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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Now, now... I grew up in East Tennessee, in the foothills of Appalachia, and not everybody is a hillbilly. Don’t let the accent fool you... ?
  2. @flacogedor - There’s a topic currently on the next page titled “How common are chastity devices among bottoms?” started by whore4poz that has several responses that may answer parts of your question. I haven’t seen anything really talking in detail about the psychological aspect (I’ll comment on that myself here when I have a little more time) but there’s some good information about the practical aspects there.
  3. I’ve had some excellent times at Camp Buckwood in central Indiana.
  4. For all you prospective cage-wearers, a little advice: Choose one that is comfortable to wear. While the thought might be hott of a Top just presenting you with a cage and locking you in it, it’s fsr better to select the type of cage yourself for long-term, or even all-day wear. Consider the following: • If you pee with it on, is going to make a mess? • How difficult is it going to be to keep your genitals clean without removing it? • Think carefully before choosing a cage with a urethral insert for extended wear - the urethral lining is sensitive, delicate, and prone to infection, and does not generally tolerate invasions of long duration. • Does it have moving parts that could bind, pinch, or pull pubes? • How difficult is it to put on and take off (when unlocked)? • Could you remove it, even if difficult, in an emergency? • Is it small enough to stay on when you’re soft, yet roomy enough that you won’t be in pain if your cock swells? If the device is so tight that it causes your scrotum to turn purple, or you can’t go soft because it traps the blood in your cock, its too small. • Do you have an allergy to the cage’s materials? Cages are made from lots of things - plastic (both hard and flexible varieties), metal, wood, and other things. You have choices. Try several types before settling on your new “best friend”. • Do you really, really, really, really, really trust the guy you’re giving the key to? Really-really? Really? Have you actually met him? If I think of other important considerations I’ll chime in with them later, and encourage other experienced wearers to do the same.
  5. I wear one sometimes when I’m slutting myself at the baths or a hotel, not because I’m ever in chastity, but because if I don’t put my cock out of view guys see my ampallang piercing and focus on my cock instead of my ass. I think perhaps another interesting question on this particular forum might be not who wears chastity, but who wears it without being controlled.
  6. I’m also convinced that many of them recognize that a bathhouse locker is cheaper than a bathhouse room, and if they can snag the sling... the room’s free! I once discovered a guy asleep stretched out in the dark alcove where guys are supposed to line up for the gloryholes, blocking any use of the facility. Asleep - with a blanket. ?
  7. I just realized that I’ve repeatedly encountered another species of sling fauna: The Sling Fly. There are different species of Sling Flies, and I will attempt to differentiate them below. Although different in behavior, the common trait among them is their ability to ruin the sling occupant’s experience. The Common Sling Fly (Slingusca odium) generally arrives on the scene quickly if the sling occupant is alone and begins fumbling with the penis and testicles of the occupant if exposed; otherwise it will begin groping for them. This fly has been known to tenaciously attempt to remove chastity cages without a key in order to diddle with the cock. This species can usually be shooed off, but others may appear in the same session. Closely related is the Sling Blow Fly (Obsessiphallus fellatium), which has a similar preoccupation with the cock of anyone in the sling, and, evidently unaware of the sling’s intended purpose, will attempt to give head if not waved away. May be persistent. The Sling Stinger Fly (Slingslapus pinchifer), not unlike a horse fly*, will settle upon an unwitting sling occupant - especially if blindfolded - and commence to slapping and pinching any exposed flesh, with particular emphasis on ball smacking and nipple twisting. This slingfly seems to have poor hearing, and can be difficult to discourage. Slinguscum socialis, the Sling Chatterfly, normally found in groups of two to three, has a specially adapted technique of locating itself in close proximity to the sling occupant’s hindquarters and then beginning an endless conversation with its fellows and completely ignoring the occupant. This has the effect of preventing anyone else from having access to the occupant’s ass. Scientists speculate that this behavior may in fact be intended to cause the occupant to vacate the sling, because if he does, the Chatterfly generally immediately climbs into it himself. This species can be tenacious, and hard to get rid of without causing a scene. These Sling Flies can be found in any sling room, and there is no recommended method that works to repel all of them - buy you could try spraying them with DEET. *The thought of horse flies in this context makes me shudder because one summer a couple of years ago at Camp Buckwood, I was lying naked in the sun by the pool with my cock warm, relaxed and tumescent enough to lie noticeably across my thigh, when a good-looking guy stopped in front of my deck chair and stared long and pointedly directly at my cock. After a tantalizing moment, he said: ”Excuse me, but there’s a big horse fly on your penis.” There was indeed, resting just below my frenulum, no doubt attracted by all the warm blood swelling my member, and one second later I’m sure it would have taken a bite that I would have remembered.
