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Everything posted by pervinmt

  1. Part 7 Billy and I laid on our sides on dirty mattresses, slowly stroking each others faces as our tears subsided. As we softly kissed each other, I found myself entranced by the softness of my best friends pouty lips. I kissed him slightly harder as I held his smooth face in my hands. Billy responded by opening his mouth a little bit as his breathing grew heavier. Without even thinking, I slid my tongue in my buddies warm, wet mouth and was rewarded with Billy lightly moaning as he started to suck my probing tongue into him. I shuddered at this new intimacy between us as I felt my cock start to swell. I started to pull away only to feel Billy grab my head and pull me harder into his sucking mouth. I melted into his warmth, silently cursing the cold, hard bars separating us as I wanted to be closer to my best friend in a way I never had before. As our kisses became more passionate, my hand traveled down toward Billy's crotch and found his 8 inch cock rock hard, poking through the bars. I grasped his hard pole as he lightly groaned, sucking on my tongue with more passion. I started slowly stroking my buddy, losing myself in the wonderful new sensations coursing through my body. I jumped slightly as I felt Billy wrap his hand around my own stiff, needy cock. Without words, Billy and I, my best friend, my brother who I had spent my young life with, held each others heads with one hand as we stroked each others hard cocks with the other, devouring each others tongues as we relished this shared tenderness in our horrible circumstances. Our breathing became faster and shallower as we both became closer to our impending orgasms. I came first, stifling the urge to cry out as I shuddered and shook, coating Billy's hand with my hot load as I pressed his mouth harder into mine. I squeezed my buddy's cock harder as sucked his tongue deep into my mouth. Billy let out a deep groan as his body convulsed and I felt his cock throb and spurt his cum all over my hand and arm. I held him as tight as I could as he finished pumping his load out, before finally pulling my mouth off of his. I looked into his big brown eyes, expecting to see shame or regret over what had just transpired, but all I saw was my best friend looking deeply back into mine. As I looked into them, I raised my cum covered hand up to my mouth and licked his warm, spooge of my fingers. Without looking away, Billy slowly raised his own cum covered hand up to his mouth and did the same. Without a word, we just continued to lay there, looking at each other, both of us knowing it was not necessary to speak of what had just happened between us. Time passed in our dungeon prison. The days blended together. Between the drugs, and lack of access to the outside world, we had no idea of time. We became the compliant whores I was told we would become. I became to enjoy the feeling of a hard cock fucking me, as did Billy. But we loved it best when we could kiss and touch through our cell bars, sucking each others cocks, even fucking on occasion. When I did sleep, my dreams were always of Billy, being free of our torment, free of our prison, free to fully hold each other, caress each other, love each other. It had been some time since the two cells at the end had been empty. The men that had occupied it had long ago been taken away, led to some unknown but horrible fate. I mostly prayed at this point that Billy and I would at least be taken together when our time came. I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from him, being left behind as he was taken to his doom, or worse, him being left after I promised him I would never leave him. Of course I knew I had no choice in the matter. One day, the door opened and two unconscious men were dragged In. They both were dressed in military fatigues. The goons wasted no time slicing the clothes off of the army boys, tossing them haphazardly toward our cells. Unbeknownst to them, a knife slid out of one of the pockets and slid toward my cell. Billy and I quickly looked at each other and I reached through the bars grabbing the knife, hiding it under my mattress before anyone noticed. After the new captives were naked, they were thrown in the empty cells as the Master entered to dungeon. "Very excellent!" He said, looking at the unconscious men. "These two twins are going to practically set us up for life!" "Where they going?" Asked Earl. "Oh I have a very rich buyer in the Middle East who is going to pay a small fortune for a pair of twin U.S. soldiers. Blond hair and blue eyes only increases their value. But it won't be for a few weeks until final arrangements are made. Their initiation will be in a few days. Keep them unconscious till then." My mouth went dry as I imagined what would be the fate of these poor boys as my own cage was opened and I was led to the back rooms.
  2. I know right? There are some really good stories hidden back there. This one of several of mine I plan/need to continue!
  3. Well I hope you find a hot black stud to fuck you up and fuck you good!
  4. Great story! Keep going!
  5. But could only imagine if he HAD done BB? He would have been the king! Damn what a piece of Italian perfection he was! Remember, he was famous for eating his own cum in every scene because back then actors weren't even allowed to swallow loads, so he ate his...mmmmmm. Such a sad man he was. I of course read his bio also. I think Chi Chi la Rue could have done more to protect him.
