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Everything posted by canail

  1. I don't do hookups, so I am not sure how relevant my opinion is, take it with a pound of salt. I don't have any hookup apps on my phone. I did have a recon, gay.com and fetlife profile at one time. In everyone of them I very clearly said I wasn't there for hookups, don't ask. The result was I was asked and asked till I simply deleted the accounts. I think that there are people that can manage to overlook anything in a profile. I also think there are people that would screw a rabid hyena as long as it was a good looking rabid hyena. Not sure where on the curve of beauty the average hits for hook up apps, maybe he is counting on his looks to off set the personality? Does personality matter in a 45 minute hook up even? I can't say, but a pretty bore is still a bore.
  2. is this to continue?
  3. If you are equating not having raw sex with "clean" then you should certainly wait. If you are equating not having any std's with clean than I would also wait. I would suggest you wait till you do not associate std's with being dirty. Its certainly an unfair mind set and one that could be setting you up for mental issues if you were to contract an std. I learned a long time ago that a std does not define any man, or at least none I know.
  4. for me it was a simple matter of having a fairly huge cum fetish and being latex reactive. Trust me that latex reactive bit makes condoms about as appealing as using Draino to jack off with. I barebacked from the late 80's on. I've always been more of a dedicated relationships type so I never racked up the numbers many do. likely just the luck of the draw that I never caught anything, yeah I did try to be careful for a very long time. In the early20teens maybe 2012 or so I stopped asking my partners health questions and started asking myself questions like "Is this relationship worth the risk to me?" and if it was went ahead with the sex, if it wasn't didn't. At no time did it ever enter my head to grab a condom, Neither did anyone ever suggest one. yes I did the whole testing for everything gig regularly. Its reasons have changed over the years also, now its a 'to know' reasoning rather than a rabid paranoia about catching something.
  5. seems fixed now. looks like it used to. Thanks.
  6. does not having it look anything like it used to, or a web site for that matter count as a problem? wish I could post a screen cap of what I get now.
  7. Also hope there is more.
  8. I am enjoying this story and the earlier one that led to it. I especially like that the acceptance of complete randomness.
  9. Well. I'd have believed young and not quite with it, and hoped it was not. Now I'm going with complete fiction. Its impossible to imagine someone that out of touch with reality, and still able to function...
  10. looks like we are about 10 minutes from each other. How unexpected.

  11. I almost never say a thing on this group, although I visit it often; tonight I do feel I have something to say, and it may seem like I am rambling. I'm sorry about that. I did not understand the desire to be poz, or wanting to poz a fella for a very long time. I do not understand it very well from a bottoms perspective, but can see a certain relief for a man who wants to be able to take any load, even though that is a desire I don't really grasp. I can see a bottom wanting more from a man then just a load, something tangible and intensive, I'm simply sorry there isn't another option for a truly life changing event a bottom could accept for his top. I don't presume to judge them in either case, or another I haven't considered. I can understand from a tops perspective wanting to give my boy something more that will be his forever, I myself would not want that to be something damaging in any way. I have come also to the conclusion, that as much as I do not want to be hiv+ there is at least one situation where I would have willingly and cheerfully have accepted it. Years ago Myself and my husband (yes legally married) found a boy and had arranged for him to move in. We were all very attached. He tested positive, and refused to see or talk to us beyond explaining that he could not be with us, that he could not accept the risk to us. My husband and I both agreed at the time we would have accepted the risk to spend our lives with him, and have regretted not having that chance ever since, and have tried to contact him fairly frequently. This is acceptance of risk instead of actual desire. So although *much* of the desire to be positive is a mystery to me, I can in some ways understand. The common thread through all of these is honesty and straight forward choice. I also sometimes see a bit more that I can't normally articulate in the stories. I even believe that for some the thrill of the risk creates a willingness. So be it, I wouldn't judge another based on my lack of understanding. I however understand this story much too well and find nothing romantic, erotic or sexy about it. It is about setting out to betray another's love, creating the chance to do so, and doing so with absolutely no regard for what was destroyed. It's sick and sad. Orlandoneg I hope its not a true story; if it is, you have my sympathy, and my assurance that if you find the right man, who loves you, your status will not matter to him. Even if he like myself does not wish to be positive. Canail.
  12. No I have not. I do not believe I ever will, Sex is not my goal in being here.
  13. Is the *only* purpose of this site to arrange sexual meetings?
  14. In October of 2011 my profile at collarme.com was used against my son in court in his child custody case. The proof for the court that it was my profile was my face pic. The claim was made that my son was an unfit parent because he still associates with me and I am involved in the gay bdsm world. I have decided since this happened that the accounts I have with identifiable pics are the only ones that will have them. It was proven to me very well that my actions can effect others, and in ways I never even imagined. I find negative impacts on others (such as my sons) unacceptable. Neither am I casual about sex. In fact my recon profile says "I don't play casually so don't ask" I do not feel that people need photos of me since I have no active plans to meet for sex.
  15. the thing broke, a bit of blood started and I had to close it. I NEVER want to see something like that happen.
  16. I like knowing I'm leaving my load in him.
  17. Nope. Never been fucked. like it that way. don't really have any interest cum other than leaving it behind...
  18. I'm latex reactive, I I had few choices to begin with. There just wasn't an ass around worth going through what latex does to me.
  19. I am south of Rochester- not too far from Henrietta.
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