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About Trainingwheels

  • Birthday 09/15/1974

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  • Location
    Palm Springs CA
  • Interests
    cock sucking. Pervy men. Cloudy skies. Chat.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Started young. A dirty mind is a terrible thing to wast. Am sucker for hot horny pervy alpha men. Take direction well. Easily corrupted. Teach me. Show me. Train me.
  • Porn Experience
    None that I’m aware of. But I have my suspicions.
  • Looking For
    Teachers. Coaches. Dads. Uncles. Older bros. Mentor me!

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  1. So hot! I love how they had everything planned out ahead of time. It even feels like maybe Steve didn’t know what they were planning which for some reason is extra devious and super hot to me. Like the three roommates set this up for their enjoyment. Or maybe they will be streaming it live for others to enjoy watching the straight married monogamous daddy get spun out of his mind and fucked senseless before he has to go home to the wife and kids. Can’t wait for more!
  2. Hi - PTown 66 first of all congratulations on recognizing your need to be sober and maintaining it for the length of time that you have. I know how hard it can be to even make it through a day without using. I jumping in here even though we don’t know each other because I have a whole bunch of experience dealing with addiction to meth, both mine and other peoples. I’m not medical professional and I have no sobriety agenda to push. I understand the seriousness of the question your asking and in my experience it’s one of the biggest ones I’ve faced on this yellow brick road. I’ve written and deleted this message about ten times now because I know through painful experience how destructive it is to talk about addiction and sobriety in mixed company, especially well meaning mixed company. Cliff notes: you CAN do anything you did high sober. You can’t do it the same way you did it before and stay sober. I live in Palm Springs. DM me if you’d like to talk. I think I can answer your questions with actual suggestions based on real experience but in order to really be of help to you I would like to make sure I fully understand your situation, because this is actually a very complicated, nuanced, and personal topic that is easily over simplified ( See Nancy Regan), misunderstood ( see any number of comments on this topic right here in our own little bareback Uptopia) and I have way too much respect for your sobriety and my sanity to try and have that discussion in a public comments section. And if the idea of connecting with me feels like fucking with a condom I respect that 100%. Seriously. I suspect there are a few other guys on here that can really help. The fact that Raw Top offers to block chemsex stories for anyone in sobriety so they aren’t triggered is so amazing because at the very least one person in this community real understands addiction. And where there’s smoke there’s fire. Shit. I just triggered myself with yhat bumer sticker. Forgot I said anything about smoking. Or fire. See this is why I didn’t want to do this publicly. Nobody use because of my poorly chosen words. Unless you’re not an addict or trying to stay sober. In which case do want. You will anyway. Because you can. And that’s totally cool. For you. 🙏❤️😉
  3. Phillygwm- yours was the most rational response (along with Nate88’s attempts at civil discourse) so I thought I’d weigh in here, because the more I read the more irritating I find some of the responses because they have the effect of misdirecting and misrepresenting what could be a really interesting discussion as evidenced most recently to the immediate reply to your post. Not to single out that response as anywhere near the worst, just the most recent. It’t a combination of being a libra and a debate nerd, but l find that I have very little patience for people who use language in a way that misrepresents the meaning of certain words (yeah they have real actual meanings not up for interpretation) or to misrepresent another person’s statement or point of view. Whether done willfully or unintentionally the result is still the same. It shuts down discourse on the actual subject and shifts it onto an argument about who said what. It’s a great strategy for stopping any sort of learning or greater understanding of the topic and your fellow man. Just look at our President. Self righteously screaming at someone in all caps for something they didn’t actually say isn’t a cute look. Or as my southern grandmother used to say “ you just can’t argue with crazy!” so before you come for me, please at least pick up a dictionary. I’m not a pedo because I don’t automatically agree that the age of consent should stay at 18. The student teacher who I had my first kiss with when he was 21 and I was 15 wasn’t either. Again, words have actual meanings. He was no more predatory than any other man is when he is attracted another guy at the gym or in a bar or walking through the grocery store. What made the situation hard for me and where I would spend a lifetime of exploring my feelings on the situation was not about him or my age. It was about the nonstop message l was given since birth that gay was an abomination. A sin against God himself (and by extension in my mind against the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus). It was years before I could comfortably masturbate on a Sunday ( or for that matter at church!). I lived in real fear that this year was the year that there would be no chocolate filled basket for me to find and only a bucket of coal waiting for me under the Christmas tree. And please don’t try and tell me it’s because I wasn’t emotionally mature enough to make decisions for myself. How the actual fuck would you know? Better yet how about giving us a definition of emotional maturity so we could actually assess your claim. I can tell you that I was constantly described as “ a very mature little man for my age ,” starting at 5. “He’s four going on forty,” was another favorite, so maybe it was before 5. I can’t with math. one more thing on education: coming of age during the early years of the AIDS epidemic basically forced the country to give us kids (see I just did it there! Slipping in the word kids to imply much younger aged participants than I really meant). I mean teenagers sex education. My mother even took me to a special sex education workshop around the book Our Bodies Ourselves. And guess what none of the adult men who were discussing our bodies or ourselves and sex with a bunch of teenaged boys were pedos for that. Some of them coukd have been pedos but that would depend on an entirely different set of criteria. Look it up! The most controversial thing I’m going to say is that I don’t really think that the age of consent has any effect on the people below the age despite being an attempt to legislate a specific morality. I’ve always seen it as being much more effective at criminalizing those above it for their actions. Again slow your roll haters. That sentence doesn’t say that I support rape, or forced sexual action, or kidnapping or child labor, including when it involves Kathy Lee Gifford, or sex trafficking. Those thinks are all punishable by law regardless of an arbitrary age of consent. Ah yes, arbitrary. Don’t like that word either do you. Well suck it up buttercup. It’s the truth. Whatever age you pick, it says more about you and your beliefs than it does about all the children in the world. And you know what? That’s fine with me. