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    Sex, sex n more sex.
    POC muscle guys.
    Yng twinks.
    Love sucking, rimming, getting bareback fucked. Love Watersports, piss fucked etc.. Love cum/piss/ass juice stained gear and getting sweaty and sleazy while playing, sniffing and licking ripe pits, crotch and eating out sweaty holes. Enjoy Chems, Verbal, Roleplay.
    Normally go with the flow. Nearly no limits.
  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Vers/Bttm sub slut for athletic BBC/POC, Top a slim Twink, very open minded, based in Yorkshire.
  • Looking For
    Looking for poz Dom Top Master - POC would be particularly welcum; or keen slim yng twink who tops or subs.
    Looking to parTy.

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  1. I fear to say that from a European perspective the USA is descending into the depths of banana-republicanism irrespective of the governing party.
  2. Deffo would be interested when I'm back in Yorkshire, based i York but can travel.
  3. He is talking about LGV. LGV stands for lymphogranuloma venereum, it's a type of chlamydia bacteria that can attack the lymph nodes, and it extremely unpleasant.
  4. Hey, thanx for the follow bro 👍

  5. I am compelled to agree with tj87, from Europe we look aghast at the apparent disintegration of a once great nation. The sad fact is that Trump has made the US and its people into either a laughing stock or a nation to be pitied (depending on your attitude). He seems intent on fomenting division and hatred to bolster his own shakey political position. He displays lamentable ignorance and is extremely "economic with the truth" when it suits him. He certainly inspires amazement - that a supposedly educated and civil society could voluntarily chose to be led by such a character.
  6. With this version of Chrome (Version 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)) I get continual "Pages unresponsive" pop-ups even tho it is clear that the page has fully loaded, Usually on the forum thread pages (i.e. messages) not the forum list pages.
  7. Hey, thanx for the follow bro, much appreciated. well hot profile u got.

  8. For those unfamiliar with the UK NHS, just to explain that this means: if it is dispensed by/at your local GUM or Sexual Health Clinic then it will be totally free; if obtained on prescription from your own General Practitioner then the pharmacy will charge a standard nominal "Prescription Charge" that basically covers dispensing and administration costs. The drug itself is essentially free of charge.
  9. In all the hoo-hah about CoVID-19 you may have missed the announcement by the UK government that PreP will be made available on the NHS in England (it is already freely available in Scotland and Wales). See the BBC news article: [think before following links] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51897856
  10. If I may say so, that is a very bold (and possibly libelous) statement to make without very strong statistical data to back it up. I think members of the hetero-normative general public might think the material under discussion on this site considerably less savoury than a simple encrypted messenger service. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Thanx for the follow bro.

  12. Perhaps a bit strong, but certainly it is a completely unfair generalization especially with regard to all the medical and pharmaceutical staff (most of whom are "hetero") who have worked in the field over the years. Surprising and rather sad that we gays have to indulge in the same sorts of stereotyping we accuse the hetero-normatives of.
  13. In England & Wales although not routinely supplied on the NHS, there is currently a "study" that you could probably enroll on to get Prep (free of charge) from your local (or a near by ) GUM clinic. Alternatively you can buy it online through www.iwantprepnow.co.uk for around £40 a month. I should add that in Scotland the NHS do routinely provide free PreP at GUM clinics virtually on demand. One further note, pulling out does NOT prevent you catching HIV, it is present in pre-cum and there is always the risk of minor bleeding. So if you want to play "safe" I would recommend condoms or Prep (or both 😄). Or like a number here, enjoy the risk factor.
  14. Have pvt msged you.
  15. Anyone off to Steam this afternoon? (Sun 10th) Will be there on lookout for poz cock!
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