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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I've been infected twice in the last year, twice over the course of 150 or so fucks. I suppose I can't complain. The problem, however, is that when they get me, they seem to pile it on. The first time I tested positive for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and the second time I tested positive for gono, chlamydia, and syphilis. Given the very limited incidence versus the number of encounters, it tends to suggest that I'm getting infected by a single individual each time, rather than getting one STD from one guy and another STD from someone else. Takeaway message: There are probably some "Typhoid Mary" types out there who simply do not get tested or treated, and keep on racking up infections and spreading them. In some cases, it's possible that the guy may not be aware, since some STDs can progress without symptoms, but if a guy's going to bareback anonymously, he should be getting tested regardless of whether he feels symptoms or not. And yes, it's a nuisance. The antibiotics that nail gono and chlamydia are not the same as those needed for syphilis, and antibiotics won't do diddly against viruses. PrEP won't save you from HPV, Hep A, Hep B, Hep C, or herpes. Get the vaccinations for those STDs that are available. Also a nuisance: I haven't been fucked in three weeks and can't do a thing about it, because I absolutely refuse to risk anyone else's health. Masturbation and dildo play are NOT an acceptable substitute.
  2. The word "faggot" is used all across these boards, but I was unable to find any thread in which the actual meaning of the word is discussed. It seems to me that a word in such common usage ought to be generally understood in its specifics. What do you mean when you use the word "faggot"? In high school in the early 1980s, I remember being called "faggot" and "fag" walking down the halls, even though at the time I didn't know what it meant. The ones using it were almost entirely jocks, and what they meant by it was "homosexual" - any homosexual. At that point in my life, I (a very late bloomer and autistic to boot) was unaware that I had any same-sex attraction. Sex wasn't yet part of my lexicon. I just knew that "faggot" was clearly not something anyone wanted to be. Now, in the greater world of homophobia and discrimination, the use of "faggot" by non-gays often carries almost the same taboo as use of the "N" word for people with dark skin. Yet here, some men sling it around casually, or even as a badge or flag. Some men claim it as part of their identity, while others take its use as a given because to them it aptly describes another type of man (but not themselves). An Alpha Top (for instance) may, here, refer to the bottom he uses as a "faggot", confident that other readers will understand that he is not, himself, a faggot. Yet from the perspective of some non-gay men on the outside, that word would be applied to him and to the bottom equally. So clearly, "faggot" takes on a more specialized meaning within this group. But what is that meaning, exactly? Are all bottoms faggots? Are all faggots bottoms? What about very bottoms? What about very Tops? Does faggot refer only to a certain kind of man whose willingness to submit himself to the use of other men sets him lower in some hierarchy of male-male sex? Is the term reserved for those who unashamedly let the thick cocks of anonymous strangers degrade their slits? It the word specifically meant for men who end up with the semen of other men inside them? Is a man a faggot because he has an inner desire to be penetrated, fucked, bred in the way men breed women, so strongly that it becomes a physical and emotional need? More to the point, is faggot used here to express that a man has somehow degraded his masculinity by submitting to the sexual use of more aggressive, more masculine men? Or do you mean something either more, or less, specific? I do not think of myself as a "faggot", possibly because of the stigma that surrounded the word from my upbringing. Likewise, on these boards, I would never refer to myself as a faggot. Oddly, though, it does not bother me if other men here see me as such, if by faggot they mean a man who willingly gives his body in service to other men for their sexual pleasure. It doesn't bother me if you see me as somehow less masculine or less of a man. If the idea of using me because you see me that way, or because my being a faggot in your eyes makes me fair game for your use, then that's fine. I would just like to know exactly what you mean.
  3. A couple of months ago I was being fucked by a man (with the single thickest cock I have ever encountered o.0) who was very vocal when he came. Even though it was taking all my concentration to keep my ass open enough to let him drive it in to the balls, it grabbed my attention when his orgasm moans suddenly broke into a high-pitched squeal. I thought, Damn - he is loving this. God knows I was.