  6. Damn!! This was one hot fucking story!!! I felt I had to bump it to the top for people who may have missed it buried pages down. If you haven't read it.....enjoy!!
  7. Awesome, i will do that when i start my story. Another question, the pics are of a member and he has given me permission to use them freely in a story, do I need a disclaimer of any kind?
  8. Part 6 Billy and I lay there in silence for a long time, gently caressing each others heads and faces, trying to bring comfort to our dire situation. Eventually, we heard the guy in the cell next to Billy wake up. "Hey!" I whispered, "Who are you?" "Number 39." He whispered back. "Fuck that!" Hissed Biily. "What's your name?" "Tom, it's Tom" "How long have you been here, Tom?" I asked. "I dunno. I've lost track of time. Hey, when did they capture you?" "August 2nd." I answered. "They caught me St. Paddy's day. So I guess almost 5 months now." "Shut up!" Someone whispered further down. "You shut the fuck up!" Billy retorted. "How did they catch you, Tom?" "I passed out drunk in an alley. Next thing I knew, I woke up here. How bout you two?" "Car broke down." I answered. "Earl caught us." "That's how they get most of us." Drawled a voice. "Who are you?" I whispered. "Beau. They got me when me and my girl were gator huntin. Truck got mired in a bog, they showed up after a while. I think they killed my girl." The doors opened and we all cowered in silence. This time they were just bringing us our slop to eat. Couldn't really call it food. "I got here 'bout a month before Tom." He continued after they left. "Are you the bald guy?" I asked. "Yea, but I'm not bald. A client shaved my head." I shuddered at the word client. "I used to have really long hair." He said sadly. "My girl loved it. But they do what they want with us. Or we suffer." "Shit!" Said Tom. "We suffer regardless! They don't care. They torture for fun, they torture for punishment. You can't tell the difference! I was the one in the cage over there when you guys were "initiated". I hadn't done anything wrong. I did what they told me, and I begged, "Please don't put me in there. I've been a good faggot. I've been a good whore. But they don't care. They're sick monsters!" "Where are we exactly?" I asked. "Don't know for sure." Replied Beau. "I think we're in Texas. Could be Dallas, could be Houston, hell, we could be in Fucking Mini-God-Damn-Sota for all we know." "Has anyone escaped?" Asked Billy. A brief silence followed. "Never." Said Beau. "Oh Randy." Billy started crying again. " I don't want to die here!" I grabbed his tear stained face through the bars. "You won't die here Billy. I promise you buddy!" I kissed him tenderly through the bars, and he instinctively kissed me back. "I won't let them Billy." I mumbled through our kisses. Then the door opened again. "God damn Mother Fuckers!" Billy screamed, jumping up and grabbing the bars. "You let us out of here. I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!" Three of the goons grabbed bats off the wall and let themselves into Billy's cell and started beating him furiously. Billy screamed and covered his head as the blows reigned down on him." "Easy now boys." Said the Master. "Don't damage the merchandise, too much." After a few more hard blows to his young body, Billy was dragged over to a sling and quickly immobilized. A few seconds later I recognized the tell-tale cough that means he was injected, as the Master wheeled the dildo machine over to his battered body. "I guess he needs a few more hours with the machine." Seconds later fresh new screams erupted from Billy as his ass was again mercilessly ravaged. The goons opened my cell next, and guided me over to the St. Andrew's Cross. Unlike last time, I was tied facing toward it. "Someone shut that slave up!" Demanded the Master. "Our clients won't like that." Quickly I heard Billy's screams stifled as he was gagged. "Better, I know they want to hear the screams they paid for." I shuddered knowing he was talking about me. Soon I felt the prick, then the rush, then the coughing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the big, muscle brute pick a bull whip, and a scary looking cat-o-nine tails off the wall as a small group of old men filed into the dungeon. "Happy 80th birthday Leonard!" They shouted. I already knew the significance of the number 80. I didn't have long to think when the first hard blow from the cat landed on my left ass cheek. I screamed as I felt my flesh burn. The next landed on the right cheek. Ten hard strokes landed total on my ass before it stopped for a moment, leaving me a few seconds to breath between screams. But not for long. Quickly I felt the bull whip lash my back and my screams began anew. Ten lashes with the bullwhip, followed by ten with the cat until all 80 had been administered, leaving me with I was