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Everything posted by ScorpionFF

  1. Yes, I meant that, the thought of rosy red cheeks caused me to make a mistake in my comment, the excitement of it all, lol. Dr ScoooorpiioooohH, once again, could you cum over here, please.... viking8x6 has something he would like to show you 👅
  2. You tart @viking8x6, lol. Mind you, I would not complain either actually, phwoooooaaaaaar, sssssshhh 🤫. What are you trying to tell me here, that you want the fair skin on your bum cheeks to be spanked over and over till they become very warm and rosy red, and to have a part of your body pulled on until you end up with a big long trunk, oooooer, hahaha 😆 Hmmmmm, not sure all that spanking and pulling would be anywhere near enough to leave you feeling sated. Dr ScoooorpiioooohH, could you cum over here, please, LOL. *straightens oneself up and clears throat* ..... Thank you very much for the link, a great story with many a moral - I really enjoyed it! Right, now who else is for a spanking? 🤚
  3. You mean to say you clicked play? 😮 Are you alright there darling? Everyone, I'm worried about @viking8x6, I'm going to call the Doctor to check him out 😆
  4. @TaKinGDeePanal.... I would have done so too!
  5. Goodness me. That is quite some intense experience @BBArchangel, thank you for sharing such a traumatic string of events in your life around one situation. 😗
  6. 😆 💀 I am unable to offer you any advice that you seek, but many thanks indeed for the good laugh that you provided with the above quote - Brilliant!
  7. Since my above comment a second DEI video of the day appeared on my YouTube feed. Interesting that both videos did not mention TX at all yet chose to talk about this subject on a philosophical note instead. As said, never heard of this until now. I am sincerely appreciative for the confused reactions from @topblkmale and @viking8x6 as I am acutely aware that if I read my above comment three years ago that someone else had written I would have thought what on earth is he/she going on about. I totally get it. I just want what is the very best for humanity, very much like my late Grandmother in that regard. I am not the man I was three years ago, and I am definitely not the man I was ten years ago pre life changing event. I see the world now from a completely different perspective to how I used to which gives rise to isolation more so than before three years ago. Thank God I am able for my own company and that the cheeky inner child remains the same - Thank Fuck for that! I had a thought since my initial comment, that being... Why can't humanity just be? *sighs* I hold onto hope that such peace will happen in my lifetime where division, noise and chaos will be no more.
  8. Very well said @TaKinGDeePanal. Those four words just say it all... And on just one lone subject too! The following I am able to say from the last few years of learning (a whole lot of research) as a result of the veil being lifted as it were (seeing clearly for the first time ever in my half a century of life having been living in a fluoridated haze) and slowly peeling back the layers of hundreds of years (if not longer) of deceit. Still so much more to learn too. Legislation, Acts and Statutes (that use legalese language) require our “Consent” to have the Force of Law. Government is a creation of man. And a creation of man can never be above man! All Acts and Statutes are NOT law ---> They are only given the force of law if we the living Man/Woman consent. Legalese language is in line with Maritime/Admiralty Law which treats a living Man/Woman as a corporation even though we are clearly living men and women. When you see your ''given'' name all in CAPS and/or with a title (Mr for example) that is a corporation/your strawman (legal fiction) which is being addressed, not you the living Man/Woman. In simple term there is two of everyone, the living Man/Woman, and then their strawman come legal fiction (dead entity lost at sea) *birth certificate* Politics and Politicians come under the umbrella of Maritime/Admiralty Law which flies in the face of Common/Natural Law which is why humanity is where it is today... Divided and broken! Intentional? 🤔 Personally, I think so. As for DEI, never heard of that acronym until seeing this post yesterday (way too tired via sleep deprivation to give a response), and now seen it today on YouTube too. Need to look into it more. As for men and women being split up (segregated) into smaller groups based upon race, sex, sexuality, disability, it's all very divisive, isn't it - Labels I do not care for. We are who we are, no definition required. Maybe that has been the aim all this time, eh. Would make perfect sense considering we are not even governed anymore, are we, if we ever were, no, we are on a worldwide basis ruled instead by invisible unelected tyrants who hate our guts and who use puppets (politicians) to distract us with noise and chaos! We live in a voluntary slave based society via deception (Maritime/Admiralty Law) within a fictitious debt system (promissory note - pay the bearer on demand) - Give me Gold and Silver anytime over that worthless paper crap. There is a great talk on YouTube touching upon the Occult Art of Law - Truly fascinating. More than happy to share the link if anyone so desires to see it. Anarchy: ''the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government'' [ Google ] Time for humanity to UNITE!
  9. The boi gave up his body inclusive of both of his holes to Sir and eleven of Sir's friends to USE however they so desired just so he could be allowed to have the tree up for one more night! 😈

    Do we Have to take the Tree down.....jpg

  10. Aaaaahhh, this brings a smile to my face. I love the handkerchief colour code. I have the red, navy blue, and like the dear late Eliot here also the yellow. Has been some years since I have worn them (all on the left of course). Hopefully if I can halt and reverse (heal) the chronic (several years so far) neuro onslaught I can wear them (and additional colours) once again and enjoy all that they indicate.
  11. My third post this year is for you RawUK. What can I say in regards to your not singular but plural comment I have just quoted other than... you pig! 🐷 👅
  12. I have that feeling too. It most certainly crossed my mind.
  13. An exquisite and eloquently written story. A twisted yet beautiful sensual touching tale that made my Dick hard as the story progressed yet at the beginning caused emotion to overwhelm my chest, with a big cry at the end of this superb story too. I even laughed with Ed's intended pun. It takes real RAW talent to take a reader on a journey that includes a whole range of emotions. A highly recommended read with each and every chapter thoroughly deserved of a pozitive reaction in its own right. Thank you for your final story Eliot, the BEST on here. Absolute perfection! Rest in peace brother. 🧡
  14. Recovery permitting my goal for 2024 is as Eddie says here.... ''To have more fun.'' 🥳 Several years to catch up on!

