the alkalinity of your saliva, and dropped into the pit of hell and hydrochloric acid in your stomach! open wounds and lesions in your mouth would be the only real danger.
  10. Always good to find bareback couples into fucking around.  I know a few, they mostly do a bit of "escorting" as well, generally to please the guy rather than for the money.

    I love to join them dogging, where I get to share her with her partner after a few anonymous random strangers! That's nearly as good as marrying her myself! I've also shared one or two with their partners after they've done a few paying clients!

    We all love the calculated risks we take, but none of us get off on masturbating about all the HIV/AIDS/STD flag waving, the promises of giving or receiving death sentences, or excruciating diseases!

    We'd all prefer the PreP, Meds, Check-up and Clean-up route, talk about our near misses, bullets dodged, and clinic visits, and terrify ourselves with what we might catch every time we take turns sticking our unprotected cocks in her freshly, anonymously fucked, pussy!

    Hope you find everything you're looking for, just don't ever come and tell us up-front that you're going to give us a dose! Just tell us how dangerous you are and we'll love you to bits!

  11. Reading your profile, I see you're into dirty, depraved, dissolute (and probably disturbed) girls - with real vaginas; impregnation fantasy; and being fucked in the ass by random strangers as an equally depraved "bottom". There is no contradiction in that!

    I want a supply of randy cocksmen to ensure that the depraved (and probably disturbed) women I love are adequately exercised, and get a regular supply of fresh cum in their baby-making hole, and we can all compete with each other in the calumny of lies we tell about they're forgetting to take the pill, and how every period has been missed!

    Your bringing an ass full of random perverts cum to the party is immaterial, other than that it gives you added bragging rights and dirty stories to tell, in competition with her accounts of the inappropriate sex she has with  inappropriate random strangers in inappropriate places. My accounts of sleazy prostitutes with their last punter's cum running down their leg. Our joint accounts of dogging, sex in public toilets, and whoring her out!

    There are clearly no risks at all in any of these "innocent" and healthy pursuits, just so long as we chose to play them down, ignore them, and don't worry about them until afterwards!

  12. Apart from the "Suicidal Fantasy", and taking loads yourself (if you love it that much, you go for it!) you seem to have done all the right things and found the perfect partner. We should all be full of admiration and just a little jealous. You have to support her completely, worship her always, and never never do anything which would offend her!
  13. In our little backwater you probably couldn't find a Poz guy if you tried! As I keep saying, it's most likely to be the same dozen or twenty perverts fucking the same half dozen sluts and prostitutes every week! The only risks being the occasional dose of clap or chlamydia, and even then some dirty fucker had to travel to a big city to bring it home. When my wife was playing, she was as likely to give me a dose, as I was to give her one. I've obviously been in more "dangerous" situations with strange tarts than she was in fucking the same couple of guys she fucked the previous week. There was usually the occasional one whose name we didn't know, so I could nearly always persuade her that she gave me the dose! The really nice, sneaky and manipulative part being my always completely forgiving her, and being totally non-judgemental about her fucking the guys who allegedly gave it to us! She would have been much more judgemental about my sneaking around with and paying tarts, despite the fact that for years she had framed banknotes on our bedroom wall to prove (if we needed any proof) that she was perfectly capable of behaving like a prostitute herself! On the couple of occasions when it was obvious that I had given her a dose, forgiveness was a long time coming, and cost me way more than the prostitutes! Since my wife is out of the picture and no longer plays, The working prostitutes, retired and partly retired prostitutes with whom I'm now getting my jollies, take getting a dose more-or-less in their stride, and I'm no longer at risk of bringing it home to my wife. These ladies have all come from a background of desperation for money or of getting another beating if they don't bring enough money home. I've got the advantage over all their other guys, of never judging them, never blaming them, never raising a hand to them, and continuing to finance them through each quarantine! The best way of getting into a woman's pants, continue getting into them, and to keep them enthusiastic about it, is and always has been, to play the Perfect Gentleman Card, to always persuade them that they are Goddesses, perfect specimens of womanhood, they are without fault, and without sin, (and are even more beautiful bearing the trappings and stains of promiscuity)! The lust of the other men they sneak around with, or fuck under your nose, is akin to their winning the public vote on X-Factor! Their public approval rating is through the roof, it just makes them all the more desirable! So I'm halfway there with you, sharing the risks with the women I love is really good dirty fun, as you say "It's Hot". It's just that considering where I am, I've never seriously recognised the risk (or inevitability) of HIV. I've been looking at Craigslist recently, there have only been five local posts in the last month W4M. Not a single one "adult enough" to have been flagged, all just because we're a dreadful little backwater. I can still pick up a prostitute in the street, once in a blue moon there is a new one. I have a few regulars on speed-dial who will go dogging or meet with friends; and they all know that I'm a pervert, so whenever a client wants an audience, wants to watch, or wants a threesome, I'm the one they recruit, and I always make it worth their while!
  14. Nice to have you follow me, let's have more information about which end of you is up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pelops


