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  • Gender
  • Location
    North West Uk
  • Interests
    Risky sex, poz sex and the thrill of it, would love the opportunity to watch toxic fucking and having the opportunity to try, even STI big risk
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Looking For
    Risk sex, fucking both sexes and being fucked

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  1. Not found anyone? I’m in Brighton next weekend and was hoping to find tops myself.
  2. Great pics on fabguys!
  3. Thank you for letting me know!
  4. Is this a good event? Not far from me! I’m not on prep but want to take a lot of raw loads
  5. Would be up for that as long as there were plenty of tops to go around!
  6. Where abouts are you?
  7. You need to make a trip to the North West, would make people very happy. You on Fabguys ?
  8. That’s very nice indeed. Am near Wigan
  9. You want to watch me getting poz fucked I bet

  10. Many times my gut has told me something not right and that’s why I have become nervous. I’m not into intense physicality and as such the words used during the messages have just made me go “woah”. But I have learned to communicate that, and at the end of the day it has to be right for both parties, and those that want things a different way sexually, fair fucking play, it’s not like this is a mainstream site!
  11. I’m not lazy, but over the years have been fucked about that many times, I will literally keep it to a 20 minute journey unless I was 190% sure! Would also add though that because of situation and nerves, I never over promise myself. I get very nervous about taking anal, so any spidey-sense tingles and I say no. God knows how much genuine cock I have passed up, but when you turn up somewhere and then a profile goes quiet (not here btw!), you get a bit reluctant to put yourself out.
  12. Yummy guys
  13. bbrich


    I don’t think it’s bad if you put the smallest bit of effort in and not expect it to always fall onto your plate
  14. You should try it, done okay with meets on there
  15. Are you guys on fabguys too?
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