sure was a bloody mess of a backside. "How much extra to add that blond boy over there for the next part?" Asked one of the old men. "3 grand." Said Master. "Done!" The goons took me down while others hung a sling next to my poor Billy. They carried me over and threw me down on it, causing more pain to my fresh wounds. But I could hardly register it. The machine was removed from Billy and wheeled away as the old men greased up their hands and arms. An ungagged Billy was the first to let out a new scream as I saw a gnarly old fist plunge into his oozing red hole. Seconds later my own screams outrivald Billy's as my own hole was plundered by an old man. It hurt worse than the first night I was fucked. I swear I blacked out, cause everything went fuzzy for a while. I came back around to a fire burning in my ass as the old man punch fucked my sure to be ruined hole. I turned my head toward Billy, and I could barely see him through my tears of pain. He turned to me and I could tell he was trying to scream, "Help me Randy." God help us both Billy. God help us both. Finally the old men got tired of the torture and took turns shooting their nasty loads in our ruined assholes. After they left, the goons were so turned on they took their turns fucking their own loads into our abused bodies. Neither Billy nor I could even register the fucking anymore. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we were lifted out of the slings and dumped in our cells. A jar of salve was tossed into my cell. "Don't say we never gave you nothing." Said a goon. Billy and I lay in silent, mutual pain for a while before I finally reached for the jar. "Let me Randy." Billy said. I handed him the jar as I gingerly backed up to the bars. Gently he started to rub the salve into my wounds. It stung, but was cooling at the same time. "How bad is it?" I asked. "It's bad." He replied. He didn't need to say more. After he finished my back, he spread it on my ass cheeks next. When he finished, he started to apply some to my aching asshole. I grabbed his hand to stop him. "No Randy, let me." He said tenderly. He gently rubbed my battered hole, soothing it and me at once. When he finished, I did the same for his asshole. I carefully rubbed the salve into his distended asslips, shuddering, knowing mine must look the same. When we finished, we laid on our side's facing each other. Billy reached through and caressed my face as he broke down in tears. "I love you Randy." He sputtered. I pressed his hand into my cheek as I broke down as well. "I love you too buddy. I love you too."
  9. Part 8 I had never been so happy in my life to have my small, dingy studio apartment. At least I had no roommates to question my whereabouts. I did have friends though, and my answering machine was loaded with messages. "Fuck em," I thought to myself, "I can't think about them today, I'll think about them tomorrow." I giggled to myself, as Gone With the Wind had been a movie we had just watched. I grabbed a jug of water and flopped down on the bed. I tried to fall asleep, but just couldn't. I just rolled on my back and played over and over in head the past few days. My cock swelled in its cage, trying desperately to get hard, but was unable to. Thank God Master had taken it off long enough to get all the wax out, or it would have been worse. I hadn't cum in days and I was horny and frustrated, which is of course exactly what Master wanted. Without even realizing it, my fingers roamed down to my aching cunt and gently scooped up the spunk that was oozing out. I brought it up to my mouth and softly moaned as I licked it off, my Masters big, veiny cock emblazoned in my mind. To say I was a wreck the next day at work would be an understatement. I managed to get about 4 hours of sleep before my fucking alarm clock started screaming at me. Sitting in my cubicle, I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was him. And when I thought about him, my cock swelled. And when my cock swelled, it leaked a lot of precum, so much that I had to stuff tissues in my underwear so it wouldn't seep into my pants. The tissues, along with the cage, made for a very interesting bulge. I was just staring at it when my boss walked in. "Feeling O.K.?" He asked. "Uh, yea, yea, um, I feel fine." I replied, splashing cold water on my face. My boss just looked at me strangely as he left the restroom. If only he knew what a drugged up little pig I had been all weekend. Then an odd thought popped in my head. What if Master knew my boss? What if he was one of the 11 men that had fucked me anonymously? I shook my head at my own stupidity and returned to mg desk. But it was too late. Master's head game was already working. 