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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. I agree that it's rude for bottoms or Tops to be speculating on other potential guys, while negotiating with a guy who they haven't met yet. The implication is " you are tolerably attractive to fuck, but what I REALLY want is something else".
  2. "plant his seeds" and "garden in their back yards" - delightful metaphor! I agree that the ratio of Tops to bottoms makes life MUCH easier for Tops. Bottoms need to work so hard :-(
  3. Mine is kneeling on all fours on the "bed" of a sauna cubicle. Lubed arse in the air and wearing a jock strap ( the strap lets guys know that my cock isn't for fucking ). Sachets of lube scattered near my hole. Bottle of poppers in my hand. The door is ajar. Some nights a queue forms - those are my FAVOURITE nights!!
  4. To Breeder: I always enjoy photos of your exploits and your SUPERB COCK!! I need to have a wank now!! Now look what you made me do!! With some internet blogs, I get the feeling that the blogger might just be typing fantasies. The photos remove that doubt. Many thanks for posting!!
  5. "Do you ever just want to be holes?" Yes, but it depends on my mood and the situation. I enjoy affection, kissing, hugs, and cuddles ( particularly in a relationship ) and part of me needs those things but... when I'm horny I have some booze and take some poppers to my local sauna. The booze and poppers release my inner pig. At the sauna, the booze and poppers free me to take random anonymous cocks ( the more the better ). At that point I just become holes for men to fill with spunk and piss. I'm in pig heaven! I need different things at different times.
  6. For me, it's when the Top's cock spasms, pulses and pumps his load into me! The Top shooting his spunk into me gives me more pleasure than my own orgasm.
  7. I agree that HUNK is defined by good looks/appearance - he might be crap in bed. A STUD is defined by sexual prowess/stamina. I'd much rather get fucked by an ugly STUD who can get hard, stay hard and deliver a load, than by a sexually incompetent pretty boy.
  8. Heavy cummers!! Tops who deliver BIG loads!! I love it in my mouth and I love it in my arse!!
  9. I enjoy interracial sex scenes of any combination ( although I think pale skin against dark skin gives the best visual contrast ). I'm a pale white European. Tops of ANY race are welcome to fuck me.
  10. The trouble with castration and penectomy is that it's PERMANENT. You don't get to change your mind. You will need to have testosterone injections for the rest of your life if you don't want your body to become feminized - fat redistribution and possible breast developement. I feel certain that most gay Tops are attracted to masculinity in bottom guys - even those who go for almost hairless twinks. A nullo can end up almost looking like a pubescent girl without a vagina. I'm confident that most gay men don't find that look appealing. It could be a TINY niche market. Gawd knows there are few enough gay Tops around - why further restrict your chances of finding partners? At the end of the day though, it's YOUR body and I respect YOUR right to decide.
  11. To Seaguy: the "anteater look" isn't an issue if you roll the foreskin back ( see my first pic ). Another advantage of a foreskin is nudist hiking Less worry about thorns and nettles!!
  12. I live in Northern Ireland, where circumcision is very rare - except for medical reasons ( although more common in older, middle and upper class males ). I like older men and I've often had sex with guys in their fifties and early sixties. My experience is that a LOT of older cut cuys have serious problems with inability to orgasm ( compared to UNCUT guys of the same age ). Some cannot orgasm from oral sex and most recently an early fifties cut guy told me that he needs to fuck a bottom HARD for at least 90 minutes to stand any chance of cumming. He wasn't kidding Some years ago, I developed irritation under my foreskin. After years of doctor's advice and steroid creams they recommended circumcision. I've watched a lot of U.S. porn and I actually like the cut look. It looks more sculptural and ( to me ) sexy - the way the head is permanently exposed. A nice fat cut cock head makes me want to lick it like an ice cream cone I was willing to have the chop, but I was concerned about cosmetic outcome and loss of sensation. I researched it thoroughly on the net and I even approached a few private clinics. The net results were pretty conclusive. The foreskin contains a LOT of sensitive tissue and nerves. It also keeps the cockhead, moist, sensitive and supple. As cut cocks age, their head skin keratinizes. The head becomes dry, leathery and less sensitive. I'm not surprized that older cut guys complain of loss of sensation The good news for me was that simply changing my soap solved my foreskin irritation, so no need to get cut For me, the main advantage of being uncut is that there is no need for lube to masturbate. The skin sliding back and forward across the head provides enough sensation. The downside to being uncut is that in my late teens my cockhead was so sensitive that getting a blow job could be almost painful some times, but that problem had gone by thirty. I think it is BARBARIC to circumcise infants ( male or female ) for religious/cultural reasons. Pics of my cock ( foreskin pulled back for one ):
  13. I guess almost every guy would like a "trophy" cock - the kind you could use to bludgeon muggers with, or use as a baseball bat There is a downside to the big ones though. I refused to let some guys fuck me ( when I was younger ) because I knew it would hurt My cock is longer than average, thicker than average and uncut. I'm a "grower" rather than a "shower". I'd prefer to be a "shower" and I think if I added a little thickness it would balance out the length. Like body shape and facial appearance, I guess most guys would like to tweak things a little. I wouldn't choose penile surgery though - there are too many risks/drawbacks.
  14. In recent days the BBC and various reputable scientific journals, have been carrying reports of a South African study. A gel containing an anti viral drug has been trialed on women in southern Africa. It has been found to cut their chance of hiv infection in half. It also greatly reduces their risk of contracting herpes. The gel is placed in the vagina. Given that the trial will almost certainly have contained a high proportion of poorly educated women and given their family circumstances, it is likely that many may not have been able to use the gel 100% of the time - suggesting that the gel may be more effective if used consistently. Will it be effective if used anally? I wonder. Link to articles: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=vaginal+gel+hiv&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  15. Amusing description spunxter! I know that earlier gay writers have suggested that Fag Hags are attracted to men but frightened of sex ( specifically penetration ). I have a hetero male friend who finds fear of penetration and physical vaginismus ( wikipedia it people! ) surprisingly common in the women he dates. He does have a big thick cock though. Being a fag hag allows a woman to have a "safe" close male friendship ( romance even ) without the risks of physical intimacy. I think that used to be the motivation for many, although many perhaps feel that they are just too unattractive to catch ( or deserve ) a hetero guy. I don't deride fag hags. Gay people need all the friends we can get.
  16. The first and third xtube vids seem to have been deleted, but the middle one was hot! He seems to have an attractive twinky body, but a lot of a porn star's appeal is in the face - I couldn't see his. I quite like older men and I thought the Top was HOT! I think the abandoned warehouse scenario is a GREAT idea! I'd be happy to do the bondage, flogging, piss and bareback scene for FREE, but I don't think I'm ready to show my face in vids yet and obviously distance is a problem.
  17. One of Black BB Bull's typically HOT, well written posts! As Princess Diana often used to say to me "Some times a princess really needs to be dragged of her pedestal and fucked HARD!"
  18. She seems to have forward thrusting breasts and Barbie hair. Looks like a woman to me.
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