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About tj87

  • Birthday 03/20/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    I'm a film nerd.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Good sense of humour. Buttoned up nerd by day, slutty cub by night. I'll dive head-first into any situation and I wear any social awkwardness on my sleeve, cos who cares?
  • Porn Experience
    Only amateur, but on a rare occasion someone I meet tells me they jerked off to one of my videos.
  • Looking For
    I want a horny top (or two) who aren't afraid to make me cum in the process of dumping a load. Gorgeous peachy bottoms I can slide inside are also welcome.

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  1. Hot! Great ass 🤤
  2. Mmm I'll pump a load in you
  3. Hit and miss whether I get hard or not; depending on the head space and how horny I am. I can get performance anxiety and concentrating on taking a big cock can make me lose it - or I just wanna get loaded up, but not really in the mood to cum. I've found most guys are happy to breed me whether I'm hard or not, but I agree with the OP: the tops I vibe with most do tend to prefer it when I get hard. They like he visible feedback and enjoy that they're pleasuring me, rather than solely using me to pleasure themselves... Sometimes I pop a Cialis first to make sure I'm at maximum throb.
  4. Last time I went was Sugardaddy. Plenty of action.
  5. See you there boy 😈
  6. Good luck! Love Vault. Shame I can't be there tonight but will be dropping by on Tuesday if you want a heavy load.
  7. I definitely don't have an allergy or sensitivity to latex, but I do find there's more friction with latex than skin on skin and that can cause a little irritation and it just doesn't feel as good.
  8. Hot. Sure you won't struggle to find someone - but I'd be a fool to turn down a big load.
  9. I have quite tight hips, this is an issue when I'm straddling a guy - if I'm not thoroughly warmed up - it can be be quite stiff and sore after. A side-effect of aging-related changes in flexibility and sitting at a desk working all the time. I saw a physio about it and he gave me a bunch of hip exercises specifically to fix the problem and open me up. It's amazing how just doing them a little fixes the issue, but if I get complacent and stop for a while the issue returns.
  10. I'll always offer it raw and give them the option to refuse. If they really wanna rubber up, sobeit. I want them to enjoy my ass however the need to.
  11. As a very young kid, my well-to-do grandma would take me to the theatre/opera/ballet, most of which I didn't really appreciate enough at the time. One Christmas, Aged 7 or 8, she took me to see The Nutcracker which was a bit of a tradition and at intervial she asked me what I enjoyed most about it... and there was only one thing I really liked, so I told her. The big bulges at the front of the men's tights...
  12. Omg yes - exactly... very harrowing trip to the emergency room... We're busted-ball brothers lol
  13. Had this recently - although somehow unrelated to an STD - I was negative for them all. It is unpleasant. Started off with a bad fever and a stinging in my balls when I came. Progressed to an extremely sore and very swollen right testicle - I was walking around like John Wayne. Cipro cleared it up.
  14. Living in London - and having a thicker build - I get a lot of attention from black men. I'm on PreP - so they know to pump me full... I personally don't like the BBC label - it sorta squicks me out - but I did take a particularly large cock from a black guy last week - it was thicker than my wrist and my ass did me proud that day.... I was surprised I could take it so easily... His load... I swear I could've filled a solo cup when it worked its way out of me me later that day.
  15. I've a great friend of mine; A gorgeous thirty-something asian guy, toned hairless body, great arms, handsome face. All his life, he's ONLY topped and he ONLY hooks up with guys who are 50+. The older, fatter, hairier the better. Everyone has a type and people hookup with people for various reasons. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Anyone who hasn't figured that out (and feels the need to vocalise that they don't find you attractive as a means to invalidate you) is a troll. Ugly isn't only on the outside.
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