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Everything posted by Oldercumslut

  1. I've done the 21. Felt a little sore. Well maybe a bit more than little. 🙂. Some of it depends on where you are I'm sure. Once things open a little more, I'm thinking a trip to NY might be fun.
  2. Hmm. I'll be 61 next year. I think I need to start planning. It's a lot harder to arrange those things since I"m no longer a young stud. 🙂. I'd like 61 loads.
  3. On apartment patio after dark. Kept it anon. I was pre lubed. He came up pulled my shorts down and after a second pushed it in. Pounded for a few min, shoved in balls deep and grunted. (only sound he had made. I had towel on railing, He wiped off, and left, me still bent over the railing.
  4. Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. That's the short internet version of the definition of ethics. After multiple semesters of Ethics as part of Graduate education. Ethics is situational and objective. Morality is another term that is fluid and flexible. The act of us talking about it, weighing risks to both us and the public is a good sign. The term Ethical Slut isn't an oxymoron, but it's a pretty useless term as the definition of both words is open to interpretation and the semantics involved.
  5. Add mandatory masks and reminding people to not touch their face and I’d agree. That would be the a pretty good risk reduction strategy..
  6. Nope not quite. 🙂. I get a dopamine release with the risk and action. It's similar to people who cut themselves, etc. It's an action I tend to do more of when I'm stressed.
  7. I now officially have a copy of a neg nasal swab for COVID to go along with my HIV, hepatitis and STD printouts. Worth anything? Not really. But it's a start and point of discussion. I think for me that's going to be the greatest change in my behavior. I may still go with Anon, but I'm going to want to talk to the person first, where now I don't ask anything, just give them the room number and have my hood on. I think about half the tops have been completely Anon. I still won't care about their dick size or what color or anything about how they look. But I will have discussion on the topic. As I accumulate more information, I'm sure my behavior will change. I have added a few more psych appointments to discuss my compulsive sexual behavior and need to self medicate with anon bareback sex. (Yes my therapist knows all about my behavior, serves no purpose to see one and keep secrets) I will get checked monthly like I do now. HIV every three months but STD every month. Yes I wear this at work for 12 hours at a time, but fuck bare. I know this world has gotten really strange. Sexy looking in my getup aren't I. 🙂
  8. From Dr Goldstien in NYC. He's gay, colon rectal surgeon. Generally a good source of information. [think before following links] https://medium.com/bespoke-surgical/is-there-really-covid-19-in-your-semen-2ae46ac47662
  9. I know every place is different but as we're starting to look forward to hooking up again I have a question. I"m sitting here looking at my calendar trying to figure out how to shove 155 hours of leave time into our schedule at work. What day of the week generally works best for hookups? Here in the heartland it seems weekdays work best. People generally have things planned for their weekends. So if you were setting up a hotel hookup, what day would you try and schedule it.
  10. My last load was from a guy I had been chatting with for awhile. Something always seemed to come up at the last minute, and I was pretty much sure he was a wanna be. This time he asked for me to pick up some cigars and I figured I'd try one more time. He has cerebral palsy and wears a brace and I"m sure some wouldn't give him the time of day. He does however have a nice hard 8"cock. As I sucked him hard he produced a fair amount of precum. He moved me around till I was bent over the bed and he fingered my ass for a bit. It wasn't until I felt his cock against my ass that I realized I hadn't heard him open the tube of lube. He spit and then pushed his cock into my ass. It burned, but burned so good. After the first couple of strokes it got easier for him to slide in and out. He fucked quietly and then grunted as he pushed in deep. As he pulled out I grabbed a towel and found out why I had lubed up. Blood does make a decent lube apparently. 🙂 I'm sure people won't give him the time of day because of his disability, but I'll got back. It was a good fuck.
  11. I like your list. As a health care provider and someone who does public health, this whole thing has left me deeply conflicted. I know how the virus spreads, and I know my risk factors. But I'm also one who uses submissive bareback sex as a form of self medication. I can only resist so long. The list is a well thought out list that gives a framework for people to use. It is just a framework though. People need to look at their own localities. What I would risk in rural Arkansas isn't the same thing I would risk in New York City or Chicago etc. Fortunately I'm into Anon and have gotten int he habit of being hooded. I have used on with a mouth hole, but I may drop that and use a full face mask. I've alway had a bottle of hand wash and towels handy for my tops. (I've always been a considerate slut) The reports of the virus in Semen don't really concern me.
  12. Will be in Dallas the 5-7 of June. Depending on what's going on, I'll be looking for a hotel with easy access. What's best "causing" hotel in Dallas.
  13. We do, and most of us have no problem asking what they mean. There are ways to ask, that don’t make you look like an idiot.
  14. I’ve kept taking it. I know my self control.
  15. I've never been there. But then again, most of my travel was for Uncle Sam and those are the places I kept going back to. It's time to expand my horizons.
  16. Well I just went ahead and cancelled everything. Just means I can save more and have an even better trip. 🙂
  17. I I'm like you. Have until the middle of July. I probably am just going to cancel. Reschedule my travel plans. So Beach or enjoy winter in Europe ? That is the question. I can go to Port-a-Prince and if I work clinic for a week, can have my travel paid for.
  18. Mid July. The activities already have been cancelled. I've got 180 hours of annual leave I have to use or loose. Maybe winter in Europe might be fun.
  19. I'm sitting here looking at my reservations to Berlin in September. I"m looking at the small print on the plane reservation for the last date I can cancel and get a refund. I can cancel room without any problem. Anyone else looking at their going to get fucked travel plans and wondering if you should cancel? I'm goin to keep dieting and working out as if I'm going, but I've got a no go date marked on my calendar. (I'm also going to keep learning both German and Dutch)
  20. Chubby old fart like me even managed to get bred.
  21. It depends. I'f I've been able to keep up on diet and added fiber, about 30 min to an hour. I wait a bit between each douch.
  22. By train would be the only way to do it. 🤪
  23. In my clinic the number of people presenting has decreased, so it expectation it will just be ”cormant” then pop back up again
  24. I was still in the closet and people where still playing lip service to condoms.
  25. Before this whole Corona Virus thing, I had taken all of May off and was planning on traveling to every city/club I could. Well obviously that isn't going to happen. Not only did my employer cancel all leave until at least the end of May, but even if I was to go somewhere there wouldn't be much happening. The reason for this is that I was supposed to be on a plane to Berlin for a week this morning. So If you could head out for a month, were would you travel to get as many loads as possible.
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