5 o'clock could not come soon enough and I rushed home hoping that Master had called. I had to wade through lots of, "Dude, where are you?", "Man what's up?", "Hey call me." messages, but none from Master. I microwaved some dinner and collapsed on my bed. The next thing I knew, my alarm was blaring and I bolted up in bed, still in the clothes from yesterday. I went to work feeling remarkably well. I felt rested and my ass didn't ache anymore. The day flew by as I tried to catch up on the work I had fallen behind on, and I didn't think of Master too much. I knew he would call, I just had to be patient. The call finally came on Friday at two o'clock. I answered the phone in my professional voice. "Hi slut." Came the voice from the other end. Just hearing him made my cock spring to life. "Hi." I replied. "Hi what, whore?" "Hi, Sir." I replied, glancing around to see if anyone was paying attention. They weren't. Master chuckled. "Good boy. Meet me downstairs when you get off." Then he hung up. My heart leaped in excitement at the mere thought of seeing him again. The next few hours dragged on until the hands finally said 5, and I was out the door in a flash. He was waiting across from the elevators. "Follow me boy." Was all he said. We started walking and he stopped. "Behind me." Was all he said. I understood and walked two steps behind. We walked 4 blocks, to another downtown tower, and into the elevators to the 22nd floor. After we exited, he turned to me and started speaking. "We are at the office of a very dear friend. We've been friends since college. He's not part of the community, in fact he's not even gay, well, He's married anyway, let's just say that. But he likes boy ass, and I've shared my slaves with him for years. He's very discreet. This will probably be the only time you visit him here. His staff is gone, so you will be alone. His office is at the end of the hall. Do what he says, and I will see you at my place when you're finished." With that, Master pushed the elevator button, and I walked down the hall. I opened the office to see a large room with two desks. Another office lay further back. I wandered back there to see a man sitting at a large desk. He beckoned me in. "Frank's new slave huh, nice, nice. Shut the door and strip!" I did as instructed, folding my clothes neatly. "Now crawl over here." I did as he said as he unzipped his suit pants and pulled out his already hard cock. "Let's see if your worth 20 bucks." My own already hardening dick strained even harder when I realized I had been sold. I took his cock in my mouth and swallowed what was probably 7 inches. "Oh yea, he moaned." as I engulphed him. I sucked him for a few minutes before he pushed me off and ordered me to lie on his desk, face down. He pulled out some lube in his drawer and slicked his cock up. Without ceremony, he slid right into my waiting cunt. I was surprised at how little it didn't hurt, but his cock wasn't that thick. He grabbed my hips and pounded me while I looked at pictures of his family. There was his smiling wife, alone, in one picture, and him and his three teenage boys in another. All cute brunettes, all looked like their dad. He fucked me for a few minutes before he groaned loudly and buried himself in me shooting his seed, but he didn't pull out. He stayed inside me and started to slide his cock in and out of my cum slicked chute. The second fuck lasted probably 20 minutes before he pumped another load into my whore hole. When he finished, he just pulled out and grabbed my head, forcing me to clean off his slimy fuckstick. When I had finished, he simply said, "Go now." I got dressed and started to leave when he said, " Wait. Aren't you forgetting something? Whore's need to be paid." He waved a 20 at me. "Crawl for it." I did, and as I reached for it he said, "Uh-uh, in your teeth." I took it in my mouth from his hand. "Now crawl out of my office, whore, I'll see you again." I crawled until I reached the outer office, then walked to the elevators and hurried to Masters. Once I got too his apartment, I gave him the 20 bucks after I had stripped and put on my slave gear. He just smiled and said, "It feels good to be a whore, doesn't it?" I admit, I felt dirty and alive. Master just bent me over the couch, rubbed his fat cockhead in my gooey hole, and plunged in. I gritted my teeth, as his fat cock plowed into me. "Oh yea boy, that's what I like, a nice wet boypussy. I'm gonna make sure you get filled up a few times this weekend, like a slave should be." "Yes Master," I panted as he pounded my sensitive prostate, forcing more fluid to leak from my straining cock. Master smacked my ass hard as he fed my guts his precious fluid. "Thank you for your cum, Sir." I sighed. After he pulled out, and I cleaned him off he grabbed my keys, made me tell him my address, and told me not to move, he'd be back soon. He left me there, ass in the air, letting his cum soak into my body as he went to retrieve things from my apartment.