      That's refreshing !


    3. Pelops


      we're in a minority here lol

    4. JacobRashbean


      Do you know of any other good sites for our interest?

  15. My wife always tended to feel queasy after swallowing a few. We prefer to get loads deep in her cunt where we can at least fantasise about getting her knocked up, and I have the benefit during my follow-up fuck. I don't swallow much during clean-up, since I tend to sweep the overflow down into the palm of my hand with my thumb, and rub it on her tits or elsewhere so I can smell and taste it all night, and just have a trace taste.
  16. Keep it coming, I've written a much longer autobiography (40,000 words or so) if you're interested.
  17. I know we're in a backwater, where we don't know anyone who's poz, and we're only risking common-or-garden infections; but it's so good to have a girl up for fucking strangers and perverts! We get the guys who hang around the doggers' car parks; I do all the hanging around on my own and line up a group for a particular place and time. I meet the guys who pick up street prostitutes, compare notes and fix her up with them. I get to fend off the ones who look as if they haven't washed, and she gets to say "no" if she doesn't like them. Some of the regular perverts warned us away from three guys who come out together in a blue merc because "they were bi", and that would be "far too dangerous", but she was prepared to hang about half the night in the hope they'd turn up! I don't think they were bi at all, just up for giving each other a casual wank between fucks; We took them home after meeting them just once, which we haven't done that often. It's such a dirty turn-on listening to the guys brag about their "conquests", knowing in my heart that every cock she gets might just be infected. Having to have her with her cunt full of their cum after every session. I couldn't stop myself if I tried! I am so lucky that she's such a slut!
  18. Gonorrhea, the first few times. But the consultant said I could have several other things at the same time (Chlamydia and Syphilis principally) which would have been hit on the head with the quick (painful) diagnosis and quick treatment; before they themselves could be diagnosed at all! Whoever said it is right, the penicillin injection "in the hip" was bloody sore, but you and I must have had it years and years ago, since penicillin just doesn't cut it anymore. It will be hard to tell if the incidence of gonorrhea will go up with the new antibiotic resistant strains, or go down with more of us being inoculated for Hepatitis B. Had crabs a couple of times (not on the list above) and only recently got a single wart amongst my pubic hair about an inch away from the root of my cock. Just froze that off with "Wartner" and said nothing. For those of us not inviting Queers to fuck us in the bum, HIV is still a longshot! Health to all, that we can continue to wave our willies at danger (and each other), relatively unscathed!
  19. Will you be sharing it with Mrs M.?
  20. Or maybe a fetish is something you actually do, and a kink is something you just like to think about doing?
  21. I don't think there is any difference between a fetish and a kink, it just depends which site you're on
  22. For years I kept a folder on my PC, it was "down a rabbit hole" with a name that made it look like a program file. Name, if I knew it, and it might not have been real brief discription location And a series of codes, scored from zero to nine where applicable, or left blank if not. The obvious ones were "C" for condom scored either zero or one, "O" for oral etc.; and there was an oddity box at the end of each line for additional remarks. I kept the record religiously, and looked back on it occasionally, then when I upgraded my PC, it didn't get copied over and was irretrievably lost.
  23. This thread is trying to answer too many questions at once. The initial suggestion that "The Goverrnment" is trying to do away with anal sex should be relegated to the Conspiracy Theory Bin! Anal sex is generally considdered to be principly prevelant amongst gay men, from the most monogamous relationships through to the least monogamous. This is because men generally do not have vaginas. The only other fuckable hole they have is their mouths. Various historic attempts to prevent anal sex, gay relationships, and just being gay, have all failed. Worldwide (nearly) the "Gay Community" is so well organised and defended that no organisation with a bank account is prepared to stand up against them for fear of littigation, at least not in the civilised countries. (This is why straight guys stick it out on this site to discuss hetrosexual bareback sex, for fear of persecution on straight sites.) Anal sex with women, is largely to do with women being second class citizens, to whom we can deny certain human rights, including the right to give consent to sex. Suggesting that men have the right to do what they want with the women within their control and ownership. Anal sex with women is often about birth control, and not only just in poor catholic countries. You can fuck your underage sister, neice or whoever, so long as you fuck her in the arse, she doesn't get pregnant, and there's no evidence. Most women would choose to be fucked vaginally rather than anally, so long as there are no repercussions, because being fucked in the arse hurts. Given that men expect anal sex with women to hurt the women, they choose to do it as a demonstration of their control, for the pleasure of seeing the women wince with pain as they assert their manhood over them. (One assumes that the male bottoms bravely accept it as part of "male bonding", in the same way that women are supposed to accept their inferior place in society. UK law mentioned here has gone so far, that most straight people are likely to complain about the possibility of buggery being made compulsory! Even the attempts by the government to do things like categorize pornography, which has come up with annomolies like banning "Breath Control" beause people die from autoerotic asphixiation when they try it on their own, and then go on to ban "Face Sitting" when by definition they are not on their own, and there is no documented evidence of fatalities. But they have made absolutely no attempt to ban anal sex as porn! There is a long, amost sacred Conservative tradition preserved in the best boarding schools, of making boys into men by beating, bullying and buggery! As for the religious right wing, including the bloody, so-called "Democratic Unionist Party" in Northern Ireland; they are so demoralised by the constant assaults from the athiests, the humanists, and the scientists, that their main defense is to try to force other people to believe everything that they believe, or think they believe. They have to defend the pharmasist who refuses to stock contraceptives and the morning after pill, and will do so until the good christian pharmasists go bankrupt. And deny aid to foreign countries with a family planning policy until their own country is done irreparable harm. But face them with the "logical" response of stoning queers to death, throwing them off high buildings, or legislating against anal sex, and they'll run a mile to protect their bank accounts against prosecution for discrimination! (Is it true that a piece of left-wing spoof legislation to ban masturbation has passed the Texas legislature?)
  24. Love your xhamster profile and your wife