    Wishing all the pigs, piglets, sluts, fags, cumdumps, fuckers, and all the good men here on BZ a prosperous year for 2024. To Health, Happiness, and Peace. Cheers 🥂


  15. Practice, practice, practice. Keep getting fucked regularly, use toys gradually increasing in size as time goes by, and stay plugged for as long as is manageable. These things take time, and from what I have read from you in recent times you'll get there all in good time. Keep at it, pig.
  16. w0w, this is a blast from the past @RawUK - Thank you for retrieving this historic thread and giving it a dusting off and a new lease of life. Goodness, is it really 4 months shy of 4 years since the above comment. w0w. So much has happened since then, on and off BZ with the world appearing (at least to me from all that I have gleaned) to be going through the process of being reborn, another discussion for another time. In reference to some of the usernames I originally gave, BBJONNY hasn't been online for over 19 months now. His BBRT is now no more either, I hope he is okay. DannyBoyCMH is now no longer on the site. I wonder if Riverfk could shed any light on that matter. Shame, he was a real ASSet to BZ. Another name from the quote above seems to have become poz having been on and off PrEP. It seems that youngaidschaser is still chasing, unless he just hasn't updated his status. From the top of my head I'd now add in KylerIsTrash 🐷 Finally, I understand that the dear evilqueerpig (Eliot) is now no longer with us. Such a shame, I thoroughly enjoyed his presence. May he rest in Peace.
  17. With a pigs cunt hole pressed up against a glory hole it is my purpose to anonymously slide deep into his wet and warm breeding zone for an anon fuck with a no pull out deep breeding. No questions. No talk. Just a man on man pump and dump! 💦💦💦
  18. I note this thread is asking if Tops are refused a fuck if they insist on condoms, but here is my angle as a Top. I would from the beginning have it on any given profile that I never use condoms, ever. I would also clarify this within chat. This way there is no room for uncertainty. If out in the wild so to speak, I again would be very clear from the start unless it is already evident from what I am seeing that I am wanting to fuck a pig who is in the midst of a BARE fuck. Interesting comments here too about older men who live in sub-urban areas who maybe not up to speed on the latest developments pertaining to this subject. Bless 'em. I would like to think that Gay social support groups exist for these men. Maybe that way they could be exposed to new information that could help them evolve for a variety of matters. No one man should be excluded from society.
  19. No latex on my Dick for fucking, and no latex on my hand for Fisting either!
  20. With a very sexy pig like you they'd be insane not to! 🐷👅
  21. That is the absolute worst. Tab closed!
  22. 🐷 Oil and Latex, a perfect prelude to the more important BARE fuck as the now completely useless latex lays in tatters, complete with a deep breeding just as nature intended! 😈
  23. As many across the world opened up presents of utter useless crap that they don't even want and stuffed their faces with their usual calorie intake for a week, ha, I slept right through it all - A lovely 12 hours! Having had 3 consecutive nights of piss poor sleep (circadian rhythm totally fucked) I needed that. Hopefully chelation that I plan to start in a few days time will restore a physiological equilibrium. 

    1. Hottightass4u


      Good luck with chelation.  Had to look it up.  Speaking of rhythm, mine will be fucked up in March going to France.

    2. ScorpionFF


      Bonjour @Hottightass4u. Thank you for expressing kind well wishes. Very much appreciated. I am about to eat brunch, so I'd do well to live in the PST time zone as opposed to GMT, lol. What will bring you to France, business or pleasure? 

    3. Hottightass4u


      Pleasure, per se.  Going to Normandy to see WW II stuff with family.  Having lived n France,I get to be interpreter.  Will end up going to Germany where a great -uncle was killed.  He was a tanker under Patton.

  24. Last Christmas I gave you my Dick
    And the very next day you came out as Gay
    This year, to save me from Gono-tears
    I'll give you a nice deep fisting... fisting.

    Once fisted and twice as wide
    I keep on fisting, and your second ring catches my eye
    Tell me baby, do you want to get cloudy?
    Well, you are a bareback chem-pig, it doesn't surprise me

    [ 💪 The Gay Pig Fisting Shoulder Deep Remix 🌹 ]

    1. ScorpionFF


      @leatherpunk16 I'm glad you found this amusing. I find myself chuckling each time I think of this silly re-write I made up - I enjoy taking songs and making silly stuff up. Great bio btw! ☺️

  25. 🎁 I came down the chimney with my sack fully loaded, and look what I found by the tree. Time to unload.... 💦 💦


    Christmas Tree 2.jpg

    1. ScorpionFF


      Great thighs and juicy hips. Love that on a sexy pig! 🐷

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