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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. This ^. It’s not just a question of the immediate intimacy involved in kissing - that isn’t really dangerous in and of itself. What’s dangerous is the potential for it to lead to attachment, and there is something about kissing that is even more potentially bond-forming than fucking. Research into kissing suggests that kissing actually developed in primates (kissing isn’t unique to humans) in order to fulfill certain essential needs, including attachment. Theories include the proximity of nose to face allowing better sense of pheromones, the increased production of endorphins, and the potential that mutual inner-mouth exploration may build strong trust. Peripherally as to this last, some Dominants will purposely probe the inside of a submissive’s mouth with their fingers not only as an act of domination and control, but also as a means of strengthening a sense of trust in the relationship. I avoid any possibility of attachment from the men I serve like plague. I am equipped to meet their sexual need, not their emotional or social need. Entertaining any such form of attachment when you are not prepared for the possibility of commitment is exactly dangerous. It bears pointing out that the Buddhists tell us that the one thing to avoid above all else is attachment.
  2. I mentioned in my earlier response that in my very first fuck with another man the roles weren’t discussed, I just took it. Reading over this thread makes me sort of wonder how that happened. He approached me, I agreed to go to his place, we said almost nothing, and we just assumed positions as though it were understood. I don’t think he was expecting to flip, because he fucked three loads into me. How did he know, when I didn’t even know? When I told him he had taken my (gay) virginity, he didn’t believe me. The OP’s question, When did you know?, could be interpreted as “When did you decide” or as “When did you realize”. The first way suggests that submission is a thing we arrive at, and by extension, could depart; the second suggests that submission is a part of our nature. In my case, at least, I’m inclined to think the latter is true. I started by bottoming instinctively for a Top who apparently could somehow sense that submission was my nature. Now, another man holds a deed to my body and tomorrow night I’m scheduled to go submit to him so he can spend at least a solid hour trying to fuck me in half because he can. That suggests a consistency that points, in my mind, to an innate property.
  3. If stickers on doors are a code thing, I’m surprised the readily available emoji stickers of eggplants, peaches, and up and down arrows used ubiquitously on apps aren’t already a widespread practice. But perhaps it’s exactly because the meaning is so commonly understood that they’re not - a covert code is only useful as long as its meaning is opaque to all but the target population. Once everyone knows what it means, the ones using it to hide their socially non-majority-sanctioned behavior would simply be outing themselves by using it, and would need to select an alternative. The wide publication of information about such a clandestine symbol is the first step in the discontinuation of its use for that purpose.
  4. !! What part of the park is it in? I’ve visited Cherokee Park a couple of times, but I didn’t see anywhere that screamed “cruisy”. But then, I’m oblivious enough that a guy would pretty much have to come up and stick his hand down my pants before I would be aware anybody was cruising, so it could have been obvious.
  5. How would you describe a younger guy’s smell as being different from someone older, and when does that change occur?
  6. At weekly for a year and a half, he must have had you more than 70 times, and for you never to have seen him is a remarkable act of service. I could imagine doing the same over that duration in such circumstances, but I don’t know how many would. I suspect you achieved a level of intimacy with him you might not have had you been looking at him.
  7. At this place, the entry fee was $20. There wasn’t a time limit I was aware of, but you could easily spend three hours there and get nothing out of it - very hit-and-miss, as others have said, and this was right off Interstate 65. Traffic flow is no guarantee.
  8. This is me as well, though I’m not often blindfolded. But in darkened rooms, I generally close my eyes, especially when taken in any non-facing position, and listen carefully for every signal the Top gives me. I am, however, starting to lose my hearing to a degree, so I don’t always catch the breadth of auditory cues I once did. I also get a great deal of tactile information about a Top, not by touching him, but by paying close attention to the way he touches and handles (and manhandles) me. The behavior of his hands tells me a lot more about his actual need and desire than the words he speaks.
