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Everything posted by boywonder

  1. Wonder if any of you have read this: http://www.thebody.com/content/art2452.html I'd like to discuss and debate the arguments presented. It's a great read.
  2. you were at MAL? care to chat? PM me aim/yahoo.
  3. wow that's hot! you seemingly turned him onto bb!
  4. Finally a man with some sense! Good for you! My heart goes out to you! (Damn couldn't imagine...two partners)
  5. Anyone else bored and wanna chat? hit me up with a PM and we can chat each other up on aim/skype/yahoo.
  6. wow he's NOT? That's crazy...
  7. "skinnytranny" looks like the after pic they show you of what happens when to a person post-meth. LOL
  8. I'm with you. Clean is much more fresh. When you don't bathe, you end up with some pretty nasty results.
  9. Batavia? Westfield? Hamburg? Corning? Skaneateles? Sodus? etc?
  10. Who on this site lives in Buffalo, NY? Or not far from? I just know there are more than I had previously thought. It would be interesting to see how many of us there are... Reply if you're in the vicinity.
  11. Nicely written. I wonder if I could visit this place even today, or if it has since been discovered. (I'd probably only want to look though )
  12. How dumb. Farting in a guy's face doesn't make you more of a man. I'd expect the guy to not appreciate it--it doesn't mean he's "on the rag."
  13. Hey guy :)

    How's everything? Long time no talk!!!!

  14. If you end up finally getting fisted, I want to know.
  15. Forgot one! 11. Fun.- Aim and Ignite (queen-esque)
  16. This is great! I'll be checking these out! I'm rocking: 1. Gold Motel 2. GIVERS- In light 3. Fair- Disappearing World/The Best Worst Case Scenario 4. Deas Vail- Deas Vail 5. As Tall as Lions- You can't take it with you 6. Augustana- Augustana 7. Butch Walker- The spade 8. Colors in the Air- Mirror Mirror 9. The Dear Hunter- The Color Spectrum 10. Patrick Stump- Soul Punk
  17. Join me in the chat
  18. @Sandalphonc same here! I feel the exact same.
  19. I love music. Not just sex. And I love to discover great bands/musicians that may not be famous yet. Anyone else share this interest? Want to discuss your favorite "lesser-known" music acts? I've got loads of bands I'd love to share with anyone who wants to expand their music archives.
  20. If this happened to me, I'd just accept it as being my destiny.
  21. Makes me glad that I've received the vaccine for both Hep A and B.
  22. you can't. He doesn't want to go through the hassle of having to have "user deleted" replies or having to reinstate an account if a person decides to come back. My advice to you is if you want to delete your account, just delete your pictures. And forget your login information.
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