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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. I was on the same path three years ago, when I started taking loads again aged 39, after twenty years of condom use. My slide back into barebacking is described in my Skinhead Fucker blog on this site. It was a question of lust/sexual urges winning out over common sense. I asked the skinhead who fucked me if he was neg. He said he was, but subsequent information has led me to doubt that. I always felt uncomfortable asking guys their status and I reasoned that if many poz guys aren't honest, what's the point in asking? It just creates an awkward atmosphere. To paraphrase rawTOP, I just gave in and took all loads. My desire to be a cumhole took me to gay saunas - where I could maximize the number of cocks I take in a night. The most loads I have managed in a night is eight ( so far ). The guy who e-mailed rawTOP believes he is neg and he doesn't want to jeapordize his health. He is frightened of becoming poz, yet his deepest sexual urges are to be a non-discriminating slut. That causes emotional conflict and anxiety. I still suffer that conflict and anxiety, but my sex drive has won out over common sense. My sub nature drives me to give my holes to any man who asks for them. I'm still neg but I've moved to a position of "NO cock or load or refused". Perhaps I'm lucky and have that CCR5 gene? I believe that a Top's status is his own private business. I never ask status. Most people I know ( hetero, bi or gay ) find that sexual interest declines in a monogamous relationship. Most people are tempted to play around on the side. My guess is that the e-mailer will become a non-discriminating cumdump eventually - it's what he wants.
  2. There's a pic of my tight hairy hole on my profile.
  3. I suppose drinking whole milk and soups could supply energy and stave off the hunger cravings. I couldn't simply avoid eating for three days.
  4. I haven't had time to read the attached files, but I have no reason to doubt rawTOP's conclusion that bareback Tops are at only slightly more risk of HIV infection than "safe sex" bottoms. The implications of that conclusion are enormous. If Tops generally become aware that the risk from topping is quite low, then very many of them would start to regard barebacking as a risk worth taking. Look at how many guys smoke or drive motorbikes/fast cars. There is a power imbalance in the gay scene. In my experience bottoms outnumber Tops by around 2 or 3 to 1. Most Tops can afford to pick and choose. In a market where bottoms compete for Tops attention, the Tops get to call the shots. Bottoms who want to get fucked regularly, learn to give the Tops what they want. Given those dynamics, I think a marked increase in barebacking is likely to result. It might soon become the norm. There will always be some cautious "safe sex" guys, but bottoms who feel that taking it bare will increase their chances of getting fucked, might well decide to abandon condom use ( or at least restrict it ).
  5. As HIV is clearly a sexually transmitted disease, I can't see how an HIV poz guy can truthfully describe himself as "STD free" or "D&D" free. Not everyone is truthful though.
  6. One of the criteria which is used to diagnose addiction is that the addict persists in accessing the drug or engaging in the behaviour, in spite of obvious health problems and negative social consequences. Alcoholics and drug addicts for example, frequently lose their jobs and find themselves in court. It's like that with barebacking. As a neg bottom, I have significant anxiety about the health risks I take, but I persist with the behaviour. Since I started barebacking again ( three years ago ) I have found it very difficult to go back to condoms. As a submissive bottom, I accept that condom use is the decision of the Top. If a Top requests a condom, I will use one, but I feel cheated when the cum is lost.
  7. Sadly, these stories coming out of Africa are increasingly common The BBC had a report yesterday on plans by the Ugandan government to make homosexuality punishable by the death penalty The irony is that Africa had gay kings and warriors before the arrival of Christian missionaries. Asia too had a long tolerance of LGBT people - until the Christian missionaries arrived. I fight with homophobes on youtube. The defining characteristic of 99% of them is that they use religion to justify their irrational prejudices. Most of them are motivated by religion or at least use it as "justification". I'm an atheist ( raised a conservative Christian ). It seems clear to me that religion is the greatest threat to our rights as gay people and the greatest obstacle to our progress as a species.
  8. Hot pics! I'm really looking forward to BBcunt's write up of this event
  9. You really should post a blog or piece about that Man you refer to boycunt. I'm sure it would be a fascinating read. You could change a few details to preserve his anonymity.
  10. Yes SIR, you are right. It is CCR5. My brain isn't firing on all cylinders today. I even managed to misspell "reliable" in my previous post. lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCR5
  11. As a northern European by birth and ancestry, I've considered testing for the CCR 35 gene. Knowing that I possessed the gene would take a lot of the anxiety out of being a neg cumdump. I'd take the test if I became aware of a relaible U.K. lab.
  12. It's interesting that in most gay porn even 18-25 year old bottoms are usually soft when they are being fucked. It's almost as if being fucked turns off their erection - even though they are clearly enjoying it.
