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PozCubBtm last won the day on September 8 2016

PozCubBtm had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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    no but interested.
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    Tops to share me their strain and add to mine

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  1. Neg, but I'd share juices with you 😵💧🍆

  2. Thanks I will let him know....this is not for me, I am already hiv+ its my friend who is on prep...
  3. Question for this group...A friend of mine is on prep and switched insurance companies due to a job change....he's had the same labs run each time he goes in for his PREP renewal. This last time when he went in for his labs his insurance company is charging him for the lab work. His labs not only include the HIV test but also for other STD's, a liver test, and his Dr does a viral load test to see if there is any sign of HIV that the PREP may be suppressing. I thought that with the affordable care act that not only are the meds covered but lab test should also be covered....His insurance company is fighting this and he's been frustrated. He asked me if I knew anything about it and I told him I would check and see.
  4. Nice sweet looking ass....love to drive my poz cock up that sweet looking ass
  5. Hey i dont know if I would post your phone number and address, be careful there are too many freaks out there..
  6. Interesting article....looking at what they did for covid and targeting HIV [think before following links] https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/moderna-launches-clinical-trial-for-hiv-vaccine-that-uses-mrna-technology/ar-AATdrfc?li=BBnb7Kz
  7. hmmm i bet a good attorney may want to hear your case...thats discrimination to ask details about your health for a job...tbh if thats they way they roll maybe you are better off without them..
  8. Great story....looking for more...
  9. Wow this is a beautiful story of love between two men....I have known so many that have passed from AIDS and they are still in my heart and thoughts....
  10. Dang I loved that place.....had a great time in the sling.
  11. Welcome to the team
  12. It took me about 4 weeks i was at work and started feeling pretty crappy.....took the rest of the day off and came home to rest...i too had the night sweats and the next morning my partner noticed a rash on my back....he suggested i go to the dr so i went and he ran a quick result test that resulted in poz.....i couldnt help getting hard at the news...
  13. Recharge me with your toxic load Sir.....i want your DNA inside of me.....please breed me Sir I want it...
  14. I love alot of verbal dirty talk while getting fucked....
  15. condoms yuck might as well jack off into plastic bag...I HATE CONDOMS...
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