  4. Whether one agrees with this or not, it’s certainly well written. ? @FaceLoad - Do you mean that the act of being penetrated causes an automatic change in the gender qualities of the bottom? How do you reply to those Tops who derive their pleasure and satisfaction from the feeling that they are dominating/overpowering (one is tempted to say “overcoming” for the double meaning) another man? Some men may have little interest in men that exhibit more feminine traits, but may be greatly arroused by what they feel is the challenge of the conquest of a peer in masculinity. When I’m being fucked, the sex sounds I make are generally not feminine. The grunts, outcries, growls and moans are those of a man being used by another man. Only at the end, when a Top has broken me down to full instinctive breeding, do my sounds suggest anything feminine. Although, in concession to your point, I very often find that the moment my sound changes many Tops are hugely turned on and ramp their fucking to another level.
  5. It's a bad enough problem that I very seldom even try to do it on an individual basis. I find that if I go to a bathhouse and take a room, or get a hotel room and host, it's a lot easier to deal with. It's like going to a buffet instead of ordering off the menu - if you don't like what you get, at least you haven't spoiled the whole meal. You can go back and try again quickly. If I know that a certain percentage of those who hit me up for my ass are going to be no-shows, I just make sure I'm in a position to field enough potential hits to beat the odds. That way I never go home unfucked, and often serially fucked. Also, I make no bones about what I'm looking for, and what I offer. I say quite clearly that I'm taking cock bare. If a guy at the bathhouse insists on using a condom I'm not going to turn him away (hey, it's his orgasm), but if he asks me, I'm going to tell him to please go bare, he'll enjoy me so much more. The longer you stay in position, the more certain you can be that eventually someone is going to take you on your terms. For more frequent results, the trick is to have flexible terms.
  6. Yes, you do need to tell them, because few are aware. Mixing Viagra and poppers can be DEADLY ? because both act to decrease blood pressure, and using both together greatly raises your risk of dropping your blood pressure to the point that your blood can no longer transport oxygen around your body, and then, you die. ”Oh, but I use both together all the time and I’ve never had any issue - it’s not a problem for me!” Yeah, Snowflake, you might also conclude that because the last five spins of the revolver are proof that you can safely play Russian Roulette all day long. ”Seriously! I’ve never had a problem, and I love the rush I feel every time I pull the tri-“ *bang* Just. Don’t. Stop the madness. And one more thing - just a personal little note about XTC/MDMA/E/Molly - I suffer from a condition for which my doctor says my best treatment would be a prescription for MDMA. The problem? It’s illegal for him to prescribe it because so many assholes abuse it for “a tingly feeling” and to feel hornier that it is now a Scheduled drug. So because these fuckers want to play a little harder, I’m not allowed to get well unless I break the law and put myself at risk of getting some adulterated shit that will do way more harm than good. So, for all of you contributing to this situation by your casual illicit purchase and use of XTC, fuck you very much. Enjoy your fun.
  7. aspieboy - You sat that you only infrequently act upon your frequent urges, but you don’t really explain what the reason or obstacle is that prevents you from doing so. The title of your thread suggests it has something to do with “acceptance of your role”, so the issue sounds as though it might be more psychological than situational. If you’d care to provide a bit more detail, we may be better able to advise you.
  8. Whenever I come across “BBC” the first thing that pops into my head is “British Broadcasting Corporation”. I am a huge fan of the BBC. I am also, as it happens, quite partial both to black Tops, and to hung Tops. If a given Top turns out to be both, so much the better. But I have never once used any language in a profile or an ad that might suggest that I would favor any man over any other man on the basis of the color of his skin or the size of his cock, and certainly not over anything as arbitrary as whether or not he is “attractive”. From time to time, black Tops will message me asking, “You like bbc?” I actually don’t assume the message conveys anything about cock size - I interpret it as shorthand for “Are you willing to have interracial sex with a black man?” I always answer yes, because I do/am/will, completely regardless of the size of the cock that arrives attached to the man. One of the most liberating decisions I have made in my sexual life was to give my ass to any man who asked for it - applying zero discrimination at all has provided me freedom and opportunity, variety and delight. I have never been and would never be comfortable using the term “BBC” in the present context, because so much unnecessary value judgment is carried in three letters. I agree with the OP that it’s best to discourage its use. Unless referring to Her Royal Majesty’s broadcasting service. Quite.
  9. Just a random question that fired through my head - If someone has written “CUMDUMP” on a bottom’s back, will you likely use him as one? If someone writes “FUCK HIM” across his ass cheeks, are you tempted to do so? Just curious. ?
