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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I wonder if this has any relation to the practice occasionally seen in BDSM circles of a “peg race”. Essentially, two benches such as you describe with wooden pegs of gradually increasing length and girth are lined up side by side, and then two submissive men are made to compete to see who can take each peg completely in his ass in the shortest time. I’ve never competed in a peg race before; now I wonder how I’d do...
  2. I experience the same thing at adult bookstores. I have been jacked off exactly once, and fucked exactly once, and the rest of the time it’s been sitting around watching men come in, sit down, stare at each other a while, rub their crotches, and leave. I get the sense that more action takes place in the privacy of video booths with glory holes, but I’m not into glory holes, so I can’t address it from experience. Anyway, I’d go to an ABS as an absolute last resort if I were beside-myself-crazy for lack of cock, but otherwise I save my money for travel to the bathhouse.
  3. Last week in Louisville, the last Top to fuck me commented, “That’s why I come back to you again - just like it says, you’re a cum slut.” ”What do you mean?” I asked. “What do you mean, ‘just like it says’?” ”Just like the words say.” ”What words? Where have you seen that written?” ”On your back there, just above your ass.” And sure enough, twisting in the mirror I could see in thick black marker smeared with sweat, lube, and the grease of sex, ‘CUM SLUT’ had been scrawled across my body. At first I had no idea how or when it came to be there, but then I remembered a moment with the first guy of the night, the young one who always wants me blindfolded. In the lull after he had brutalized my hole with the dildo and then flipped me over to assault my prostate with his fingers, it had felt like he was tracing his finger across my back. Now I knew he had been using the pen. The fucker. ”Well,” I told the last Top, “Truth in advertising. Hope it works.” He sqeezed my ass cheek and walked out into the morning to start his day. I’ve just discovered a special type of Sharpie marker for industrial use. They’re supposed to hold up under conditions of high heat and moisture. I can’t wait to test them against the steam room at the next CumUnion …. ?
  4. Indeed, and for many years now I have taken a very dim view of institutionalized religion. Its control structures are blatant, unapologetic and even secularly partisan in ways that directly contadict whichever theology has been co-opted. I am a Christian, but my conversations with God and Christ are our own - I am beholden to no church. I have never found one worthy of the name.
  5. If you want to signal that you’re a bottom, you’re probably better off wearing either a jock or a cock cage, to show that your cock isn’t on the menu. Wearing a plug could send mixed messages like you’re someone else’s submissive or your ass is busy with some other kind of play - or that you just prefer having a plug in while you Top. Regardless, if I want cock in my hole, the very last thing I want to do is stop it up with a barrier. If a Top can’t get his finger in for a quick sense of the bliss his cock is going to feel, that’s half the battle lost right there.
  6. Yep. I have never met anyone who liked an undouched ass, and lots who made cleanliness a condition for play. If you’re going to bottom, you’re going to have to be prepared to wash yourself out first.
  7. I suspect exhibitionism has a lot to do with it. The only reason you can’t go online and see me getting fucked is because nobody has bothered to film me and post it - at least, as far as I know... But there are solo vids of me, from when I was younger, on xtube (yes, as ErosWired, you pervs). I originally made them because it was hot to watch myself in sexual heat, but I can’t really tell you what prompted me to share them with the world other than the thrill of knowing that other men’s eyes are watching how my body surrenders to desire. And now, of course, there’s no way to un-share them. I’m sure the footage of my unfiltered private orgasms will live on in men’s personal downloaded collections long after my flesh is dust.
  8. I suppose the answer may depend on who you’re asking. As a bottom who finds the whole process of cleaning himself out for sex tedious, boring, time-consuming, and, yes, a pain in the ass, no, I don’t think helping someone else do it is hot at all. And I have. No matter how sexy you may try to make it, in the end, if you actually want the guy cleaned out, it becomes a matter of work, waiting, and for him, a little discomfort. My advice is, don’t try to stretch this part of it out into some kind of play - get it over with as soon as practically possible, and save your time, energy and attention for filling his hole back up again from the wrong end.
  9. I wouldn’t call myself a “cummeseur”, but every load that ends up in my mouth tastes different to me, if sometimes only subtly. Cum passing my lips is on a one-way trip, because it woul never occur to me to insult a man by rejecting his semen. I do have to say that I’m not as fond of it the split-second it spurts out the cock-tip; I like it best when it has had a second to congeal slightly. And yes, you smokers, sorry, but you just don’t taste good.
  10. “Ruffians”? My good fellow, what tempestuous environs you must frequent! Have a care, Sir, lest roustabouts engage you in surly fisticuffs and relieve you of your coin-purse! ? ?