  10. As an earlier member also stated, as a bottom, my favourites are nasty, slutty bottoms. I get so boned watching a hot bottom get used, abused, and filled with cum, the top is secondary to me. My two favourite cumdumps are Christian, and Ian Jay. Someone else mentioned Joey Stefano, who I LOVE LOVE LOVE, one of the most beautiful men in porn ever, but he didn't do BB. Can anyone help identify, (and I know you guys can!) an actor I downloaded a scene of. It takes place in a bar called Ramrod. It starts with him on a stage in neon yellow and black shorts. He jiggles his ass for a minute, then gets fucked by a group of guys in the bar. I've gotten off so many times to this scene. Who is he?
  11. That's probably the issue. Im doing this on a phone, not a computer, can't paste
  12. I wanted to add pics to a story I am starting. I have never done this. I noticed in other stories, pics are added in along with the text, i.e., the Dalton story in the chem section. When I tried to upload a pic, it didn't add to the text area, it just sat in a separate box underneath. I'm sure it would add once I hit post, but I want to add several pics in accordance to the story. Am I just stupid? (Well yes, but that's another story). I've added a pic here to demonstrate. I can't add text after it. I also accidentally added another test pic I can't delete. Help, I'm obviously a mess! (However, it does create a VERY interesting juxtaposition)
  13. Part 7 Master didn't replace the plug that evening. We spent the rest of the night watching old movies, since neither of us could sleep, in each others arms. As I started to come down, my ass started to ache real bad. Master assured me this was normal after all the cock I had taken. We went out for breakfast at the same place we had before. Travis was working again and smiled as he approached our table. I felt a rush of embarrassment knowing he knew what a pig I was, and tried to avoid eye contact. "Hey Frank. Hey slut." He said. I tried to laugh it off. Gay guys call each other sluts all the time. I glanced around to see who might hear. Luckily it was a slow morning. "Got time for a break Trav?" Asked Master. "Yea, it's really slow. You're actually my only table right now. I could take 10." "Ok boy," said Master looking at me. "Go to the bathroom and get ready to give a stellar blow job. If he doesn't cum in 10 minutes, that will be noted." I just nodded and headed off. In a few seconds Travis entered and locked the door behind him, unzipping his pants, revealing an already almost hard dick. He didn't say a word to me as he grabbed my head and shoved his cock in. My throat was almost as sore ass my ass, but I didn't dissapoint. I proceeded to suck him like a starved animal, and within about seven minutes he was pumping his load down my throat. He pulled out and deposited the last couple of drops on my forhead. "Proof for Frank." He grinned as he zipped up and walked out. I returned to the table, hoping the few people there wouldn't notice the cum. As I sat back down, Master smiled and wiped the cum off, sticking his finger in my mouth. "Good boy." He said softly as Travis came to take our order. After a breakfast that I still wasn't hungry to eat, but forced down, Master led me back home. The rest of the day was lazy, more movies, then Master had me cook us a light dinner. After the dishes were done, Master called me into the bedroom where he lay naked, his fat, veiny cock sticking up as he stroked it, watching footage of me in the sling getting fucked. "This is just rough footage," he said. "I have to edit it down. Now come here bitch." He grabbed me and made me straddle his chest, as he gently fingered my hole. I winced in pain. He grabbed some lube and applied it to his cock. "Now sit down boy." I carefully placed his mushroom head to my burning hole, and slowly, with much effort, eased it in my battered cunt. I hissed as I slid down it, eventually managing to settle all the way down, his pubes rubbing my inflamed tissue. "Good boy, now just sit there." I could feel him flexing his cock in me as he reached for my nipples. "Milk it boy. Use your muscles to milk my cock." His pinching of my nipples made my hole instinctively squeeze his pole, and he smiled. "Ok boy, here's the deal. I will take you part time. You will spend weekends here, but also expect to be summoned once or twice during the week. I expect you to always be available for me and whatever I say. I understand, on occasion, you may have unbreakable plans. Be honest if you can't make it, but if it happens too often, I will dismiss you. Now, as you can tell, I enjoy sharing my property with my friends. I find immense pleasure in watching my whores get used. Not every weekend will be like this, obviously, this was special. But you can always expect more than just my cock. Do you understand boy?" "Yes Sir." I answered, doing my best to please his cock with my burning ass." "And you will never refuse an order boy. I think you all ready understand that. Now, I have your home and work number, you won't need mine. I know your work schedule, so don't be surprised if I call you into service during your lunch hour. Now, I give you one last chance to back out, now that you've come down a lot. Do you want to, boy?" "No Sir!" I said, as he increased the torture on my nipples. "I want this Sir." "Good boy." he said, pulling me into a kiss. I whined as he fucked my aching pussy, kissing me deeply until he shot. "Now go home boy, and wait for me to call you." I dressed, and left his apartment, walking slowly home, digesting this extraordinary turn of events in my life.
