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DirtyPig4all last won the day on February 23 2017

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  1. your a sexy fuck , i would love to have you as my partner and in my life so we can be the biggest pigs ever !!!  rob 727-906-6052

    1. cumdumphole


      you are pretty hot yourself man

  2. fuck yes love you, I need to get myself posted on craigs list, just looking for another twisted pig to post me on there!!!!!!!!!!1482427690864.thumb.jpg.6364ce99fe9196a2bbef5fb07cc04817.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rawhawk


      you look a very sexy pig to get dirty with :P

    3. DirtyPig4all


      I'm sooo spun from getting slammed last night ... but feel I'm crshing and want to do more

    4. bjbottom


      Love to drink your piss right from the tap before you fuck your load deep in my fuck-hole.

  3. im looking to get all bugs i can get and not treat them, im not sure why im sooooo turned on to get all bugs and diff strains, stronger hopefully but makes me hard and get off 727-906-6052  rob

    1. DirtyPig4all


      also ive flushed meds 3 mnths now, should i keep going for full blown? 727-906-6052 ...love the wasting look from either pnp or both , who cares anymore ....lets all be toxic and dirty and pass to each other , who agrees?

    2. wellhard


      i agree fucking hot get sooo off on no meds passing disease back and forth being free

  4. Fuck yea call me love to follow your path. Rob 727 906 6052
  5. FUCK yea it is getting bred with all and anything
  6. fuck yes love all the topics i flushed my meds today and want other strains etc, love the tin party boy look
  7. fuck yes take the poz loads , I stopped my meds today and am going with the breeding zone guys that want aids


  8. yes sir99 with u , I'm getting my own place soon. hail meth

  9. I'm looking for other poz chempigs that want to be "family", slam buddys, etc embrace the devilish path together for the rest of our shortened life. let me know . text me 727-906-6052 or just message me on here !!!!

  10. 1482427690864.thumb.jpg.6364ce99fe9196a2bbef5fb07cc04817.jpgI'm looking for another to be commited with me on the path of being dirty pozchempig I am . 

  11. working on nips hard now 3months can u tell?

  12. 1482431098721.thumb.jpg.49918697778433ead43bc4813ebf1cbe.jpg

    1. DirtyPig4all


      30lbs chem diet in one month 165 to 130lbs,  hot skinny party pig look !!

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