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Everything posted by kenaibull

  1. Getting ready to spend several hours at the Tennessee/Kentucky state line servicing with my ass and mouth. I need FAG BATTER like never before.. Hope I hookup with some black studs as well. Thinking about pulling into the truck section, walking around to be seen, then head into the woods.. text me with encouragement! 907-513-9671

  2. Kentucky anyone? Live between Lexington and Knoxville. Wanting to hit up the truckers. Want to get paid, like $5 for bj, $10 for fucking. $20 and they earn the right to unload their blue collar DNA up my divorced ass. No asking them status. Any suggestions on how to work a lot?

    1. Toxicwanted


      Be a man and take every cock for free, you should be proud of taking there cum

  3. For those of you familiar with my posts an update. I decided to say " Fuck it you only live once." I am driving out of Alaska. Moving. Today. 4200 miles to Huntington WV. I quit my career and will work in an Adult bookstore. Will post travel pics to prove this is for real. No bullshit. Will be traveling through Montana, Minnesota, Missouri, and a few other states along the way. I am NEEDING some connec-Ts for ice skating with Ms Tina! I always show my appreciation! Check out my posts. Been a member over a year. Never been involved with any government agency so far as employment goes. This is 100% real. I have been a pussy loving womanizer most of my life. As the Seals and Croft ballad goes...."Time for a cool change...." Hit me up..... going to betake me 3-4 days to reach the US/ Canada border.
  4. Spun. High. Horny. Text me. 907-513-9671

    1. Tuffenuf


      Wish I had seen this earlier.

  5. Anyone up for some phone? Just got Flaked on.

  6. Right on. There are plenty of 40 year olds too dumb to make responsible decisions about sex. I had my pilots license at 17. Everyone has a different speed at which they develop satisfactory sound judgement decision making ability. Having said that, 18 is ridiculous. So a 16 year old has the capability of commanding a 4000 lbs. Motor vehicle but is two years away from the right to exchange DNA with an adult? When I was a teen sure I fucked chicks my age. In 1995 I was 17, but was more attracted to Shania Twain who was 30 then any teen bitch I knew. I guess the arbitrary line has to be drawn somewhere. The HIV issue is an entirely different issue. If you knowingly transmit it by lying that is evil. I am a pervert, but fuck that noise.
  7. I love feasting on pits. As long as not a bunch of deodorant. Some guys taste better than others. Love tonguing pits at an Adult bookstore on hot summer days in the States! Hard to find pit porn.
  8. I lived in Corbin KY. There was a great Adult bookstore just across the Tennessee border. Ever go there?
  9. If you can't keep it in your pants, might as well keep it in the family. Millions of Appalachian hillbilly's can't be wrong!
  10. Fuck waterboarding. Torture is being spun in bum fuck Alaska on a weekday during the non tourist season

  11. Couldnt agree more. Of course I just like having sex with guys. No relationship, etc. Only into gay sex, not so much men. Hell guess I am not even bi. But I see your point. I am a staunch Capitalist. Hate socialism with every fiber in my body. Tell that to Gay men and most have a conniption fit from hell. Automatically think that means I love Goerge BUSH. WTF? BUSH is a Capitalist like Obama is a NRA diehard. The Gay community feels if you are pro free-market you are a KKK knuckle dragging Neanderthal. For a community that champions acceptance, it is so hypocritical when it comes to politics.
  12. Sorry but that post was some funny shit! I hate false stats! I actually weigh myself more often than not just to give an accurate number. Fuck I don't like rounding to 200 when it says 204. Not to brag but most guys say my pics don't do me much justice. Guess I should shave some years off, a few lbs, and add inches. I won't. I am with you. Be accurate. Hate outdated pics as well. Or pics that are taken with lighting and angles to make the person look way better. Something to be said about Adult bookstores and bathhouses. No catfish bullshit.
  13. Ha ha! Well, I was hitched with a female for 10 years. I cheated on her with guys. I love women, but gay sex is much hotter. I don't want and have never wanted a relationship with a guy. I never understood why totally gay guys get off on the fact that I was married. I found hooking up with other guys in my situation sucked. I found gay guys more uninhibited sexually. One time when my now ex was visiting family out of state a gay guy came over. He got off with me messing around with him on my "wedding bed" as he called it. He said her pic on the nightstand turned him on. Yes he was strictly gay. Confusing but I don't care. It's all good!
  14. Welcome to the site!

  15. Nice to see a fellow PNP on here. Hit me up anytime. First day spun on a multi day run.

  16. Ran across you on a gay chatline. Been calling gay chatlines since 1998. Hottest phone session ever had. No bullshit.

