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Everything posted by bigdick4you

  1. It's a bit hit or miss.... Some threads r more interesting than others , but generally it's all good! I love Eastern European guys and I have fucked my fair share of polish ass! Specially when I'm in London and Berlin. Polish guys seem to come across as very timid... But the ones I have fucked, turn into total whores behind closed doors.... Very hot!
  2. If somebody posts a thread u don't start a type of chat with someone over and over.... For that u have private msg. What was annoying it was all about nothing over and over...sorry.... But it was just plain annoying!
  3. My opinion exactly! It's not that I want it as I much rather load up his cunt.... But why would u mention that to a friend !? Think it's downright offensive! Like I'm not good enough for that or something...
  4. Think he prefers to give anal loads... U didn't give opinion about my issue though...
  5. Thanks buddy! Why don't u respond to my other thread:"why doesn't he take my oral load"
  6. Don't u guys think that u should take ur conversation to private chat? We get it.... U have big dick that is freaky looking and the other one is a slut that sticks anything up his hole....talking about fucking boring....
  7. I rest my case.... Lol.
  8. I know he prefers anal loads.... But I have seen some of his postings in which he states that he is also looking for oral loads... Last time we were at a bar and we were chatting with friend of his and conversation came to subject "swallowing" he told his friend he never had swallowed my load... I found this insulting to be honest...
  9. never hear about that before.... It's very rear that guys ask for rubbers at bath houses.... Such a waist not to cream a talented hole!
  10. Have this FWB that refuses to take my load orally...not that I'm very much into that anyway....I much more prefer to give anal loads but I'm just curious about what u guys think... He says that I sometimes hook up with guys that r not so hot or have a rash on their ass and that's the reason....sounds like BS to me.... What do u guys think?
  11. Always like to have my dick cleaned after I breed someone.... Most guys r into it but I have had that some guys r not...I just think ok.... But I won't hook up with u ever again bitch!
  12. Lately have found that guys start to bore me more and more...Specially the tweakers get on my nerves... Why the fuck would u need drugs to have sex!? Also get bored with stupid questions... Eg. How big is ur dick? (Look at my fucking dick pic bitch) do u know any other tops( I know some... But mostly know bottoms as I'm a top...duh!?) in my profile it says that I'm into manly men and younger than me type of guys...and still I get msg from "little girls" and older guys...also get offers to be paid in drugs or money.... NO I don't do fucking drugs or need ur fucking money! It's not that I won't fuck u if u r 50 or 50something and u have incredible body with talented hole... Of course I will! But these cases r very rare.... What do u guys think? Am I over reacting? Let me also know what ticks u off...
  13. Just be careful... I would def. look into taking PrEP...also make sure u hook up only with guys who r undetectable. I'm undetectable myself but I always prefer to hook up wit poz/undetectable guys. Sometimes I will hook up with guys who r neg. but that don't care about my status. It's always on back of my head though... Know this guy for almost 2 years now who is neg. and I care a lot for him so always been kind of scared for him...but so far all his tests came back neg. I stay away from bug chasers though...really don't understand those people...
  14. Don't understand why people have tendency of labeling everything... We all go through phases...sometimes I'm really piggy and want to breed as much ass as I can and then other times I want to be all touchy freely and romantic with guy I care about...caging or unleashing the beast is lot of crock if u ask me...in first place u have to do what feels right to urself...not care about what others think or do.... Let me tell u, people r going to criticize u no matter what! U can be a prude or a slut and some people r going to be negative about it. I'm a slut but I'm also loving,caring and don't believe in hurting people...to my friends I'm very open about everything...they don't always agree with it...but at least I'm not an hypocrite! It's ur life and u should live it the way u c fit...more importantly.... The way that makes u happy! There will be always people out there that will love us for the way we are...that being a big slut or a prude...
  15. At the moment living in Berlin but playing with the thought of maybe moving to Phoenix...I'm a sucker for places with good weather. Lived in Bangkok few years back and really loved the lifestyle...was living at great apartment with big rooftop swimming pool,loved the food and the variety of shopping and the going out part. The only downside were the guys...I'm not into Asians at all and I would feel somewhat frustrated if I would c some hot European or Australian guy with some skinny girly Thai. Had few hook ups of course ... But they were a lot less than I would normally have in Europe and the US. Besides during that time I was seeing two guys in London...not at the same time by the way...lol. Berlin is fun and I do have good time the few times that I'm there a month...I work for US airline as cabin crew and am stationed in London at the moment. So I'm regularly in the US for work and fun on my days off...Sexually I'm very into American men...they seem to have this natural no bs type of attitude and I kind of love that! The only downside about Americans is that lots of them should be on medication for depression or check in into a rehab clinic for drug use specially....I also found that I sometimes have hard time reading them...they seem to say something and then contradict themselves but in general they r good fun and friendly and most of them r really good fucks! Like I said I like Berlin but somehow have not found my "niche" yet... It's great from cultural point of view and the sex at the many ready sexclubs is amazing! But somehow it's like something is missing...so will c what I will do, but the thought of living somewhere sunny in house with swimming pool for same price that I'm paying for my place in Berlin is very appealing...the only downside to Phoenix is that guys r not very worldly and some of them r downright sketchy.... Like they have just escaped from prison or something...there also seems to be big drug scene which I totally don't care for as sex is my drug in life. So what do u guys think.... Should I take the plunge or not?
