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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I, also, don’t bother playing with toys - once you develop a taste (literally and figuratively) for Men’s cocks, there is no substitute. One of my favorite vids tells bottoms: “It’s all over for you now. This is only the beginning. Devolve.” Every time I see it, the truth of that runs all through me and then stops at my cunt, making it quiver in hunger. I do use certain toys as tools to loosen me up before long service. I also always leave my best 9” dildo and anal beads out for Men to use on me if they wish. Sometimes even other bottoms will come in and use the dildo on me. More often than not, the guy using the dildo will eventually start reaming me in and out with it as fast and as hard as they can - way faster than any fucking machine I’ve ever seen. When they do that, it makes my body arch backward, which seems to open up my second rimg more. I don’t know if those guys realize what a majorly brutal fuck they’re giving me... but I take it, because I can, and because it’s what they want to do. Or, they might know full well what they’re doing, and just want to have some wicked fun seeing how much the cumdump can take - and rightly so - I’m just a sexual object to them, for all practical purposes a toy myself. Sometimes though, they’re just content to see if it will all go in. Not long ago at the bathhouse, a guy I didn’t see came in and slowly inserted the dildo to full length, applying some force to make sure it had gone in absolutely as far as he could. Then he said, “Yep - you took it all.” Then he departed, and I never got a look at him. He left the dildo where he had buried it in my ass. I once had a Top who enjoyed parading me around at a bar, and one time held me from behind and jacked me off in front of about a dozen gathered onlookers until I came. I so very, very much want to serve a Top who would enjoy his use of my ass as you describe - he would get so much satisfaction out of having me…
  2. ALL of this ^ ! @tallslenderguy - It would be a blast to be lying ass-up next to you taking cock in tandem. Though we might annoy the Tops with conversation …
  3. As I mentioned, I like to use coconut oil, because it’s slick, lasts a while, is solid at room temperature but liquifies at body temperature (it’s almost as if nature evolved this specifically for ass lube), you can get it with no taste or odor (ass-eaters will thank you), it’s organic, good for your skin, and best of all – you can get a tub the size of a pint jar at any reasonably sized grocery store for less than $5 US! There are whole threads on this forum dedicated to the discussion of lubes - just do a Topic site search for “lube”.
  4. Whatever you do, don’t rush it. You can damage yourself in ways that will set you back for weeks, and make training much harder than it has to be through negative reinforcement. Listen to what your body tells you; learn how to push your limits, but not violate them. Practically, get yourself a set of anal dilator training plugs (~ $30 US online) and work with the largest you can manage without pain until it has stretched you enough for the next one. Use a bit of lube if needed (coconut oil works well). Better still, find a patient but determined Top to stretch you out the natural way... ?
  5. Ah. I see. I am acquainted with other people of similar misfortune (not that specific misfortune, but the general type described). The Universe can be terribly unkind to some people. Although my sentiment is about as helpful as tits on a boar hog, I hope the best for her.
  6. Promises, promises. Don’t make promises you don’t plan to keep.
  7. When my body is ready to be fucked, I find that I become very different mentally from when I’ve just recently been bred. Mind you, my insatiable ass means that switch gets flipped at the drop of a waistband, but if any time has passed in which I have to go without, it’s like my blood starts boiling. The longer it goes, the more in-heat I feel, and the more willing I become to do just about anything to take a cock. Inhibitions melt like butter, caution flutters away like a moth in a hurricane, modesty and dignity cease to have any meaning. Once I’ve been serially bred, it all calms down somewhat (I always end up wishing for just one more cock) and I kind of think, Damn - what was I doing? Not remorse or anything, just a little surprise that I would descend so far into depravity, or that I let so many men utterly degrade me. It doesn’t last, of course, the fire never goes out under my pot, so it’s inevitably going to come to a boil again sooner rather than later. Right now, I’m so in heat I can almost see the fuck-me waves rising off me. (I use ‘in heat’ to describe me because I feel as though ‘horny’ is connected to cock, and my readiness is all about my cunt - I’m literally a bitch in heat.) Does anyone else experience this kind of back-and-forth?
  8. I think you mean, if we get you hard again we get to take another fuck. I love hearing “I’ve got another one for you” because it means he enjoyed my ass enough to jump back in, and because it means that when he shoots it’s going to force his first load even deeper inside me.
  9. That verse is another example of the need, as @PERVERSATILE puts it, for more specificity. Don’t lie with a man as you would with a woman? Okay... well, a gay man would most likely lie with a woman in a completely platonic, non-sexual way, therefore, in obedience to the scripture, if he lies with a man he must fuck him. Likewise, if the scriptures are meant to apply to women (as they clearly are), the same verse could be read as a command for hetero women to fuck men, because that’s not how they would lie with a woman. And as woman-woman lying together is not regulated in the verse, lesbians are free and clear to do whatever! If they wanted to prevent man-on-man sex, they should have just said “Don’t lie down with another man”, but that’s not what it says, so that can’t be what it means, right? I love words... they’re so flexible and twisty. ? @PERVERSATILE - Your friend Tammy must have been the poster girl for “go big or go home”.
