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Everything posted by EagerAndHungry

  1. I had this done along with a hemorrhoidectomy. 12 months down, and a 3 month careful re-introduction. Never really got back to "before" condition, though. Did not want to tear again! First month is the worse - heavy bleeding after almost any BM until the wounds actually healed. As you'd imaging, every BM ripped the scabs off which is why ErosWired's and probably others recommendation on doing whatever necessary to loosen the stool is important. Then it's just waiting until the deep damage is completely healed.
  2. Good article - I started hearing about this about a year ago. The key here, though, is undetectable and maintaining a daily med regimen. Many HIV+ guys (people) don't know they are, don't care if they are, and/or don't have their numbers checked regularly. Unfortunately, many of those will assume that its just "HIV is untransmittalbe" and forget the conditions. For me, I take this more as a personal guild line on disclosure. Since I do know my numbers and I do follow a med regimen, I'm less worried about disclosing my status than I have in the past.
  3. The other thing is that while most on here would be responsible about when, and when not to, disclose, there are those who don't give a fuck about anyone else as long as they get off. They're the ones who "ruin" it for the responsible players by ruining others lives through selfishness.
  4. I agree with OP that it's situational. If you're attending a sex party or Bathouse, you have to know there are risks and you have to be prepared to take (or not) precautions. The same can be said for using hookup sites such as Craigslist or cruising a park or alley for anon or random hookups. My general rule is that I don't feel the need to disclose my HIV status, outside of parties and bathhouses. However, I make it a point to make it a point of disclosing to anyone I meet from Craigslist who says their age is less than 25 (don't play with those who say under 20). That's more of a cover-my-ass - I have email proof I told them as well as that it was in the post. At 25 or younger can they even conceive of "the rest of your life?" And, of course, if I'm dating anyone I disclose before it gets to anything naked. Which, of course, usually means nothing happens With all of that said, though, the new Zero is Zero (?) campaign - undetectable is untransmittable HIV disclosure is becoming less critical as long as you know your numbers.
  5. You're right about the PrEP and more BB. I read something 4 or 5 years ago that the HIV infection rate has begun to skyrocket, too, as more younger people (say, less than 35 or so) figure that since there are drugs for HIV BB is no risk. Scary. As a corollary, because of this one of the reasons insurance rates are increasing because of the increased number of patients requiring current life-long HIV treatment. It's a big reason more insurance companies are willing to cover PrEP - it's cost is a fraction of full HIV coverage.
  6. As a general rule, I love taking it raw. Beyond the feeling better, I get an emotional bang from him wanting me enough to take me that way. When I was negative, I'd play safe for the most part, but at the bathhouse I'd submitted to a demands or didn't bother trying otherwise after token resistance. Once I was POZ, I figured I'd tried (kind of) before and now paid the price. Might as well enjoy it. Stupidly enough, I didn't contract HIV while at a bathhouse (timing didn't fit). It was from a BF when the rubber broke one time. Fate, I guess. However, I notice no-one here has mentioned that PrEP does NOT prevent STD's, it just minimized (approaching zero) infection of HIV. There are still other STD's, some which are still incurable such as Herpes and Genital Warts, which scare me more. I would tell anyone considering bareback for the first time with a stranger (admittedly very hot) has to seriously consider all STD's, most especially the incurable ones. Contracting either is a one-way ticket and will impact your life negatively. Not saying that you shouldn't never go raw, but seriously consider the risks before taking the plunge (or, having them plunge in). While the drugs today make being Pos a relatively small impact on day-to-day life (and sex), there are still issues with side effects and the drugs don't work as well on everyone. I get that there are kinks, I've got some wild ones myself, but wanting to contract HIV is one I don't understand. Don't get me wrong, though - I CRAVE raw cock in me all the time. Sadly, I live in a small rural town and can't play at all, let alone be the whore I'd love to be, without risking my professional life
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