  9. Well, it’s a fine point. The rectum in general is not full of sensory apparatus such that you could consider it an erogenous zone able to be directly stimulated, unlike the anus, which is very much so. The junction of the rectum and sigmoid colon, however, does seem to have some degree of sensory capacity in that it gets triggered to contract (to the involuntary degree it does) in the presence of solid matter coming from higher in the system. So it’s reasonable to assume that the same sensory impulses that engage when solid matter arrives from upstream would engage when solid matter is introduced the other way. By doing so in repeated or rhythmic fashion, I imagine some sense of pulsed nerve energy is generated. Whether that amounts to erogenous stimulation is another question. I can say, however, that two factors come into play when a Top of length is fucking me through the bend. First, if he isn’t passing through the second ring with each thrust, his thrusts cause pain. If they do, they don’t. Second, there’s a psychological point on my part where I feel the depth of penetration with minimum resistance, and feel a thrill that the Top has entered me both so deeply and effortlessly; the more he repeats the motion, the more exquisite that feeling becomes. So in this regard, I think that a Top doesn’t necessarily need to think in terms of directly fucking the second ring, but rather in terms of seeing it as the most desirable vector along which each of his his thrusts might travel for greatest effect.
  10. By all means, do. Many a Top out there could stand to pick up some pointers from a man with technique.
  11. That is interesting. I’ve never had more than three in a hotel room at once, but in general, if you put a camera in the same place in a room with me hosting, that’s pretty much what you would see in terms of how individuals go about taking me.
  12. Absolutely right. I could expound on the decrepit state of “justice” as practiced in this one-goat county, but I won’t.
  13. When I go to Indianapolis for Cumunion, I have always arrived at the bathhouse at 8am, taken a 12-hour room, then extended the room for the 5-hour Cumunion party period, so 17 hours each time. But bear in mind that I do that after just having hotel hosted from about 7pm the previous evening till 7am that morning, so tack on another 12 hours of ass-up, just interrupted by a hour for a quick bite of food and the drive to the bathhouse. There have been trips when I left the Cumunion party and went back to the hotel to host out the remainder of the night till about 9am the next morning, so add another 7 hours, so the longest such weekend of more-or-less continuous sluttery would have been around 36 hours. The thing is, though, if there wasn’t a time limit on the bathhouse rooms, I would probably stay there for days.
  14. This just gets better. Apparently this wasn’t the result of a single incident or raid. The local authorities have been manufacturing a case over the last several months on the basis of a patchwork of complaints about disorderly conduct at neighboring businesses (there aren’t any other businesses within a quarter mile), public intoxication, arrests for indecent exposure (on the premises, in the back room - in other words, they had to go looking for them), the presence of gloryholes, a pair of drug-use-related fatalities, and the sale of “illegal” volatile aromatics, which, as near as I can determine, are not illegal to sell here as room deodorizer or other type of utility chemical. Evidently, having gathered up their evidence early on and finding they couldn’t make a case out of it, the county attorney then drafted new ordinances regulating sexual activity and the sale of sexually oriented products in the county so it could be enacted by the county court. In other words, they tailored the ordinances to fit what they had. Even so, it’s very telling that the result of all this was not, apparently, criminal charges, but a hearing in which the owners agreed to immediately close and put a deed restriction on the property prohibiting anything sexy. This wasn’t reactive, this was proactive.
  15. The local weekly newspaper hit the stands today, and guess what the big headline was, up top, front page, full-color photo - “Adult Store Closed”. The photo was of the storefront with big, red, ink-stamped letters reading “CLOSED” superimposed over the top of it. It might as well have been a report that a monster that had been plaguing the village for years had finally been slain. It’s such a relief that all those tut-tutting, pearl-clutching, fine churchgoing folk who never set foot in the place but find every other way to be sinners can sleep easy tonight knowing that the den of iniquity has finally been done away with. If I seem to judge the people of my community harshly, it’s because I do.
  16. I ordered two from them at the time, the horse one and a regular cock, and they actually did indeed pull the wrong item and send me a cock a size larger than I ordered (also, I hadn’t ordered a black one, so it’s kind of hard to see how they made the error). It didn’t take too long to get the equine one all the way in, because I had been very specific about the diameters I was looking for. I wanted something that would open me a bit inside, well past the second ring, but that would dilate me widely at the base so I could train toward a fist. Taking it vertically is easiest, and lets gravity help. The big cock took considerably longer because it’s 2.5” in diameter but it’s that way all 9 inches to the glans. It took me weeks to finally take it balls deep. Even now it’s too much to hold inside me for very long. Whenever I pull the equine one out, I’m always amazed at how long it takes for it to slither out of me. I hold it up to my abdomen and think, Fuck. I can’t believe something was in me that deep.
  17. Mine were done professionally too, by the same person who did my guiche and put the ampallang through my cockhead. She and her apprentice did both of my nipples simultaneously so the adrenaline rush would carry me through, and I still saw stars. Having steel shoved all the way through my cockhead tickled by comparison. And I have a reasonable pain tolerance - yours must be off the charts.