  10. What an insightful question. I think I would flip one of your options slightly - I know that I will never find anyone to love me, but that does not keep me from sharing the love within me generally. So I am a breeding slut to better bring pleasure and comfort to others. It allows me to give of myself as completely as the Tops are willing to take from me completely. For a Top to brutally fuck me into utter submission - to break me - would be the fullest exptression of love I could give. (Yes, I know that’s probably fucked up, but I’m about to take a 7” cock and I can’t think about it anymore right now...)
  11. My former Master and I are both intelligent men. He is a particularly good strategist, while I am a pretty good analyst. So basically, I knew what he was doing to try to get inside my head, and he knew I knew, and I knew that he knew I knew, etc. We would even have discussions about it... well, sort of non-discussions where I asked shrewd questions that he would neither confirm nor deny in an extremely irritating way. Except he would then go on to prove my theory by actually doing it. It’s a special kind of humiliation when you can see a mindfuck for what it is, and yet be unable to resist its effects on you. As though I were a bystander outside my own body, I watched this Dom shape my mind like putty, fully understanding his method and intent, until I suddenly realized that my purpose is to be a sexual submissive to any man who asks. So the question is, did he make me into a cumdump, did he make me want him to make me into a cumdump, or did he simply unearth something already buried within me? If I asked him that question, I already know what his answer would be: ”Probably.” [wicked grin] Fucker.
  12. Ah, but does it really? I know it does if you have your cock buried down the guy’s throat when you cum, but my experience with Tops using my mouth for their hole is that more than half the time they pull out to shoot onto my face. And the thing is, I’m right there, inches away, mouth open wide, my tongue out like a landing strip - and they miss. Completely. With every spurt! I mean, it fucking defies the laws of physics. Last fall I had this big guy who wanted to stand on his knees over me with me on my back so he could cum on my face. I was looking up at this big cock and hefty balls, thinking this was probably going to be a big load, so I opened wide, and he made it rain cum all over my face, shoulders, hair, everything - and did not hit my mouth with a single drop. ! !! Somebody explain this bizarre phenomenon, because it beats me how they do it...
  13. An art piece. Yeah! S-u-u-u-re it’s an art piece. Of course it is. And that thing in my basement that looks like a St. Andrew’s Cross is for drying dish towels. I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, Sven. #notfoolinganybody
  14. With regard to a “spectrum” of sexuality, that’s not an idea - that’s science, established by the Kinsey study. And I would agree with you that there is also a spectrum of Dominance and submission, so clearly so that in BDSM practice it’s not uncommon for men to rate the percentage of which they are one or the other. The thing is, I’m not sure those two spectrums are the same spectrum - but perhaps two related spectra on an axis to one another. My thread about whether Tops have a right to bottoms’ asses clearly derives from my experience as a submissive who has served a numbers of very Dominant men who took my ass as an entitlement. But I’m fully aware that there is a world out there in which normal, well-adjusted guys meet similar guys, and form loving relationships in which their sex is a balance of give-and-take and mutual regard on both sides. I’m a cumdump - by definition an object to be used for ungentle acts. I’m under no illusion that the kind of men I generally encounter are middle-of-the-spectrum guys with their sex lives in balance. A guy who is unsure or uneasy about where he falls on the masculinity/femininity axis may not have a thought in his head about the Dominance/submission axis, and I can always tell the difference between a Top who breeds me for sexual contact and expression, and a Dom who fucks me for power and control. It doesn’t amount to that much difference fo me, though - regardless of which axis it is, I’m going to end up getting reamed with it...
  15. Definitely these kinds of details that give insight into the dynamic between Tops and bottoms. Also, similar to what @Poz-Mcr says about Top expressions above, I love to watch bottoms’ faces while they’re being fucked, especially when they’re first being penetrated, and especially when the cock is big. There are expressions that just can’t be suppressed, and tell you not only exactly what’s going on in his mind, but exactly what’s happening in his ass as well. And of course I love to watch close shots of cocks and balls in holes when they’re cumming inside - the expansion, contraction, and rhythmic pulsation are the proof that you’re watching the bottom being actually seeded before your eyes... lucky fucking bastard. ?