  16. Have had guys cum on my cock...never in my cock...sounds kind of weird. Enjoyed guys cuming on my cock to push it in sme slut that I was fucking....that was hot!
  17. It's a game...so I expect most guys have boundaries....with me it doesn't really matter as I'm more vanilla sleaze and not into hurting anyone and I'm not into dirty.... Prefer freshly showered....lol. What I have been is more of verbally abusive... Really treated them like just a hole to dump my load in....have gotten better as some of my bottom exes told me it wasn't really a nice thing to do. No I enjoy it when bottom as fun as well and we r both having good time. Sometimes I enjoy being treated as nothing more than a dick for the bottoms pleasure...but it's all bit of a game and I would never go overboard with it.
  18. I'm looking to share room... But I'm a top...
  19. Wanted to book hotel yesterday but hotel seems to be sold out... They r now offering bookings on a secondary IML hotel. The thing is that on the original hotel u can cancel up to 3 days in advance...and on the secondary, they charge u straight away and it's non refundable! Was thinking if I should book hotel elsewhere and just go to host hotel when I want to fuck as I'm sure there will be lots of party's going on....does any of you guys know if rooms open up closer to event and how u go about it...an other option would be to share with someone who already has a room... Would have to be someone who is easy going and drama free ... As I m there to just fuck and have good time! I'm a total top and don't mind sharing with top or bottom. What do u guys think? Let me know....and also if u r looking to share room...u can contact me on here or BBRT. Same profile name.
  20. i think the same...some holes r just too stretched out and then i feel not much pleasure fucking u...but then there r guys out there with lots of muscle control and they know how to milk dick. Occasionally i enjoy fisting a hot stretched out hole... but mostly i like holes who r not too tight and not too loose...
  21. Has anyone been having issues with BBRT since yesterday? They have made some changes....god knows why.... As it was working just fine before....but anyway, all of a sudden I get same msg into my mailbox over and over again.... When I try to open them, then suddenly it says.... This email is no longer available...when guys unlock their pics for me...I can c the small pic, but when I press to make it bigger.... All of the sudden it's locked again...hope they sort it out, as so far it's no improvement at all but quite the opposite...
  22. Very nice fuckhole pic of u by the way....
  23. Just take good lawyer and know ur rights.... If they want u to sign quickly.... It means something fishy is going on and that u can sue...don't get small minded pricks get away with it! It's not a crime to be a slut.... Even in the US! As long as u do ur job it shouldn't be an issue how u choose to lead ur life.. At work everyone knows I'm a slut.... Never made secret of it.... On the contrary.... I'm more respected for it and I get the unofficial wink from higher management guys who r straight...
  24. looking to attend IML 2014 and looking for someone to share my room with.... preferably a hot manly in shape bottom guy that i can whore out 25-40years old... but if u r hot 42year old...also not a problem....lol. An other possibility would be to share a room with a vers. or top guy that i can tagteam other bottoms with... please be easy going and drama free. if u r interested... please send me msg.
  25. It was quite an interesting MAL weekend... Decided to share my room with old FB of mine from Chicago, who I hadn't seen in over a year...I remembered him as a fun uncomplicated cumslut...I should have known when he started with stuff like spending time together and fucking him the whole weekend.. I told him I was there to have fun and fuck others as well and that he should do the same.... I arrived few hrs before him and like 30 min. After I had checked in.... I was fucking my first ass.... So I thought weekend was off to good start! 1 hour later i was fucking second hot hole... Not long after.... My FB arrived... It was all fun.... I fucked him and after that, I told him I was attending sexparty...party was bit disappointing and I was back within an hour.... After that I went online to whore out my FB hole.... We had 2 guys cum over and after that we were both tired and called it a night... Next day I whored out his hole some more and we had like 8 guys cum over to breed his hole...somehow I noticed his attitude towards me got colder as he was expecting more from weekend than I was.... I liked him and all.... But I just knew it would never become more than just FB...the next day we had big party planned with him and other bottom... The other bottom was hot young military guy...but has he didn't respond to my last emails.... I thought he was going to flake...it was then that I decided to recruit other bottom... My FB was very set on having one of his friends take over the other bottoms place...I met him and I didn't feel anything for the guy... That's when I realized that the only reason my FB wanted him, was because he was not so hot and he could get more loads.... I told him I had somebody else in mind.... One hot guy that I fucked on first night...at first he was behaving like real cunt.... But other guy I suggested was really fun and friendly.... So he agreed to have the party with him...quite few guys showed up and party was off to good start...when suddenly out of the blue the hot military guy showed up.... I told him I had other bottom as I thought he was going to flake... But he was so hot that I decided to have him stay and fuck him... My FB was not amused by this and gave me a dirty look...to be honest it kind of spoiled it for me with all his bad energy...the second bottom was very easy going and couldn't care less as there was enough dick going around any way... After few hrs we decided to go for dinner... My FB decided not to go with us and behaved all weird... He could obviously tell that me and other guy had some connection going on... I felt kind of bad for him but I had been frank with him from the start.... I felt no romantic connection with him...next day he left.... He told me he had had good time but he hasn't emailed me since...I had great MAL weekend and want to c second bottom again...
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