  14. Well damn it! I didn't know the rules had changed on this site and I had just posted a really hot and twisted new chapter! To all the fans of this story, I'm sorry. But rest assured I will continue the saga, just in a different direction now. I also incurred 3 infractions. I suppose it was inevitable. I offered to take a whipping instead, lol, but alas, to no avail. I guess I'll have to find someone else to administer them.
  15. I just moved up to sex addict.....yea!!!! I'm going to have to work hard to become a whore!
  16. Thank you ejaculaTe, and backpackguy, (sexy name btw, makes me want to go camping and get piggy in the woods!) And to everyone else that enjoys my stories. It's really nice to receive positive encouragement. I know I take loooooong breaks, and start new stories before I finish the old ones, bame it on the ADD, lol, but I plan to continue all my stories and reach a satisfying conclusion to them all.
  17. Thank you for the compliment, but I will cop to complete ignorance to your reference. The only Horowitz I know is the famed pianist Vladmir, and Remington, well, Remington Steele! lol. A young Pierce Brosnon certainly contributed to my sexual awakening!
  18. How does the Rank categorie change in user profile?
  19. 332.......lol.....dayum!! Btw, what is sploshing? Is that when u are sucking a guy when he shits? ( that would add points, lol) and I noticed it only had "giving" a guy in a bar piss to drink, not being the piss drinker, I added points anyway, lol!
  20. I went downstairs to the computer, leaving Brad a sobbing mess on the bed, but not before ramming a large plug up his ass. It was big too, thicker than my cock. I loved the new screams from Brad as I shoved it in him with no mercy. Once online I wasted no time placing as many adds online as I could. Craigslist, bbrt, a4a, recon etc. If that slut wanted bareback, then he was about to get it! The adds were basically the same. Breed My Boy! 18 y/o cumdump begging for any and all loads. Hiv a plus! Fill the little pig up with toxic waste. The dirtier the better! NO COCK REFUSED! From now until....? That, with a few nasty pics should be all I need to get people's attention. And it certianly was! In under an hour I had 4 responses, more would come in through the night. I promptly replied to every one, simply giving my address and telling them to be quick. The first of what would be 23 men arrived shortly. He was sick, you could tell. He was probably handsome when he was younger, but not now. I took him upstairs to a gagged and hooded Brad. (Didn't want them to hear his protests!) The man stripped, and I shuddered at his thin body. He fingered Brad's hole as he stroked his cock hard. Without a word, he just climbed on top and stuck it in. Brad tried to voice his objection, shaking his head. "You sure he wants this?" Asked the man? "Oh yes." I assured him. "This is part of his "fantasy", to pretend he's being raped." The sickly man pounded Brad for a solid 10 minutes before unloading God knows what into him. The next man to arrive was younger, healthy looking, but assured me he was viral and not on meds. He had a long pinky nail that he used to further bloody up Brad's cunt before he shoved his nice 8 inch cock in the teenager. He fucked Brad good and hard before dumping another dirty load in him. After the 3rd guy had fucked him, Brad quit fighting and just took it. He didn't have a choice anyway! By sunrise, the last man had finished his duty punishing Brad, and I took down the ads. I grabbed his old backpack, stuffed it full, and stuck a hundred dollar bill into a pocket. Then I untied Brad, retied him, and carried him down to the garage, throwing him in the trunk. I drove around a while, till I found a nice secluded alley downtown. I opened the trunk and pulled a barely conscious boy out and dropped him on the ground with his pack. Then I untied him, and left him naked, pulling away as I watched a dirty homeless man approach him, unzipping his pants. I laughed as I drove away. Epilogue About a year later I happened to be driving down town when I saw a dirty, disheveled young man sitting in front of an abandoned building. Sure enough, it was Brad. He recognized my BMW as I pulled over. I walked up to him, threw 5 bucks in his face, spit on him and walked away.