  11. I don’t know if I wouls say I get a high from ass-to-mouth, but it definitely has an effect on me. I think it has more to do with my submissive desire for humiliation - when a Top has defiled my slit with his organ and then pulls it out dripping white with the proof, holds it under my nose and says “This was just in your ass, you whore, now clean it with your tongue,” he’s reminding me that not only has he degraded my body, but also that my ass has another, non-sexual function, and only the lowest, most worthless man would allow that cock to enter his mouth. Then I open my mouth, wrap my tongue around his shaft, and taste his cum and my ass juices together, and I know exactly what I am. And once I’ve done it, it’s all over for me. There’s no way back from that. I will always know that I let another man dominate me like a bitch, leave his DNA deep inside me, and make me clean his cock that had just been deep inside the place where my dung comes out with my tongue. Once I’ve done it I don’t have any excuse to refuse, so this is just the beginning for me... and each Top who makes me will degrade me further than I was before, until... ? Is there even a bottom that can be reached? Is there any place I can go where men will look at me and say, “He can’t sink any lower”? Because then one of them could just fuck my ass and then fuck my mouth, and I’d go lower still. I don’t know if that counts as a high, but it ... motivates me...
  12. Take an empty poppers bottle and insert a cotton ball inside. When you’re ready to play, put a few drops of poppers in onto the cotton (repeat as needed) and use the cotton-bottle instead. No sloshing! And by not opening your original bottle as often, you make it last longer. Don’t shove the cotton up your nose, touch your lips with it, or handle it, though - you can get a chemical burn.
  13. I also have two humanities degrees, and you are quite right that one fully immersed in the philosophies of LeVeyan sa tan ism realizes that it does advocate a middle-path style of living. It is unfortunate that many do not strive to understand it beyond its surface tenets, just as it’s unfortunate that so many ersatz “Christians” espouse the eye-for-an-eye doctrine, failing to realize that it runs counter to the message of the New Testament. I do not judge any person for his choice of belief; only for the actions of his heart toward his fellows. It is by men’s deeds that we know them. I really do have to remark, though, on the irony of people who rant about how foolish it is to believe in a mythical sky-god based on a book of fairy tales when that same person espouses a creed named for the mythical antagonist in the same book of fairy tales. In either case, what we’re really talking about is how contemporary humans choose to behave toward one another in a frightening world where we are not always in control… and where more often than not, we have no choice but to depend on each other.
  14. Other. It’s complicated. Out to certain individuals, kinda/sorta out to others, family is a mixed bag. On the one hand I have AIDS and how did I get that, but on the other I’m a father of two and was married to a woman for 17 years, so it confuses the issue in the minds of many. I think I prefer it that way. I don’t think sexual labels are actually very useful. If asked whether I’m gay, straight or bi, I’m often tempted to reply, “I’m sexy.”
  15. I have a masters degree in a scientific discipline. You? I am in no way a creationist, a fundamentalist, or any other kind of irrationalist. I, too, place my trust in science and believe in its ability to reveal most truths. But I also understand its limitations. As to your rebuttal, such as it is, I made no statement about Christ or Christianity - your reaction derives entirely from within yourself. Yes, you can work as hard as you like to improve your likelihood of succeeding in your life goals - but none of that prevents a random car from colliding with you in an intersection and killing you before all that hard work amounts to anything. A thousand different things can end your run just the same way, governed by factors over which you have no control whatever, and that is why whe have a word for fate.
  16. Only from a perspective that places the value of the individual above the value of the society, or of the species. An eye for an eye eventually leaves everyone blind. A man learns he cannot always do whatever he wants when he is a child of three. To try to do so at all times inevitably brings conflict with others whose equal right to do what they want at all times is incompatible, and the only solution is homicide or warfare. Your fate is determined by a million factors every minute, most of which you are unaware. And one does not believe in science; one may place his trust in the scientific method, but science, by its very nature, can never offer up an absolute truth - it must always allow for the possibility that new data will disprove the prevailing theory. There are those points of human experience, however, that demand the certainty of concrete truth, and for those places beyond the reach of science we apply the antithesis of science: Faith. There is, after all, a reason why Laveyan-style s a t a n i s m never became a major world religion - It isn’t practical.
  17. Ummmmm....only for some men. There are those of us who not only don’t feel that building sexual tension as centered around our cocks, but also don’t feel fulfilled by ejaculation. Some of us, myself included, actually find ejaculation and the chemical change that follows rather unpleasant. Your “heat” may just be the horny kind that cools off when you pop your cork, but don’t assume that your experience of it is the same as everyone else’s. The variety of responses in this thread is evidence that it’s not that simple.