  16. I think you should emphasize that you’re talking about Dom Tops here specifically and not every Top, because this forum is awash with comments from Tops who say that they don’t give any thought to a bottom’s cock. Dom Tops, however, are after something quite different. My former Master very much made use of my cock in my training. Deep sounding, high intensity electro, needles, edging, and oh, GOD - he had this motherfucking vibrator with a cupped head that ultimately made me tremble in fear every time he turned it on because I knew what was about to happen... and then it did. The first time he successfully made me cum at his verbal command, he was running electric current through my shaft, and every so often, without warning (I was bound and blindfolded) he would start whipping my cock with a long, narrow sort of stiff switch. He, at least, absolutely felt that he had the Right to use my cock as he saw fit - but then, he actually held a deed to my body as property, so in that sense I guess his Right had been spelled out on paper and the cock attached to me well and truly did belong to him, along with all my other parts. I’ve submitted to a lot of Doms over time, and I can’t imagine any Man of that mindset ever thinking that he didn’t naturally have a Right to a sub’s cock. What he does with it is another question, though - he could edge the sub and then cruelly keep jacking his sensitive rod right after he shoots, or, he might lock the sub’s cock up in a chastity cage and not do another thing with it for a month. Either choice would be an expression of a Dom’s Right to command the use of sub cock, and both are equally effective ways of getting inside the sub’s head to build obedience and mental conditioning in training. I know exactly how my Master was shaping my mind during my training - we even discussed it - but knowing why he chose to use my cock against me didn’t change the effect of what he did. He knew he had me by the most sensitive, neurologically complex sensory organ I had; he knew how it connected to my brain; and he used that knowledge to completely and permanently shape my self-perception. I think it’s fair to say that if he hadn’t exercised his Right to my cock, I might never have realized I was born to serve men with my ass.
  17. This happens to me from time to time. I accept it as a natural extension of the Top’s desire to dominate me, and to penetrate me as completely as possible.
  18. I’ve done a lot of thinking about this topic since I started it, and among the several replies, this comment by @flacogedor seems, at least for me, to most precisely answer the question. If a Top’s (Alpha’s) right to enjoy a bottom’s ass were dependent on whether the bottom was looking for cum, then there would actually be no right at all - this would be a society in which bottoms held all the cards, and Tops would be beholden to them for permission to fuck. Yet we know that absolutely isn’t how it works in real life. In real life, we recognize Top, Alpha, Superior Men who demonstrate the courage, determination, and ambition to know what they want, and the masculine drive and aggression to reach out and take it. When such a man takes something for himself and it is not challenged, it establishes his Right. Over time, Tops (Alphas) have claimed bottom ass at will and without challenge so often that the Right becomes understood to be universal and perpetual. Whether or not the bottom is eager (or even greedy) for cum should have no part in the question. It is no concern of the Top how much the bottom he fucks craves his cum - unless the bottom’s desperation excites the Top, it contributes nothing to his pleasure. Frankly, I really don’t relate to bottoms who just say their goal is to “get as many cum loads as possible”. That approach treats Tops - Superior Men - as nothing but vending machines. It’s no wonder so many Tops complain about “greedy bottoms”. I find that these same bottoms often become very possessive about what they call “my cum” or “my loads” that they’ve collected. I never think of any load pumped into me as mine. In my mind, it is still a part of the Top who put it there, representing him, marking me for him. It never becomes “mine”. That’s part of the reason that I don’t measure my success in loads taken. For me, I am successful when the Top, who has chosen me for the privilege of his fuck, enjoys himself in me in unrestrained sexuality, and finishes satisfied - even if his cum doesn’t end up in my ass. The highest praise is to be told, “Good boy.” Some bottoms are in it only for what they can get; others are in it for what they can give away. I am one of the latter sort, willing and eager to accept my role, and let Alpha Men take as much of me as they want, confirming their Right to fuck my ass any time, anywhere.
  19. I tried a Gun Oil branded silicone/water hybrid, but I gave it away to a fister I met because I felt a really unpleasant burning every time a Top used it on me. I may just have a reaction to all silicone-based lubes, or just silicone in general. Actually, I used to keep a container of each type of lube (water, silicone, w/s hybrid, coconut oil, petrolatum) on the table closest to the bed so any Top could have his preference if he wanted to lube me (I am, however, a BYOS bottom - Bring Your Own Spit). Now, though, I no longer offer a bottle of silicone-based lube at all. Not because it feels unpleasant... but because every. single. meatfucking. time, some guy would unscrew the top instead of flipping it open, spill half the contents trying to slick his cock instead of my ass, and turn the floor into a Skating-Rink-of-Death for anyone trying to come in for all the following Tops unless I paused everything, found cleaning supplies, and spent 15 minutes on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor like Cinderfuckingella. (I didn’t have any talking mice either - They must have all got shoved up somebody’s ass once upon a time...) But I digress.