  21. I never fooled myself thinking it was love. It was what it was. An older man supporting a needy kid. I knew all I had to offer him was money, and a big dick. These kids are easy to find. They're everywhere on the internet. Bad families, broken homes, parents kicking them out because they're gay. All of them desperate to find someone to take care of them. That's how I met Brad. His parents kicked him out at 18 for being gay. I happened to run across him online one day while he was at the library using their computers. We chatted and he told me he was looking for a "houseboy" position. Well I was in need of a "houseboy". I didn't get laid too much, seeing that I was 55, pudgy, and honestly, ugly. Oh, and hiv+. I had a couple guys my age and older that I'd fuck around with, mostly because of the nice 10 inch cock I had been blessed with. Otherwise, it was the baths or the bookstores, but they got tedious at times. Brad seemed like a perfect find. He didn't mind my age, or my looks, or my status as long as we were safe. He wanted my money and my big cock, and a place to live. And I wanted a young fuckboy. We met downtown at a coffee shop downtown near the shelter he was staying at. He was exactly what he described. 5' 8", skinny, dark, skater boy hair and clothes. I got hard as soon as I saw him. We talked for a while and he seemed really down to earth and real. I told him everything I expected from him. A clean house and yard, and sex whenever, and however I wanted, I was pretty kinky. I agreed to keep it safe, and he agreed to being my "property." In exchange he would have room and board, and an allowance. I would even help him get his GED since his parents kicked him out before his senior year started. Pretty easy rules I thought. I took him and his only backpack home with me to start our "relationship." I think he was in shock the first night when he saw my cock, I told him it was 10 inches, but not that it was thick too. I have to admit I loved his cries and whimpers as I forcefully raped his sweet little hole for the first time. But hey, if I have to be safe, then I'll make up for it! We quickly settled into our new life. It was nice not to have to worry about cleaning and yardwork. And it was especially nice to have a nice young boy to use daily. Life was ideal for the next 8 months, then things changed. I had to travel a lot, usually 2 to three days at a time. I never worried about Brad when I was gone. I figured he just chilled during those days, maybe letting things like his rope burns heal. Until that one fateful day when I unexpectedly returned 2 days early from a trip. I was supposed to be back Sunday, but things changed and I found myself coming home Friday night instead. I entered the house and started up the stairs when I heard sounds from the bedroom. Sex sounds. I peeked through my cracked bedroom door, and from the mirror I could see Brad, face down on MY bed getting plowed by a man while another man watched. And even worse, that fucking slut was taking it raw! I stood in the hallway listening to Brad's cries of ecstasy as he begged the man fucking him to dump another load in him. I turned red in anger at this betrayal, but didn't interrupt the action. Instead I snuck back out and waited for the men to leave. After they had gone, I returned to the house and went upstairs. I saw Brad on my bed fingering his freshly fucked cummy hole. He would stick his fingers in, then lick off the cum he could dig out. He was quite startled when I walked in. "Dan what are you doing here?" He asked in a panic. "I got home early, slut!" I shouted. He looked genuinely scared of my obvious anger. "Is this what you do when I'm gone? Let men bareback you?" "Please!" He pleaded. "It's not what you think, I swear! I've never done that before!" I backhanded him. "Don't fucking lie to me! And in MY bed? You can't even be a whore in your own room? You disrespectful piece of trash! I took you in, gave you everything, and this is how you repay me? You're going to pay now, bitch!" With that I grabbed one of his skinny wrists while he cried and pleaded, but I quickly had him restrained face down on the bed. I stripped and lined my rock hard cock up to his already cum lubed fuck chute. "Please don't do this!" he begged through tears. I stopped. "You're right." I said calmly. "This is not the way I should be doing this." Brad breathed a sigh of relief as I climbed off the bed, and left the room, only to return with his toothbrush. "THIS is how I should do it!" I shouted as I rammed his toothbrush up his cunt, digging in as hard as I could, rubbing, scraping, until pink cum ran out. All the while Brad thrashed and screamed and begged me to stop. I finally pulled it out, only to ram my thick monster right in. Brad screamed more as I savagely fucked his bleeding cunt. I rammed his filthy, bloody toothbrush in his mouth, making him taste his bloody ass as I continued my assault. I fucked him more viciously than I have ever fucked someone, and squeezed his throat until he almost passed out as I pumped my toxic cum into his ravaged hole. After I pulled out and he lay sobbing, I spit on his face saying, "It ain't over yet, bitch!"
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