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Status Replies posted by drscorpio

  1. Hey fucker.  What's the ranking status and what's next after specialist? 

    1. drscorpio


      Not sure. rawTOP controls all that stuff. 

      I am sure you will get there soon enough. You're a beast! Nice to have you back. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Can you start a  story and save it to go back to it later, or do you have to write the whole thing at once? Thanks in advance.

    1. drscorpio


      There is no built in functionality for that. I recommend to people that they write their story on the own device and then cut/paste when they are done. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I have been off the site for a couple of weeks due to being very sick with Covid and some other issues. I might have missed it, if you tried to contact me. Sorry!

    1. drscorpio


      Weirdly enough, the two men I have personally known who were flexible and hung enough to self-suck had no interest in it. They are both total tops who tell me they can only cum from fucking. 

  4. I just wanted to apologise for posting in the wrong place. It is never my intention to flout the rules of any website. I got confused navigating. I will be more careful in future. And thank you for placing the Post in the correct category for me...

    1. drscorpio


      No worries. Thanks for understanding. 

  5. Hi Drscorpio,


    will you please allow me to post more than I can currently post?  Thanks!



    1. drscorpio


      I have no control over the rules of the forum. I just help the admin out by enforcing them. 

  6. Sorry sir, didn't mean to be a dick🙃

    1. drscorpio


      I am not sure what you are referring to, but I didn't think that about you. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Fucking toxic again and back on steroids. Am feeling powerful as fuck. 

  8. Since I can't send messages, I'll have to use this. First of all, I'm ONLY using this account to contact you, so I don't think it counts as ban evasion. I'm str8lurker. I had no intention of attacking others or causing trouble. As I said, I visited here to learn more about a certain subculture, and wanted to discuss this and share my insights. As the thread developed, I could see that ppl were getting pissed off, I would've said more to mollify them if my posts per day weren't throttled. I thought I was being polite, I was trying to reach out to others, and maybe persuade them to direct their urges in a healthier manner that doesn't spread sickness and death (to be blunt). I figured, what better forum than the one where bugchasers congregate? But I see now that it was disruptive. I think the ban was excessive, but ultimately that's up to you. Just one question: would it be ok to post a topic like that in the other, public HIV forum? or should I avoid it entirely? Regards

    1. drscorpio


      You should not go into the Backroom and talk about problems with bug chasing. That area is set aside for people who enjoy the topic. 

      Sexual health would be a more appropriate venue for the discussion, but if you cannot present yourself in a more neutral tone, I think the same thing will happen. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Naughty boy couldn't keep my cum in him.  Easter toy for me to enjoy.  


  10. Missing your blogs.  Hope they come back.


    1. drscorpio


      He was worried about someone trying to find his identity. 

      It was  nothing to do with the new rules. We had talked extensively about how funny he thought people bitching about the new rules was. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Fucking hate lockdown in London.  Before it was soo easy to hunt so many victims as everyone is coming and going and using London as a pit stop.  Now I can't hit random bars and have to be extra careful as if I fuck up its easier for shit to be traced back to me.  

    1. drscorpio


      Maybe knocking up some chasers who actually want your poison is the best plan. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. I love how much sex you enjoy over 50,. Being around your age I find it heartwarming . I worry as I get closer to 60  than 50 that I'll be sidelined, although so far that hasn't happened .




  14. I'm amazed at the number of guys who have NEVER had a gum job. I encourage everyone to try one asap😉 I gotta say- sucking dick without any teeth is like the best thing ever. Had I known, I would have gotten dentures in my 20's. 😮

  15. I saw this pic this morning and thought of you. 


    1. drscorpio


      I'm just making sure you recognized him. That's Seth who we were talking about a few days ago. He posted that picture yesterday morning. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. QUICK QUESTION,  how long does it take for Prep to work is easy or of a person? Asking for a pig?

    1. drscorpio


      No, I just looked into it a lot because sometimes I am tempted to not take my PrEP like I should. I wanted to know what I could play around with and when it started to be a serious risk. 

      Sure, go ahead and suggest it. If he's enjoying his new life, he probably won't care about it. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. What I mean is how long do I have to entertain this pig until he is knocked up- he's been taking my unmedicated cum for over 2 weeks without any Prep. 

    1. drscorpio


      After two weeks, there isn't enough PrEP in his system to protect him. 

      Yes, if he were to go back on PrEP after being pozzed, he could develop resistance to the drugs in PrEP. That's why you still have to have regular HIV Tests on PrEP. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. QUICK QUESTION,  how long does it take for Prep to work is easy or of a person? Asking for a pig?

    1. drscorpio


      It drops off slowly for the first week, but around 8-10 days there is a marked drop in its protection. By the end of two weeks (as someone else said), it will be almost totally gone. 

      Did he stop taking it willingly?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Birthday gift to me and lifelong gift to him


    1. drscorpio


      Happy Birthday, dude. 😘

      Glad to see you're out there giving to the needy on your day. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Feeling rough as fuck.  Can either go back on the wagon and call sponsor or fall back into old ways...

    1. drscorpio


      You have to find some sort of balance. Hot and strong and young as your body is, it still has limits. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Rough comedown

    1. drscorpio


      Better to burn out than to fade away!

      I don't want to see you do either. Pace yourself, baby. Those neg, chem-free holes will be there waiting for you to defile them later. 😘

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Cumshots. It just won't stop. Was my 2nd wank in a row


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