  10. At least your dad could be up front and honest about sexual advice for a boy. When I was 11, my dad sat me down and told me, and I quote, “mutter-mutter-mutter-mutter Keep it in your pants.” I was a late, late bloomer and had no idea what the hell he was talking about. But that was it for the birds and the bees. He left me to my own devices for the rest, which for a bookish boy meant The Time/Life Book of the Human Body. I was in high school before I finally understood that a guy’s cock was supposed to go inside someone else’s body. My sister’s sex education was left entirely to my mother. Sis got, and I jest not, “Don’t sit in men’s laps.” And my dad had the gall to pester both of us about how much he wanted grandkids, until he finally got them. I think I’ll drive up this afternoon and poke him in the eye...
  11. From other threads on this forum, it has been made obvious that a preference for loose or tight holes is purely a matter of taste fot individual Tops. I wouldn’t worry about it. If you want, however, you might consider doing things like kegel exercises to tone up your muscles down there and give yourself the ability to tighten up when desired.
  12. I was actually a little surprised the other day when I reached down and realized that my hole felt different than usual - so I got a mirror and looked, and sure enough, what used to be a pucker was now clearly a slit. I felt like I’ve reached an important milestone, somehow... as though that physical change is the undeniable proof that my body was made to be fucked by Men. Kind of exciting to know it’s not just all in my head. The only downside is that in a darkroom, Tops can’t see it. Can a Top tell if a bottom has a slit just by touch? Maybe the downside is actually an upside...
  13. That occurred to me as well. For some men there is thrill in risk, but there's risk and then there's foolish risk... and then there's a death wish. I just don't have any idea where dark alleys fall along that spectrum.
  14. I've been fucked by soooo many men who I've never even seen, let alone learned their names. Sometimes when a Top will fuck me and walk away into the dark sight-unseen, the thought passes through my head: I will never, ever know who just enjoyed finding out what my body feels like deep inside. He degraded me in the most intimate way possible, rutted my slit with his heavy cock until it pulsed his seed, and then just walked away. I will never know who he was. The thought immediately gets me ready to take the next cock.
  15. Love a dark room. Why do I need to see? The other end is where the action happens, and really, almost all of the information I need to maximize the Top's enjoyment of my ass I gather through touch, smell, sound and taste. Although, a room with a great big mirror in which I can watch myself getting fucked is also fun... ? How common is it to be found and taken by a Top in a dark alley? How much time do you have to spend wandering before you're picked up? Are dark alleys that cruise-y in general, or is it only certain kinds of dark alleys, or only alleys near certain locations, or just alleys in certain cities? Inquiring minds want to know...
  16. Why do you say that liking sex intimidates and scares people? Just curious. I would think saying "I don't like sex" or "Sex - I can take it or leave it" would be the greater buzzkill. I love sex, and I don't try to conceal the fact. I just wish more people asked me about it... ?
  17. Could I ask those of you who reply with your favorite or recommended brand of poppers to look on the bottle label and also tell us what type of nitrite is the active ingredient? It would be super helpful. It should be one of the following: amyl nitrite isoamyl nitrite butyl nitrite isobutyl nitrite pentyl nitrite isopentyl nitrite cyclohexyl nitrite isopropyl nitrite
  18. I have heard of this happening before, but I just can’t wrap my head around it. What kind of man pulls another Top out of an ass he’s fucking in order to take his place? I mean, beyond being bad form and grossly inappropriate, I would think that kind of behavior would risk a severe response from the Top whose ecstasy was just rudely interrupted. What Top worthy of the name would tolerate that?
  19. What kind of places do you frequent that this sort of thing has happened to you lots of times, and have been raped “a few times”? I’m seriously curious, because I would have thought that having been once raped in a place, or by a specific man or group of men, a person would tend to steer clear of that place and those people. How is it that you’ve found yourself in these situations so often?
  20. Guys, be sure to check the formulation of your poppers before you buy, and be cautious of those made with isopropyl nitrite - isopropyl nitrite poppers have been linked to eye damage in ways that other members of the alkyl nitrite group have not. I wish it were possible to find the original amyl nitrite - I’ve always wondered what that would be like.
  21. I usually feel like a Top gets his deepest penetration into me with a Scissors position, or sometimes with a Launch Pad position. To check out every conceivable male/male sexual position, with video illustration and notes, you can try the gaysexpositions guide.
  22. Your university had a paintball team? When I was in college, if there had been such a thing as a paintball team and a gay guy was on it, they wouldn’t have called him “faggot” - they would have called him “target”. I’m glad things are a bit better now. The 80s sucked for being gay.
