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Everything posted by highcountrybb

  1. Oh I’m not really sexually active these days. Definitely not a worry, but had never even heard of it until today. I suppose it was an article meant to cause alarm. Looks gnarly though
  2. Just read this is on the rise in UK, sporadic cases in US. Anyone ever had this? Looks painful - “beefy red rash”.
  3. I mean, I’m a straight shot down 40 in Wilmington
  4. There’s no such thing as a “straight” guy who has sex with men - end of story. It’s OK to be bisexual, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s so easy to spot a married “straight” closet case. I lived that existence once too. Unless you were unwillingly raped or molested by a man, you’re not straight. You can throw out the “I don’t subscribe to labels” excuse all you want. Fair. You’re bi and probably gay, gayer than most tbh. You’re also lying to yourself and your s/o, which is the saddest part. I should add, blowing your buddy in high school doesn’t count. If you’re having sexual encounters with men on the reg, you’re void of a straight bone in your body, which is OK.
  5. Absorb. No other way to become pregnant.
  6. I have them and the risk for a perforated colon triples with them. High fiber diet and lots of water, hydration works fine for me. I haven’t used an enema in years.
  7. I have literally no idea what the OP is talking about
  8. I use a 8 in thick dildy on my stinker
  9. Yeah, I’m pretty sure nothing in the OP happened, and if it did, I second the 2nd poster.
  10. PrEP will eliminate the risk. It’s way more reliable than “Scout’s Honor.”
  11. ^This all day. A bathroom is a bathroom. It’s a human waste disposal site - nothing more, nothing less. I don’t care who pisses or shits in there - we’re all there for the same purpose. Get in, get out!
  12. Maybe it’s because I live in the Bible Belt, but unless I’m at a gay bar/club, I stare at the wall. There are makeshift memorials on highways nearby to guys who did otherwise.
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