  8. Would you care to elaborate on that? Because I now have a mental image that cannot be right...
  9. If I might ask, since the OP framed the term, could you elaborate on what you mean when you use “fucked up” to describe yourself? What would you consider it to mean in this context? Quite a few men on this site relate having been given their first-hand contact with male sexuality at an early age, yet the number who claim not to have been harmed by the experience continues to surprise me. I find myself wondering if their definition of “okay” comes from the fact that they had no reference to a life in which they had not been abused. The only thing that ever happened to me was in my early teens when a man in the public library kept moving to the aisle opposite the one where I was browsing so that I could see him on the other side of the shelves stroking his cock through his pants. I was mercifully oblivious to sex at that point, but had a sense that the guy was up to no good and legged it out of there. I know quite well that by the standards of a majority of people, my acceptance of my role as a cumdump bottom for use by men is fucked up, and since nothing happened to me in childhood to set the stage for it, I’m very curious how it is that I differ from those to whom something did happen.
  10. In my experience, the pain of getting my amp was minor compared to the pain of having my nipples done; I saw stars and nearly passed out from the nipples. Your mileage may vary.
  11. My sense of smell has never been very powerful, but when my nose gets a scent of something off, my brain’s immediate response is - Nope! Perhaps it’s because for me to register something bad it has to be fairly bad. For this reason I avoid rimming if at all possible, or anything else that would bring my nose into close proximity to ass. I do, however, allow anyone who wishes to rim me or eat me out. I recognize the double standard here, so that’s why I’m so scrupulous about playing as clean as I can. I’m actually really sorry I have to turn down a type of service to Tops because of it, but the reaction is too visceral to get past.
  12. I have an ampallang. Do some research on healing times before you take the plunge - some piercings like an amp or an apadravya take more than a year to fully heal. You have to be committed to a long haul. Also realize that any piercing that passes through your urethra at any point is going to require you to change the way you urinate, at least until you become skilled at peeing in two directions at once. You might consider starting with a guiche piercing instead and see how you like it - I understand guiches are favored on bottoms...
  13. Amazing! That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone offer an actually useful description of how the eye-contact thing works. That assumes, of course, that the other guy is interested enough in your presence to notice you staring. One thing remains unexplained, though. The OP specifies “straight” black men - so how do you tell the actually straight from the closeted by looking at them? Because for me, the standard operating procedure when approaching any suspect (read: thuggish) group of men - of any color - is to carefully not stop and stare at everyone’s crotch and thus present myself as a handy target for assault and battery. *sigh* Why does everything have to be so complicated?
  14. I’ve been noticing lately that I’ve had a hard time getting that “well-filled” feeling that comes from being fucked with a large cock. It made me wonder whether there was simply a scarcity of long tops. But last night a guy stretched my hole out with a big toy, and his cock felt smaller then it looked. I suddenly began to wonder whether the gradual loosening of my whole was making all cox seem to feel smaller by comparison. This would be unsettling if true; I never want to get to the point where I am not really enjoying a huge cock. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon?
  15. @find91 - That’s a very nice piece of analysis. With regard to the sense of “I’m going to get infected so I’ll never have to worry again”, I would say that that motivation for chasing has, and has always had, its roots in a deficit of knowledge about the impacts of the virus. Yes, I don’t have the same worry about HIV exposure that I had pre-infection, but that worry has been replaced by fears like, “Am I going to get superinfected with a treatment-resistant strain?” “Am I going to end up with anal cancer?” “What if my CD4 count never reaches 350?” “What if my viral load spikes?” And on and on and on... every living day. In reality, there is no escape until science beats the Enemy Virus once and for all. You make an interesting point about the sharing/unity factor, though again most of these fetishes don’t stand intellectual scrutiny - another common one is the idea that a bottom is going to assimilate attributes from a Top because the Top’s DNA will become part of his own when he takes the load up his ass. Fun to imagine, except that - Spoiler Alert, you DNA fetishists - the rectum extracts nothing from its contents but water, and even if the load enters via the other hole, the DNA is broken down in the digestive process. You are what you eat, true, but if it worked the way you’re thinking, we’d all be sprouting feathers like the chicken we just ate. Want an adventure in chasing? Try chasing a chicken...