  20. Not all oil-bases give the same results, because oils come from different sources. Even among similar oil’s results can be different. Take for example Vaseline versus Anal Lube by Doc Johnson. I have always found Vaseline to be a bit thick and greasy for my taste, but Anal Lube, which is also petrolatum-based, is lighter and not as clingy. Coconut oil is also oil-based, but the oil is a vegetable base. The difference between the petroleum-based oils and coconut oil is that the petroleum based oils do not penetrate or absorb into the skin. They cover the skin with a thick coating sealing in moisture but also clogging the pores and sealing in bacteria. The vegetable-based oils do soak into the skin and moisturize the skin and may help resist infection while at the same time functioning as well as or better than the petrolatum-based lubricants. I don’t know about all live oil; I can’t imagine using it because of the smell. Coconut oil can be purchased with no smell and no taste. I suppose one could try using lard (animal-based oil) but 1) eww, and 2) what gay man would ever want to end up with a reputation for being a lard-ass? Word.
  21. So hot. What percentage of passers-by would you say took advantage?
  22. Regarding your question about cum itself being irritating to tissue, there is such a thing, although rare, as a semen allergy. The phenomenon has not been extensively studied, and its cause is not well understood, but there are people for whom contact with semen produces a burning or itching sensation. Some sources say that such an allergy should be triggered by any man the sufferer encounters, while others' experience suggests that the allergy may be limited to specific individuals, or may not always be triggered. There is also the possibility that the allergy is to a component in the semen related to some other aspect of the man's lifestyle. In my own experience, there was one guy I served on and off for a couple of years whose cum, every time it touched my skin, immediately burned like hell and would leave red patches if I didn't get if off quickly enough. I don't know for certain that I've ever encountered another like him, but there have been a few instances where out of nowhere a fuck will burn horribly, or my hole and the skin around it will experience burning right after a fuck with no evident reason. There is always the possibility that the Top has brought his own silicon-based lube - I no longer offer it to Tops as an alternative because, like you, I find that it burns.
  23. Well, this thread has taken a bizarre turn. As my explanation of my habits - and their effect on my ability to continue to be fucked - earlier in the thread seem to have provoked strong reaction for some reason, I feel that I should clarify. I got a late start having sex with men, but I have spent the last 15 years doing my best to make up for lost time. It adds up to a lot of cock in my ass. That includes the summer weekend in 2010 when I took 34 cocks in less than 12 hours - and that is an absolutely true account, with no exaggeration whatever. The thing to understand is, until this year, I had no idea there was such a thing as poppers. I took 14 years worth of cock, including six years of sexual service training, with nothing but a little water-based lube. Yes, I can take cock very well without the aid of any substance from outside my body. So why, then, I’m sure you ask, don’t I do so now? Because I do not use any substance to compensate for my deficits - only to complement my strengths. I use poppers specifically as a tool to relax the soft muscle tissue - I have already had one cock-torn anal fissure surgically repaired, and I would be a fool not to use the tools at my disposal to prevent another. Similarly, if I use a common palliative to reduce the discomfort and potential damage from continued fucking, I do so specifically so that I can keep my focus on my Top, his motions, his sounds, and his subtle nuances, so I can be a more responsive sexual partner. Not everyone who uses poppers strategically is strung out on other drugs. Not everyone who accepts anonymous cocks into his hole is sketchy or trashy. I think you may be right that sex is one of our most complex social interactions - one whose details are unique to the individual, and one for which no one can claim to know what should be true for all.
  24. Heh. 2) wouldn’t work for me because everyone gets that without needing to do anything. I have occasionally had Tops summon up friends while they’re with me and after they’re spent because they think their friend would enjoy me, but I don’t know that I’ve ever had one tell me unasked that he heard about me from someone else. It may be that I haven’t been in the ‘circuit’ long enough to get talked about much in the conversations where two Tops are thumbing through app profiles to see which ones they’ve fucked. Or perhaps I have, and I just haven’t been worthy of comment - which, if true, I wish I knew so I could try to improve my performance. Or, it could be that the nature of my usual hookups, in hotels and bathhouses, is a type that Tops usually keep to themselves for fear that others will take some sort of morally negative view of them. That would be unfortunate. Regardless, I always give the best service I can, and I would be proud to be known for it.
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