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Everything posted by Kimberley

  1. I saw a article online about Moderna that is going to test a HIV mRNA-vaccin. [think before following links] https://www.sciencealert.com/moderna-s-experimental-hiv-vaccine-could-begin-human-trials-as-soon-as-this-week
  2. This is how i started. i had a relationship with a girl but i had the opportunity to date a married guy who i knew for some time from online chat. sucked his dick and let him fuck me bare. cheated her bigtime but i didn't care at all, i had to explore my sexual desire for men
  3. I have experienced many of my fantasies, but always have new ones. i think it's part of being a sex addict, once you live your fantasie, you look for more to discover, pushing your limits again and again
  4. Curious how many guys here are hypersexual.. is it a bad thing? or just enjoy it with all the pleasure it comes?
  5. Have hear this from more older men. i don't understand it. i love older men. my interest begins at +-40 till 60+. they are such friendly nice persons to fuck with. younger just isn't my thing. maybe i have daddy issues but i just like older
  6. Routine isn't always a good thing. ive noticed by myself, i switched to swallow daily for 2 years now, but it has become so normal to not worry about HIV anymore combined with busy days i can forget to take prep that day. luckily most of the times i found out hours later that same day but it happens sometimes that i miss a dose. when i was taking prep on demand i never have forget a pill because it was more in my system how important it is after having baresex. but last 2 years i take daily loads 4 - 5 times a week from mostly a few men a day and don't bother about who is poz or not because it don't even mind because i'm protected can make you forget being protected isn't a standard thing
  7. we will speak again over 10 years 🙃
  8. AMprep from the GGD Amsterdam back in 2015 says otherwise. that studie was really clear about both methods work and all healthcares in The Netherlands follows the rules from GGD Amsterdam for prep useing
  9. I think we not go to agree with each other. Syphilis for example was almost exterminated, but is coming back over the years and the number of infections rise ever year as i speak about Europe
  10. Guys who want to follow my xhamster account, add me as friend 💦

    [think before following links] https://nl.xhamster.com/users/kimberleytrav

    1. trebor


      Love your profile there, shows what a cumdump slut you are.

    2. Kimberley
    3. Kitten


      I added you! Hope you upload some pozzing videos! 

  11. You have to make that decision for yourself. prep is most used as a free pass to bareback no doubt that. but you have to be aware prep isn't going protect you against STD's
  12. Resistant gonorrhea is become a problem over the years in Europe, so why wouldn't that be possible with the resistant HIV strain? due people like his friend it's going to spread further to others so it's not unthinkable that the strain will be more diagnosed in the future. i think we need be aware of that and not thinking to easy that it never would happen
  13. Old stuff before prep was introduced
  14. don't think you know how many different guys i meet every day. besides that a restistance strain can spread to other HIV poz people to, because Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil isn't going to stop it
  15. So far as i know is this how there become a HIV resistance strain for prep. if u be pozzed and still swallow prep for long period, the HIV cells inside the body becomes insensitive and in the end resistance for Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil, because prep on his own don't work with a HIV infection. you need another medication as well to get the right treatment. personally i find this a really bad situation. that resistant HIV strain is not very common but due people like this it's going to be a huge problem in the future for all guys world wide
  16. No worry's, still will prevent a HIV infection [think before following links] https://www.thebody.com/article/prep-expiration-protection
  17. 5 loads today at home on the couch
  18. HIV co-infection is very common, as above said a STD makes the chance bigger for HIV to enter your body
  19. i can't even feel small dicks 😂 i can take big cocks very well but this one was the biggest and fattest i ever had before
  20. Ok let me make this clear, as a bareback cumdump you will get STI's often. there is no way to prevent that. you have to accept that men lie about their status. most men will say they are clean and test regulary, just to fuck you bareback. this is my own experience as a bareback cumdump so i know what i talking about. if u want to stay STD free, use condoms
  21. I'm curious now which HIV strain is resistant for emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil (prep)?
  22. I have taken 400 - 500 bare loads and with most fucks never feel when they ejaculated. sometimes i can feel it if their dick is be a little bit harder and shocking, after a few seconds after he cummed i feel my hole is wet inside and lubricated. but not really feeling the cum shooting into my ass on the moment when they cum
  23. Not have a experience with food but i know my mom had. really weird story. i was been by my dad the weekend and came back that sunday by my moms house. when i was in the bathroom i could smell a really weird smell, like mayonaise or something. when i asked my mom where that smells come from she laugh and said don't know. i found it suspicious why she laught. a day later she was on the phone with her best friend and was hearing her talking about a weekend date with her fuckbuddy in the shower, that she had sex with him and went grazy with a jar of mayonnaise. they literally lubricated each other and licking it off each other hahaha. it was a really weird conversation to hear 😆
  24. had once, cocks that are curved are painful if the fuck is aggressive. but that feel different as to big and to thick
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