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About Guygonebad

  • Birthday 09/01/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Francisco/Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Serving Alpha Top Men, being a totally naked raw CumDump, total nudist walking around until a top wants to dump a load in my ass, ripe/sweaty Alpha ass to eat, felching ass cum to share.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    I have finally found myself as a total CUMDUMP whore. GWM, single, stocky guy with big white ass; mod hairy, 6 ft, with a thick 7” cut cock, nice chest, sily smooth hole for Alpha tops to slide into. ALWAYS RAW, FOREVER BARE, TOTALLY UNPROTECTED - NO COCK IS EVER REFUSED!
  • Porn Experience
    Looking to be filmed at one of my cum dump sessions.
  • Looking For
    I’m a Total Cum Dump Pig, ready to bend over when a Top requests. Luv to eat sweaty/ripe top ass, felch cum from multiple asses. I get turned on for viral toxic tops with STDs. I will do anything for these men. Ready to accept tops with gifts to give me! I’m looking for a viral toxic top to host and convert me, at my conversion event, witnessed by 1 or 2 men. I’m more than ready, contact me here to convert me.

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  1. I really wish u would have told her, “I’m having sex multiple times a week with the college boys so I probably need the shot.” Her facial reaction would have been priceless.
  2. I did a CumDump event in Vegas recently (February) and used the Motel 6 on Tropicana avenue near MGM grand… had a great time got bred by 20+ men…as to bathhouse…Hawks is my favorite
  3. Love your theory…I will test your theory very soon!
  4. I’m pretty big CumDump. My load record is 43 loads in a single 5-hour night…I would agree with some of the advice here, stay to a big metro area. Stay to what u know…the cities. Big cities are great, but depending on day there is lots of competition for CumDumps. I love LA where I live, but it’s hotly competitive for CumDumps. I have found an easy access motel, easy parking from the outside is best…motel 6, Red roof inn, travelodge, etc., etc. no elevators or key card.. I use BBRT, Grindr, and sniffies..,post a party on BBRT’s party ads at least 2 weeks in advance… have good pics; honest pics…it is work to arranging and getting to the larger load numbers. Finally, NO LOAD REFUSED. If you are serious, then be no load refused and stick to it…if you start getting picky about the cocks that get to breed u… you won’t get much…good luck and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  5. Hi guy!!! Absolutely not… I do not wax my own hole…unsure how anyone could do that. I have a wax guy that does it for me. It is actually not painful.
  6. I never shave as it leaves bristly stuble. I wax the inside of my butt cheeks and all around my hole; so it’s clean and silky smooth for tops to slide into.
  7. Yes…SF promotes this method…2-1-1 as described by @justsexnowatl. Go to SF Aids foundation to learn more.
  8. Good thread here particularly for the younger and new bottoms…I’ve been a good CumDump for most of my adult life and douching is critical as is a high fiber diet or taking pure or just Metamucil everyday. As for age, I haven’t experienced a difference in terms of cleaning, but I attribute that to high fiber and Metamucil. I just clean out as normal for getting fucked or a night at the bathhouse or LA slammers, but I do deep cleaning and take 2 Imodiums for a CumDump event that goes all night…never had an issue. Though a shoutout to @revemupman about if a little mistake happens, it’s rare , but clean up and keep going, but he is a rare top; most freak and it’s over.
  9. Nice…I enjoy the fuckbench in the group room… though I’m usually there late night
  10. Everything stated above I agree with…yes totally spontaneous fucking even if u feel empty, my get a little shift on his cock. If u want to be clean 2 things…1) eat a healthy high fiber diet as it keeps your colon more clean when u evacuate your bowels; fewer loose pieces hanging around 2) douche… wash/rinse your colon out to clean up …it feels good to be clean as a bottom…I keep myself that way so I can be more spontaneous… but sorry to tell u the porn u are watching where guys just spontaneously drop their jeans and fuck…have been thoroughly and deeply douched. Tops have it easy…
  11. Definitely a good time; a little later gets busier, but u will have a good number of holes to fuck
  12. Will u suck me first if I come over… 50% of guys who say that can’t get hard
  13. Yes I do…I trained under a very good Master for over a year. His goal was that over time I become a a totally no limits slave trainee. I did succeed and I am a no limits sub serving him when he requests. The key issue is trust; trust between u and the master. You need to build trust to really explore your fantasy; make your fantasy your reality. So your master/sub relationship should begin with limits on each side; build trust, then slowly release limits to your master. Yes, this is a longer relationship, versus a night of play or a weekend. Also remember, part of the excitement for us subs, is not just that the master will do something to us, it’s in our mind that he has the right to do anything to us…but for it to become reality you have to trust him. If u want to learn more, please feel free to email me. J
  14. Hello guygonebadi really like your post on the Berlin FickStutenMarkt (Berlin horse fair)

    Did you go anytime in 2021? 

    Let me know.



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