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion on this subject. Please just have the good grace and clarity of mind to understand that’s all it is. Your opinion. So here is my opinion. Again, I am not a pedo or a predator or pushing any agenda. Also not in denial. Not a liar. Just because you don’t agree with me doesn’t make me wrong anymore than it makes you right. Look up opinion. You know when human children are sexually mature. ? The same time all other mammals are: when our bodies reach sexual maturity based on millions of years of evolution. Mother Nature doesn’t play. If you think you can win an argument with her? Have at it. I grew up with Parkay commercials and I don’t fool with Mother N. I also don’t squeeze the Charmin. But hey, you can’t argue with crazy.
  4. If time machines exist then I’m going to use mine to go back to my teens and learn to bottom from you!
  5. Awesome story. You are the exact kind of top I need to help me finally get comfortable with bottoming! When I was a( 18+ totally legal) kid my hook ups were in public, cars, parks, bathrooms etc. so none of the hot older men were into being patient. It was like you want to fuck around like a slut with the big boys then you’re gonna get fucked like a slut. I guess looking back I’m lucky nothing really bad ever happened to me. I think in part because when they realized it was going to be harder to fuck my ass than they had thought was when I turned and dropped to my knees and deep throated their hard dicks. They seemed happy once they realized they could fuck that hole and I would happily take whatever they gave me over and over. Gagging, eyes pouring tears, snot and throat slime running down my face and body l kept coming back for more. I was an insatiable cocksucker. The older I get the harder it seems to be to find a patient top…it’s like no one can believe a post 40 something gay man who gives off bottom interested vibes is still almost an anal virgin. Anyway your story gives me hope!
  6. Starting at 15 I was seduced by my 21 year old debate coach. He would often work with us after school ( like team practice for a sport except for nerds)😉. I really liked him and was flattered by the attention so I often ended up being the last gay virgin student alone with him. And we stayed later and later because he could give me a ride home in his truck. One night he kissed me on the playground of an elementary school. Next it was a blowjob in the den of his parent’s house while they were home. And then it was hooking up whenever and wherever we could. It was exciting and very confusing for me. I was so excited to finally feel like i understood why sex could be amazing ( and why I just didn’t feel anything like that from kissing girls). But it was hard having all these feeling ( physical and emotional) and no one to talk to about them. He was constantly reminding me that he could get in serious trouble if anyone found out and he subtly used my fear of being discovered as gay to manipulate me. I was just a fun few month of sex for him until he left for Berkeley and he couldn’t have cared less about the impact any of this had on me. Then I hooked up with my AP English teacher who was in a long term relationship with out guidance counselor that started when the guidance counselor was a student of his. That experience was better because me English teacher wasn’t just using me for sex. Then it was parks, rest-stops, bathrooms, the one ABS in town. Always with older men. 20s 30, 40, 50s. Always anonymous always secret. Secrecy and anonymous hook ups were sort of fused in my brain with sex. So much so that I really never figured out how to find sex any other way. Have never had sex with a friend never really had a sex buddy. Even my boyfriends started out as an anonymous hookup or something sexual and then sort of developed into something more. A-lot of it was hot. Some of it was not. I don’t regret anything because thats just a waste of energy but I was definitely effected by my early experiences and they shaped my sexual experiences long past the legal age of consent.
  7. I agree he is hot AF in the Sketchy Sex scenes All sweaty and hairy and spun (editorializing 😉). I actually love his scene with Dante Cole on Next Door Studios ( I think?). They’re roommates and Dante is lying on his bed in shorts talking to his bitchy girlfriend on the phone. Aspen in full little devil mode comes in and starts messing with Dante until they are fuckking bb while Dante is trying to carry on a conversation with her and not get caught. I know this is probably too plot heavy and vanilla for BZ but I think the reason it gets me off is that both guys are such good actors in this scene I totally buy it which makes it hot to me. The thing I usually hate about plot driven porn is that a hot scenario is introduced in the first minute and then it’s completely dropped from the scene which kills the hot idea and reinforces the fakeness (not a word, I know) of the sex. Say Uncle is guilty of this all the time. anyway Aspen makes me cum in this scene all the time. 😉🍆💦
  8. Pure genius. 👏😂👍
  9. This story is so hoT. It just keeps getting better and better. I love the way it builds realistically. The dealer casually asks him to stay with the lure of teaching and free drugs. Just a friendly mentor/older brother/ coach. Then he has him smoke more than he would have on his own as a newbie. The dealer strips off without a word showing the newbie what to do….when you smoke you get naked. The dealer starts using the spun novice while he sets much more advanced plans without even asking if the new guy is up for it. He will be because the dealer makes him smoke a loT more…way past a new smoker’s comfort zone. It’s so hoT how the dealer gets the narrator spun ouT of his mind and under his control so effortlessly and withouT alarming the newbie. he gets him naked in the arcade easily buT the hottest part is how he gets the kid to take raw cock up his ass without even thinking about it. When he gets back to the hotel the newbie is so spun and horny and out of his depth that he’s just in a tweaker holding pattern waiting for instructions. You’re an awesome writer! Can wait to read more!
  10. Thanks Sfmike64 whats your @ on there? sabotageCA
  11. thanks for the heads up. Just made an account so no posts yet but excited that guys from BZ are there sabotageCA
  12. Super hot story. You’re a great writer. Keep it up!
  13. This story jusT keeps gettinG better and better. I hope you write more!
  14. I’m glad you just decided to go for it and write the story you wanted. As always it’s fucking amazing!
  15. Trans stories are not my favorite, but the incest angle sounds hot and I love your writing. So if you write it I’ll read it.
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