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About Romiguy

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    SW, MI
  • Interests
    Cock, slams, Sikkin dicks and cock ;) Getting mine sucked, tongues and cocks up my azz.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  • Looking For
    A lil crazy, the kind of crazy that mine likes.

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  1. You bet buddy
  2. Is it this? Excerpt: He was awaken by a set of hands rubbing his ass. It was the guy that had meet him in his room after he checked in. The guy explained that he took the spare card so he could check on him after his time being a new bottom on ‘ Bug Night ‘. He said that he wasn’t sure how many guys loaded him but lost count at over 20 and probably lots more. He said that the drugs he was given were meant to get him hot to take everyone and not refuse anything but he didn’t expect to see the variety of drugs shot into him but that is what you get on ‘Bug Night”. The Pig said he remembered hearing that and asked what it meant. The guy said “ You didn’t read any of the posts for that place before you Went ‘? The Pig said no, He said “ I wanted to get out because I found out my wife has been cheating on me and wanted to have lots of fun “. The guy told him “ This weekend was listed on a couple apps as ‘ Bug Night ‘. Most everyone there had a bug to share and when there is new blood they usually get drugged and bred all night “. The pig realized what road he went down this weekend and it was one he couldn’t undo. [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/72334-the-pig-goes-back-to-the-bathhouse/page/5/#comment-775551
  3. Nope. That’s not it. Thanks though.
  4. Anyone ring a bell on this?
  5. Definitely hot stuff. I’m disappointed that there isn’t more….I always want the stories to just keep going and going. BUT if you can’t think of what else to do with the story, well then that’s all there is. Just know that if you were to write more, it’d get devoured so fukkin fast……..
  6. Ok, I’m looking for this story…. Youngish guy in Florida (I want to say Miami, or Ft. Lauderdale, but not 100% sure), new to town moved for a job, needs some Fukkin, gets out of work (how the story pretty much starts) and starts looking, finds a guy online (I think) who comes to his house, but before long suggests that they go to a sex party that the 2nd guy knows about. While there, he’s given GHB for the first time. He had partied before, but never slammed. He tries to chip in for drugs (don’t recall if they took his money), he’s slammed pretty big for his first time. Before long everybody has been fucking him. He sort of comes to with his original date guy pounding him and basically telling him to let him finish because he already has X number of loads and 1 more wont make a difference. He had been taken to another room in the house/apt I think tied down and used, put on camera…
  7. Bumped, Slammed and Shotgunned

  8. rawraw76: how can we convince you to continue this sexy fucking tale?
  9. That, or at least control some of the elements that vanish with resizing, like the dates! I'd also appreciate the ability to pinch zoom the page, or adjust text size from the site.
  10. We need a feature for the forums, stories and fictions, that is either a separate data display field or a selectable option that lets us see, at a quick glance, when the ORIGINAL POSTER posted last, and perhaps only mark it new then? I love reading all the dirty stories and get excited when there are 3,5 or even 10 new entries in the forums I read. But, 80% of the time is seems will be just "good story" posts (not continuations of the story) ...often from the same person, on several topic threads. It's very...deflating. Also, site will not pinch to zoom in safari Mac or iOS, at all. Wouldn't be a problem but the layout eats up margin space valuable on mobile and having a way to increase text size that's not a system wide change would be nice. Oh, and while we are at it, lol, a nighttime reading mode with darker colors for those super bright screens.
  11. When using mobile version on iPhone or iPad, individual posts do not show the date the post was posted, only the original posting date that started the thread shows date in this case. Shows fine on desktop browser.
  12. Any thoughts on this? its been almost 2 years and no indication that it was ever even seen...?
  13. There is android app called PartyNPlay.
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