  18. @Oldercumslut - It sort of depends on how you represent yourself to the Top when you’re negotiating the hookup - if you’ve let it be known that you’re a cumdump, then it may not be fair to blame the Top for not making the extra effort to spice up the sex a bit. If that’s the case, I’m afraid I have to tend to agree with vhungrybutt, above. But if you’ve approached him on a more equal footing, then yeah, you had a right to expect a little more than what you got. For me, I don’t know that I ever have a boring hookup, but occasionally I get a tiresome hookup - a guy who is just too damn needy, or doesn’t seem to realize he isn’t erect, or wants everlasting sloppy deep-tongue kissing while he fondles my cock, or has a running commentary of random negativity. As to guys who just pump mechanically and go without a grunt or a word, that never bothers me. My purpose is to provide any Man the ass that he wants at that moment. Some moments, he just wants a warm hole to drain into. I can gladly be that for him. He doesn’t have to go to some extra effort to pleasure me back - he doesn’t owe me any consideration for pumping his semen into my body, any more than you owe a mailbox any special treatment when you post a letter.
  19. Okay, off-topic from my own thread here, but I have to know: How common is fucking in gym showers? Does it depend on the kind of showers? Does it only happen in enclosed-booth sorts of showers, or in curtained-alcove sorts of showers, or in showers that are just a row of showerheads with no walls? I assume these are not all-gay gymnasiums, so how much concealment is necessary from the straight men, and how much is actually achievable? Do guys really still drop their soap on the floor? Really? If it’s a really posh gym do you call it a james? I have never had a gym membership in my life. I must ask these things.
  20. @PozTemptation - As one who has been called a good hypnotic subject and who has been deeply hypnotized by some men with predatorial motives, I would say that you should not necessarily confuse suggestibility with a desire for submission. There is a lot of myth about what a hypnotist can do to a person, but in general, hypnosis calls upon the subconscious to influence behavior, thought it cannot make you do something you would otherwise not do. A ‘tist (as they’re called in hypnosis circles) may be able to trance you into braying like a mule, but he can’t hypnotize you to death. The most skilled ‘tist who ever tranced me had me spreadeagled on a bed completely immobilized in wrist and leg shackles that weren’t there, shaking me with orgasms literally an order of magnitude stronger than I was used to, and making me shoot over my shoulder without ever touching my cock. But the moment he tried to introduce images of him physically beating me, my mind rejected the trance and returned to full control. Something of that nature could happen to one degree or another to a man regardless of his sub or Dom tendencies.
  21. This isn’t quantum physics, guys. But it is science. Sex releases endorphins into the body, especially orgasm, and cum contains chemicals that directly combat depression and low mood, including serotonin, the neurotransmitter assisted when you take many antidepressants, and oxytocin, which has been linked to orgasm and anxiety reduction. In addition, touching skin-to-skin also triggers release of oxytocin and endorphins. @Oldercumslut‘s point about self-medicating is right on the money. It would not be strange at all to find a correlation between both unipolar and bipolar depression and bb sex; in fact, it would be odd to find that there were no such correlation. I have suffered from refractive (treatment-resistant) unipolar depression with dysthymia for more than 35 years. It’s some baaaad mamma-jamma. I have no doubt whatsoever that, at least in part, I have been driven into my role as a promiscuous bareback cumdump slut by the crushing internal need to fight off the darkness. I can say with confidence, however, that I don’t do it with an intent to ultimately harm myself, either consciously or subconsciously. I don’t have that kind of self-destructive impulse. “If you look too long into the abyss, the abyss looks into you.” - Nietzsche ”If you lie too long in the baths, cock fucks into you.” - ErosWired
  22. All this talk of car payments and whatnot is fine, but it still doesn’t answer why a guy who knows he’s not mobile hits up a guy in a place he knows he can’t get to.
  23. An exception that proves the rule happened to me this morning. Just before I was supposed to start packing up to leave from hosting, a man came unexpectedly to fuck me. He hadn’t hit me up online, he’d just seen my ad and decided to take advantage of it. He looked a little familiar - lean, a little older than me - but as soon as he started fucking me I said, “OH - I remember you!” It was one of the Tops who had taken me on my very first hotel hosting last year, the one I remembered most vividly (he is an amazing lay and loads me twice), and apparently he remembered me in much the same way. Once we had both kind of acknowledged this mutual recognition/admiration/shared experience, it felt like the dynamic between us suddenly changed, and this morning’s fuck turned into so much fun just because we felt a familiarity and ease with one another. I really look forward to the next time he makes a surprise appearance in my cun- ...er, in my hotel room.
  24. ErosWired

    Cloud Cuckoo-Land

    *sigh* But you said in two sentences basically what took me 13 paragraphs...
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