  25. Nice fantasy, I get it. I can pick up a regular Old Slapper in the street who I know will fuck me bare. In reality she is probably only doing regulars bareback. If she doesn't know me that well she'll lie to me and swear she uses condoms on everyone else (as they do!) If she has a sticky spunky cunt she'll swear it was her boyfriend, or the "one guy" she does bare. I'll know she's lying! Trying to keep me sweet for the money and repeat business and so I won't be afraid of getting a dose. If she knows me better (and a couple of them do) and she has at least a trace of spunk there to taste off her, she'll tell me that she's done every guy bare that night "a dozen of them", all "random strangers she's never met before"! Of course I know she's lying! She realises I get harder quicker and cum quicker when she does! Maybe I get off on the worry (terror even) of checking my willy for a discharge every time I pee! And she knows I'll pay her extra for having the appearance of being such a dirty wanton slut! One lovely wee girl (had to fuck her twice with a condom before she'd do me bare), was being stalked by a punter trying to monopolize her. He told other punters she had a dose! She knew that I knew it was all a lot of shite; but we had an amazing fuck (despite my old age I came twice - paid her double) as she told me she was giving me a dose, and we discussed the symptoms, the clinic, the treatment, how many men she'd given it to, who I'd give it to before it was confirmed, it was just an amazing fuck. And it's not just about how wanton a girl appears to be, how careless she might be with her health and mine; it's also about how disreputable she is, how far I'll stoop to get that good dirty fuck! She's been to jail (at least they'll have done a blood test even if no one else has lol), there's a bench warrant out for her, her best friend OD'd, her boyfriend got four years for doing a post office, she's got no idea who the fathers of her children are. Dangerous girls don't just risk giving you a dose! You want your anonymous wanton slut to be more or less silent; mine's only anonymous because she's lying about her name and where she lives; but I want mine to be horrifyingly, disgustingly, and filthily, verbose!
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