  16. Thanks for letting me know it’s not just me! I hate to think that I’m going to have to make a sign with instructions on how to use a sling and carry it with me...
  17. We’ll just have to do an historical re-creation sometime. I’ve never been to an event like IML or MAL, or to any really big city where I might experience another ass-flooding... any suggestions?
  18. Therefore it would seem that by @FelchingPisser‘s standard I fall squarely in the “Pig” category, even though I don’t necessarily consider myself a pig for performing ass-to-mouth. In fairness, I think I must have left some uncertainty in FelchingPisser’s own mind on this score, as he kept repeating the test on me... One of the things that always comes straight to my mind when I consider the nature of piggyness is one of the final scenes of the well-known TIM feature Dawson’s 20-Load Weekend. After Dawson has chronicled his 20 loads (plus whatever he took off-camera), the camers zooms in on his gaping cunt, inside which you can see a veritable inland sea og white cum. His boyfriend, out of frame, comments, “You’re such a fuckin’ pig.” I can’t disagree. He lies there fucked to looseness by a score of men, so full of their semen that a felcher would have to use a spoon, he’s sweaty, sticky... and grinning. He’s s pig. I don’t call myself a pig. But what did I look like on ErosWired’s 34-load weekend? I know very well how much cum poured out of my cunt afterward (by the numbers ~238ml = ~1 cup(!)), I was certainly sweaty, definitely sticky, reeked of sex... and I wasn’t frowning. So I guess I’m having trouble reconciling the way I see myself with the way others probably do. Yet several of you have suggested that Pig is a state of mind rather than a set of attributes - is it possible for Dawson to be a pig in this case and ErosWired not be? Or is it a case of “if it grunts like a pig and smells like a pig... it’s a pig”?
  19. NO. Almost every word of this hyperbolic screed is incorrect. There persists an average loss of lifespan, in ART-treated HIV+ persons in the developed world, of approaching 13 years. We may currently achieve a reasonable life span, but HIV still shortens the lives of those infected. This has been scientifically borne out. HIV is currently incurable, and although ART radically slows the progression of the disease an prevents spread, it cannot completely stop the systemic damage to the body caused by the virus. The constant state of inflammation alone predisposes infected persons to potentially life-threatening illnesses. Even on meds, the immune system of many HIV patients is compromised to some degree, making the patients more likely to catch communicable diseases like influenza (that can and do disproportionately kill children and the elderly) and more likely to die from them. Finally, meds are never a guarantee of health. In 2016, more than 15,800 persons died from AIDS-related illness in the United States. Try telling all those people, and their loved ones, that HIV isn’t a death sentence. In fact, try telling me - in August 2014 I was diagnosed with AIDS and only a fluke of anatomy prevented my death from opportunistic fungal meningitis and associated stroke. My CD4 count will never recover, and my life expectancy has been shortened by at least a decade. You don’t need to read the stats because you know the issues? And I suppose you don’t need to do any math because you get where the Flat Earth people are coming from too. You have the audacity to suggest that @tallslenderguy, one of our most thoughtful, trustworthy and factual members is a troll? The irony is rich. Where I’m from, they say the guilty dog barks first...
  20. Exactly this. There’s a kind of delight some men take in those kinds of things that isn’t me at all. It’s not just that I don’t prefer to do them - I can’t wrap my head around them. Odors of uncleanliness don’t turn me on. Spitting into my mouth would get it spat back out instantly, and put a sudden end to that fuck. And as common as watersports are, I still don’t understand the appeal of being doused in urine. Note that I say I don’t understand these things. That doesn’t mean I make any judgment about those who do. It may mean I’m more likely to take them at their word if they choose to call themselves “pigs”, but they may also think me a pig simply because I take cock bare and let Tops cum inside me. The question is, do I have any reason to object?
  21. Yes, that’s basically the point of the thread - to work out what “pig” means to different people, because it’s used so commonly here. It’s kind of an attempt at disambiguation - it always helps communication if everyone has read the same dictionary.
  22. Can you elaborate on this? What is the quality that you say comes from within, and why, for you, is it associated with the term “pig”? As I mentioned above, I don’t self-identify as a pig, but by your measure you indicate you might view me as one because I’m poz. I’d like to consider whether I actually possess thr internal quality you’re talking about.
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