  13. Daddy Ken is a masculine, mature, bearded, hairy, muscular/stocky, bareback Top in an open relationship. He likes to fuck twinks. Some times he pulls out to cum. Some times he shoots inside. He has sixty fuck vids ( of himself fucking ) on his xtube profile. Might not be everyone's taste, but he could fuck me in a heart beat!! http://video2.xtube.com/community/profile.php?u=Midtown-couple
  14. I'm a neg bottom. I've always felt that it is rude to ask someone their status. I asked the status of the first Top who fucked me bareback, but I haven't asked the status of any others since. If a Top asks me my status, I tell him truthfully that I've always tested neg. I'm addicted to bareback and my sub nature drives me to give my holes to pretty much any Top who asks. From my perspective, a Top's status is HIS business. I never ask.
  15. I like ALL of the above groups except for the last two ( Skinny Twinks and Femmy Queens ). Is it possible to vote for more than one choice?
  16. LOL! Similar laws were in force in the United Kingdom. Homosexual acts were illegal in England and Wales until 1967. Scotland and Northern Ireland had to wait until the early 1980s for law reform. Before law reform, gay men often frequented the bars where ( mostly female ) prostitutes plied their trade. There was a cameraderie amongst the "damned". Female prostitutes found in possession of condoms were vulnerable to arrest as prostitutes and the condoms were used as evidence. Men found in possession of vaseline were vulnerable to arrest for homosexual offences and the vaseline was used as evidence. It seems that friendships developed where the gay men would look after the prostitutes condoms and the prostitutes would keep the gay mens vaseline in their pockets. A BBC history of homosexuality ( a few years ago ) featured an interview with an elderly gay man who had been charged and convicted of homosexual offences. He went to prison. The police had searched his house and found some talcum powder. The talcum powder was produced as "evidence" in court! Crazy world...
  17. Some of them have hot pictures, but a lot of them are clearly the same guys posting repeatedly. Some of them have been deleted by the time I click on them. I suppose I wouldn't miss them if they disappeared, although I find pics of "real people" more arousing than most professionally produced porn. They take up quite a bit of space and they are very specific to the major cities. Unless you live close to the major city, they can only provide stroking material - not that I'm knocking stroking! I enjoy the blog links ( I've discovered a bunch of new ones since I joined this site ), the discussion forums and the bareback fiction.
  18. I suppose it could be that ( as with the risk of transmission from women to men via vaginal sex ) if the Top already has a sexually acquired infection it makes his cock and urethra more vulnerable to infection with HIV.
  19. That's a very interesting post. In the U.K. and Europe, medical health professionals have long abandoned advising people to avoid getting cum in their mouths. They believe that the risk of getting pozzed that way is practically non existent. If we now accept that active fuckers are at very little risk of contracting HIV by fucking a poz bottom, can we assume that HIV positive Tops must have acquired it from bottoming or sharing needles?
  20. Please note: I don't want to be accused of encouraging people to take risks with their health. Unprotected sex can lead to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. My advice was aimed at adults who have chosen to engage in risky behaviour. I'm not encouraging anyone to make that choice, but I respect the right of adults to make informed choices about their sex lives and health. Some guys smoke. Some guys drive fast cars.
  21. I average 6-7 loads per week - that's around 360 per year. Two of those are from a regular fuckbuddy. The other 4-5 are from random guys off the net, or at a gay sauna. I live in a relatively small U.K. city with just two gay saunas ( where only the weekends are busy ). London has around a dozen gay saunas and sex clubs. A bottom with a high sex drive in London could spend 3 hours per night in a gay sauna/club every night of the week. He could easily take 4 loads a night ( more if he visits the dark rooms and takes ALL cocks offered ) - that's around 30 loads per week or 1500 loads per year! My advice to cumsluts who wish to get more loads is: 1, move to a major city. 2, become a sauna cumdump. 3, leave profiles online at all the bareback dating sites. 4, don't be picky. Never refuse a cock or load!
  22. I'm sure YOUR cum would smell great in my ass yunghungtop!
  23. Regarding cum being the best lube, it is possible to use cum for the first fuck. In some Dom/sub relationships, the Dom has his sub wank before being fucked and the sub's cum is used to lube his hole. This has the drawback ( from the sub's perspective ) of making being fucked much less enjoyable, as sexual interest usually tails off after an orgasm. The way to get around this is for the bottom to store cum from his wanking sessions in a small container or freezer bag in the freezer. If the bottom is expecting a visit from a Top, it's easy for him to put the freezer bag or cum container in a bowl of warm water to defrost. The defrosted cum can then be put in a small bowl or squeezy bottle by the bed - for the Top to use as lube. For Tops who enjoy fucking cum filled asses, it's easy for the bottom to squirt cum from the squeezy bottle up his hole. The danger with frozen "cum cubes" made in ice cube trays, is that ice can damage the sensitive lining of the arse.
  24. The British armed services ( like almost all the armed services of European countries ) have had equal employment rights for gay people, for a number of years. The sky hasn't fallen This video was made by a group of British soldiers defending the Falkland Islands: I'm sure the Falkland Islanders sleep more soundly in their beds having watched it!
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