  17. Decisions. Be productive or generate clouds?

    1. NJshorebear


      I'm in awe of folks who can do both

  18. I know there has been tension between these two groups. I am stuck in the middle. The gay community, NOT ALL, never stands with me for economic Freedom. WHICH IS JUST as important to me as anything else. The Christians stand with me when it comes to the concept of self ownership and property rights but when it comes time for sex....well let's just say they like the government small enough to fit in an Adult bookstore video booth and be the dictator on whether communication orifices should be permitted. Hello Christians I was with you on the cake thing...shouldn't it be up to the Establishment's owner. Do make me bake a cake, don't make me cover a hole. Bring the choir boys from church and I will fill that glory hole. Ha. Now seems to me that you Bible folk don't want your youth corrupted. Fair enough. Domicile s without children are now void of property taxes. That's where the majority of school budgets come from. Better like putting on bakesales to fill that gap in the school budget. To show my support I will let some of your teen boys from church set up a car wash benefitting your schools. Saturdays are best. After my Homo-customers commit acts of biblically epic sodomy the next thing my hedonistic godless perve patrons want to do is hang around for a car wash in a xxx bookstore parking lot. Oh by the way, feel free to leave a fancy church flyer box at the front counter of the store. We will make room between the Satanic Phalluse also known as dildos. I have sinful pervs call out to the Lord God as well as Jesus when using them. Sarah Palin hates dildos, trust me. Have those church teens were something comfortable. Like really tight shorts. T shirts will come off. Our regulars who wear electronic bracelets will have there vehicles washed several times....in a row. Guess they are a little OCD about being clean. Guess that stems from being wrongfully convicted of Homosexual sex crimes. Don't worry. They found Jesus Christ and accepted him as their Savior and he gave them new hearts. When they are in the booth section of the arcade I think they hold prayer meetings. I hear Jesus' name called out all the time. The walls shake in the booth's and the men come out like they had a heavenly experience. That Jesus guy, ya he is awesome! See Christians and Homosexuals can live harmony. Now I don't think it's right we demand they pay for our healthcare. They didn't enjoy the product of going raw and disrespecting the Lord by doing gay anal, then they shouldn't Pay. OK we gotta be healthy Christians and to pay for "Queer Care" we will agree to defund Planned Parenthood if you allow us blasphemous sexual soldiers of the devil to obtain rights to enter the "Recreational Pharmaceutical Industry." Never heard of it? Well don't worry we will buy your old church vans and offer home delivery. Now remember Jesus loves you and has given you a pure heart. It will prove interesting when your Pastor who comes in weekly,albeit discreetly, and tries some of our special Crystal Ice will be able to make it back ouside to his car parked a block down the street hidden from plain view before the "Semen Demon's" come to tempt him. Don't worry. We will offer him a prayer booth with communication holes on either side in case he needs assistance. Oh by the way, it might not be a bad idea to look into Prep. Of course the money we made off the Recreational supplements allowed us to purchase the producer of the "Gay Plague Prevention Pill." Save your money. Your Pastor is a Christian soldier pure of heart. No need to worry. Hear that? I hear him screaming now to Jesus in what sounds like ecstasy! So are others in the the neighboring booth's! Hallelujah! Jesus sure put it in the Devil's ass again! Genius! Jesus shut down the baby slaughter abortion clinic and performed an Exorcism on Satanic Penis sword swallowers using my facility to worship the sin of Lust. Just think that funny looking Crystal stuff that was extracted in Israel from Jesus' 17th cousins possible septic tank saved the day. Jesus cousins ancient septic tank Holy Cvmachi leftovers are even more powerful than that evil Devil Drug Marijuana. Don't worry, we are planning to put Jesus Family Holy Crystal vending machines everywhere. With Jesus all things are possible! By the way your Pastor is still in the booth and it's been 3 days. Starting to get a bunch of Truckers lined up to have Glory Hole Communion. All look relieved after having a religious experience with your Pastor.
  19. Party Favors (The good ones impair judgement) You haven't enjoyed the pinnacle of humiliating a fellow human being.....(drumroll please) until you have watched the humorous display of desperation and complete abandonment of self respect until you witness what broke and penniless WOMEN are willing to do in order to get their hands on drugs when addicted.Find a coke head and she will gladly take Semen for her next fix. No comedy on stage or screen comes close. They are good for Rehab clinic's receiving funding, making sandwiches and portable Semen receptacles.
  20. In my area... Craigslist. They aren't porn caliber. More like old fat guys with small dicks and let's just say hygiene lacking. Some of those porn stars with muscular but not chisled physique's with thick juicy asses with the perfect amount of hair...hot! Those hot bears have it. Easier in my opinion for an average guy to become a ripped jock. Hit the gym, tanning beds, teeth whitening products, and pro hair removal. Dime a dozen. Bears that are porn sexy a rare species.
  21. Surprised. Thought attorneys were filthy cocksuckers who fucked people. Your post was enlightening. Won't look at Matlock the same ever again! Oh well, bet his Grandpa Goo tasted like Ensure.
  22. "Nothing easily obtained was ever worth a damn." Woody Hays famous college football coach. "When shit happens, simply say to yourself " Fuck it! " Then hit the glass pipe and go raw! ME.
  23. When life gets you down, and you feel your heart full of despair remember what one crazy fuckers advice. "Fuck it! Now hit that glass pipe and go raw! " The Bible doesn't have shit on that uplifting gem of wisdom!

  24. Guess it's a religious holiday today. Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will take another pipe hit.

    1. Joelle



      Wish that I were closer to you. Would truly love to get spun with you. However, being in Ohio, you are too far away Sir.

    2. kenaibull


      Ohio...the "Fuck- I" state.

  25. Hit the pipe stroking to porn. Anyone getting stupid on dick today?

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