  18. Take off your shirt and go find a mirror. Look at yourself in the mirror and imagine the ring in the nipple you’re considering. Does the image you imagine please you? Do you like the idea of walking around with hardware on your body even if it’s under your clothes, just knowing it’s there? If so, you have your answer. No one else’s opinion matters in the least. A piercing isn’t just an accessory - it represents a side of its owner that can’t be readily seen. It takes a sexy, vital part of you that’s usually concealed and shows people that you have it. Pierced men of all ages have used me, and any time I see a piercing I know I’m in for a ride. Fair warning - getting a nipple pierced hurts motherfuckerly.
  19. I was joking that the post read as if the whole horse had been inserted. As to dildos in the form of an equine phallus, I actually have a very nice one from Mr. Hankey’s that I force up my cunt as part of my regular training regimen. It’s 11.5” long and 3.5” in diameter at the base, and I take every millimeter of it. But as filling as it is, bear in mind that that’s roughly half the size of an actual equine penis when not erect. When erect, a stallion can be up to 20” long (and that’s just the part available to penetrate) and up to a maximum of 5” in diameter. Add to this the huge glans flare, which when erect can become too large for a mare to expel. And too large for any ass to safely accommodate, especially when propelled by thighs with enough power to run a derby.
  20. I can’t speak to the property tax question, but as far as utilities, every other store space in the place was derelict - a ghost town, utterly abandoned save the one space in which the ABS operated. There wouldn’t have been any utilities to the entire rest of that property; it had been essentially left to rot. The place never really took off as an outlet mall in the first place, though there were initially a few tenant stores, but once the empty spaces started outnumbering the occupied ones the writing was on the wall, and when an adult emporium moved into one of them that was all she wrote. The remaining shops closed, and I guess the adult store owner purchased the entire property. It may have changed ownership in more recent years as well, but I’m not certain about that.
  21. This is what I believe is the case. When the outlet mall went belly-up, the adult store owners bought the thing at a fire sale price because it was majority vacant already. Not all such closures may be the result of targeted action, but as a longtime local resident I can tell you that this place has been in their sights for years, ever since it opened, and they’ve been itching for some pretext to shut it down.
  22. Air. I had totally forgotten about this, but when I was a teenager I went through a brief phase in which I would insert the nozzle of a bicycle pump up my ass and fill myself full of air. Kind of an ‘air enema’. Toward the end I found an air pump for an aquarium and let it do the work. I guess I must have got bored with it once the novelty wore off. I’ve actually never, anywhere, come across aa reference to anyone doing the same thing, although there are horror stories about people who have had nozzles of compressed air machines stuck up their asses and had their bowels ruptured. Don’t try that at home.
  23. Two questions: 1. How did you get an entire horse up your ass, and 2. Do they make a dildo shaped like a Rottweiler?
  24. This is an illusion. There is no muscular structure at the junction of the rectum and the sigmoid colon that can be consciously manipulated, and in fact the “ring” is not a true sphincter at all, but considered a sort of ‘pseudosphincter’ of soft (involuntary) muscle tissue that reacts on impulse to regulate the forward movement of matter into the rectum for elimination. What a Top may feel, I suspect, is instead a general compression or relaxation caused by a conscious manipulation of the muscles of the bottom’s pelvic floor, especially if he has trained himself with that flexibility. But no one can squeeze anything with his actual second ring - there’s nothing there to squeeze with.
  25. Just as a point of interest, the TheatairX ABS Clarksville, IN, just across the river from Louisville, which was similarly forced to close in August of last year, reopened a month later under a new managing entity calling itself “Clarksville Ministries LLC”. It’s interesting that the owners of the Horse Cave ABS were asked to place a deed restriction on the property prohibiting the sale of adult-oriented materials by a subsequent buyer; the only party with the ability to require enforcement of that restriction would be the owners who sold it, and if they no longer own it, it’s hard to see them having an incentive to go to court to compel the new owners not to do something they were adversely prevented from doing themselves. What’s ab-so-fucking-lutelty hilarious about this with regard to the frustration of the local officials in not really being able to prevent this kind of development is that the people of this county would burn the whole goddamn county to the ground before they would accept a zoning ordinance of any kind, anywhere. They will not have anyone telling them what they can and cannot do, but it drives them crazy when they can’t dictate it to someone else. So - if anyone out there is looking for a place to open an adult-oriented business, Hart County, KY has no zoning.
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