  23. I have read through nine pages of this topic, astonished that a debate on the question could extend this long. Sorry if this runs long: "Stealthing", as it's being discussed here, is an active choice by one man Topping another to clandestinely expose the other man to his bodily fluids without the other man's consent. Consent is our society's gold standard for sexual relations. Non-consent is criminalized. Let's be clear now - anything you do sexually to another person without his or her consent is not ethically or morally, and in most cases legally, acceptable. The fact that it is done with deception and by intent compounds the offense. A great deal of the hand-wringing on this thread seems to center on the question of whether a bottom who barebacks, and especially a bottom who offers his ass up to anonymous men, is giving tacit, unspoken, universally understood consent. Consent to be fucked bare? Yes. Consent to be knowingly infected with disease? No. The OP asks whether steal thing is morally okay. Ethics, morals and scruples are the philosophical fabric that allows human beings to have civil interactions with one another in spite of the fact that every individual perceives his or her own needs as the most important. Society expounds on these values by canonizing them into laws, but even where the law is not established or inconclusive, the bedrock principle of ethics and morals remains - that is, there is and must be a commonly accepted threshold of what is right versus what is wrong, or civilization descends into anarchy. In this case, the commonly accepted threshold is that human beings do not intentionally infect other human beings with disease. This is a standard of importance not only to individuals, but to society at large, which has a vested interest in controlling outbreaks of disease that threaten populations, economies, and power structures. Bottom line: It's not okay to intentionally infect anyone with a disease. About Personal Responsibility - Society generally accepts that the individual should take responsibility for his or her actions. This must be placed in context, however, with the fact that the actions of every individual are not of equal weight in every situation, and some actions are more decidedly the cause of an effect than the other. Take, for instance, the assertion that a bottom who lies ass-up in his room at the bathhouse with the door open must accept the responsibility for a stealthing because he placed himself in the position where it could happen, knowing that it could happen., even though he requests use of condoms. The infected Top, knowing of his infection (or ignorant of whether he is infected or not), then enters and, contrary to the bottom's request, arranges it so that he cums inside the bottom. A. The top has knowingly infected another person; and B. the Top has violated the negotiated agreement for sexual contact, circumventing the bottom's right to refuse. Both A and B are violations of the moral and ethical community standard, and in many cases, the legal standard. The bottom's choice, while an active choice to put himself in the position, is still not the cause of the offenses in A and B. The Top may claim that the ass presented constitutes an open invitation, which it does, but not an open invitation to being stealthed. The open invitation is to being fucked under certain conditions. Now: We have seen Tops argue several times here that these bottoms deserve what they get for putting themselves in that position, and should take personal responsibility for what happens rather than blaming the Tops who stealth. But what about the personal responsibility of the Tops themselves? The personal responsibility of Tops is multifold: Tops have a responsibility, as the active, dominant partner, to exercise control so as to prevent damage or injury. Tops are, by their nature as masculine men, a strong, aggressive, and potentially dangerous physical force. Unconstrained, a masculine adult male is capable of significant harm. Because the bottom has agreed to submit to the Top's aggression, the burden lies with the Top to exercise his freedom responsibly. Socially, this is sensible - if all Tops behaved with abandon and harmed the men they fuck, their supply of men to fuck would diminish. It is not logical not to assume a weight of responsibility for the Top role. If the Top is infected or potentially infected, again, ethically and morally, the burden rests with the Top to ensure that his disease is not passed on to another human being, just as though the disease were influenza or ebola. The fact that the Top may be angry or resentful over being made a disease carrier in the first place is immaterial - retribution-by-proxy is not an acceptable defense. Neither is a Top's potential disdain for the target of his stealthing. The discussion above has so far concerned bottoms who request condoms, but what about a cumdump bottom lying ass-up with the expectation of taking cock bare? Does this, then, absolve the infected/potentially infected Top of his social responsibility not to spread disease? No. If anything, it makes the Top's personal responsibility more imperative, because he is confronted with a partner potentially more vulnerable to harm. One writer on these boards commented that if he found a cumdump in like situation, he would absolutely breed him so as to ensure that the cumdump caught not only HIV, but other STDs as well - presumably on the idea that the cumdump needs to face retribution in some way for being personally irresponsible enough to place himself in a vulnerable position. But such a Top blatantly ignores his own personal responsibility whilst castigating the bottom for not taking responsibility for being vulnerable. Ethically, morally, society would deem such a Top's affirmative decision to infect the other human being not only wrong, but indefensible. "He had it coming" is not a viable defense (nor is any exercise in victim-blaming). Does the cumdump have any personal responsibility in this? Yes. If he's going to take anon loads, he has an absolute responsibility to get tested regularly for STDs, to be treated when they occur, and to take himself out of service until he is safe for play. Period. Because he is a central receptacle for many potential vectors of STDs, he has a greater-than-average responsibility to ensure that he does not contribute to the spread of disease, or to harm to any person. I am a cumdump. I live by this. The person who I suspect may have been responsible for my recent infection with the trifecta of gono, chlamydia and syphilis caught my notice because of something he said. Once he had cum inside me, he pulled out, wiped his cock on my towel, and said, "There you go." It might not have been him, and he might have meant nothing by the comment except to say, "There's the cum you wanted." But no one has ever said that to me before, and it left me wondering. It clearly indicated that he knew he left something inside me, and knew what it was. I harbor no ill feeling toward whoever it was whose cock pumped me full of HIV. I have no reason to think that he did so intentionally, and he may not have known himself. I always hope that he got treatment in time. But if I ever learn that some son of a bitch intentionally knocked me up with an STD, he will find out how dangerous I can be, because there is no ethical or moral excuse.
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