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About Tom69

  • Birthday 01/13/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    US CA East Bay
  • Interests
    Rough sex, group sex, public sex
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/profile/TomBottom69-46165782#activities

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Thanks so much guys for the responses! This was super helpful! ??
  2. Hi, I was thinking of going to 442 Natoma either tomorrow or another weekend and had some questions for anyone that's been. I haven't really been to a sex club or bathhouse before. I searched around a bit but couldnt find that much. What's the etiquette in this one for approaching people? What do people usually wear (or not wear) on nights that aren't naked-mondays or leather nights? For people that go frequently, how likely is it that I'll catch an STD besides HIV if I take loads from a few people there? Also, what's the locker situation/procedure and how big are they? Could I fit a backpack? How do I get my stuff back from them when I'm ready to leave? Sorry if some of the questions sound silly, thanks!
  3. Very hot profile Tom!!

  4. thanks for following

  5. Thanks for the rep Tom ... reckon I'd love to give your beautiful buns some of the same preparation and then we can go on to get and know eachother a hole lot better

  6. cute butt, shame I'm bottom too but would be happy to prep it by giving it a good rimming and then felch it afterwards

    1. Tom69


      Thanks.  Rimming and felching cum out of me sounds like a fun time :)

    2. RawUK


      would be I'm  sure. Just let me know when you next need prepping and the clean up after service and I'll be round ;) 

    3. Tom69


      Hehe if I'm in the UK I will :)

  7. thnx for the follow. love us to breed

    1. BBJONNY


      thnx for the rep too :)

  8. thanx for the follow...wud luv breed ur sexy arse:P;)

  9. Thanks for the follow:)

  10. Hi Tom ... tanks for the rep. Hope you have a really great weekend xx;):*xx

  11. Hi Tom ... thanks for the rep, Sexy! xx:*:drool::Pxx

  12. yeah compression garments and bro your qudas + hams could kill me softly no complaints

  13. Great story! Loved part 2 with the bloody cock
  14. Thanks for the rep Tom xx:P:drool::*xx

  15. I haven't done this yet, but I love seeing a bottom push loads out into some cute undies. Bonus if the undies are stained with lube and ass juice. I wish there were more pics and vids of this online though, it seems kinda rare to see, but it's so hot ;(
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