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About POZBBPervNTucson

  • Birthday 06/17/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Interests
    Being used up by a chem addicted,twisted, pervy man that knows how to exploit my damaged mind from years of physical, mental and sexual incestuous demonic and sadistic abuse. Need to be chemed 24/7 and must disappear. Will be able to contribute financially and the only thing I expect from you is a little food and water, true hatred from you about everything about me, a willingness to do all you can to keep me diseased and indulge my perverted mind and keep it poisoned. Hail Satan!
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    My life has been all about the sex. Being used and damaged I am a subwith men, a whore for them, a piece of property, not worth a second thought once they have used me to unload in/on. Learned that lesson early and will never outgrow it.
  • Porn Experience
    well, if u know what kp means, then that's my first exp. Loved being exploited then and still do.
  • Looking For
    men who abuse and enjoy doing it while being worshipped...other perverts that live for the experience of the most extreme taboos...HAIL SATAN!

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  1. Nothing is hotter than two cock plowing my hole! Except 3…no : and a dildo
  2. I was reading your post and at the end you mentioned 3 holes cum sluts. I’m assuming you meant cunt, asshole and mouth. I saw a movie where the worthless cunt was. 4 hole bitch. One black guy 10” deep in her urethra. Kid you not. Was deep in her bladder. Hit as fuck. 

    1. sleazyskank


      Would luv to see that!!  In person!!

  3. I love to drink my own piss and since a have chems nearly every day it’s always chem piss. Must don’t care for throng taste if chem piss but I love it, either my own or someone else’s. If course someone or a group watching is always fun too.
  4. You ever talk on phone?

    1. chilatinsub


      I always drink my own chem piss. There’s something perverse and TwisTed abouT iT ThaT is so hoT.

    2. sleazyskank


      Same here. And anyone else’s chempiss. Perverse and TwisTed are part of the nasTy I enjoy!!

  5. It’s absolutely the best feeling to have him just leave. Preferably with hard slap or punch in the face with a look of disgust mixed with hate. Makes me feel so used and unwanted. I love that feeling.
  6. Great story. I have a similar story of betrayal and incest and deadly strains. My favorite conversations are related to me.
  7. Beautifully hit and erotic story that I believe in a subsequent post you said was true. I have a similar story, the age is different and who took me there is different as well. It is posted in my timeline. If true we are so much alike. Did you stealth it, keep track of what happened to them and to those they unknowingly gifted from there. Maybe a private chat would be good.
  8. I have been pissed in many times and love it. I have a too now that will put his cock in my hole and the piss stream is so sting and the theme so hot that I can easily feel it hitting my rectal walls. It is also a lot so much so that I have to breath so my second ring opens up. He demands I release it into a pitcher and with a funnel put his piss and then I piss iron the funnel to combine both in his hole. We both get very spun by the time he releases into my open mouth and on my face and cock. I nearly cum but am not aloud until he lets me. Best piss, and yes, raunch play ever!
  9. So damn hot. Think if a dad is toxic and possibly carrying other STDS he owes it to HIMSELF, his son and Stan himself to infect him asap no mater the sons age.
  10. Hey man. Seems you like family as much as I do. Mine was a very sexually  abusive father and uncle to start me. Chemsex always. Anyway, shoot me a message if your turned on by that kind of extreme family fun. 

  11. My dad and uncle dedicated my soul to Stan when I was nearly six. He had to explain who Stan was and that I was a bad boy and deserved to burn in hell forever. I cried and promised to be good and with a hard backhanded slap he screamed “too fucking late!” the ritual war fairly simple, the adult men wore black robes with there cocks exposed and is was tied spread eagle to an upright pentagram. The men each in turn made a small cut into their cockhead and bled into a an evil chalice then after they had they made a much larger cut into mine and added it to theirs. They each took a drink while passing and invoking Him. Then they forced my mouth open and with a funnel poured the rest down my throat. The rest of the night was me praising Stan while they all mostly together best the shit out of me. Looking back it was amazing.
  12. Oh fuck yes if I’m not bruised and swollen may a bit bloody from nipple torture or a broken nose it was not my best night
  13. Recently I’ve told some about something my dad would do to me. I’d have to hold my eyes open and he would let loose a strong hard steam of meth piss right in them. I love it then he would rub his cock head all over my eye and finish up with his finger running along the eyeball and a scratch or two as well. Every dom that’s done it loves it
  14. I love being a urinal for the too men I seek out. Party oiss is the best as it will get you higher. I will often let it out in a large tumbler and drink it for him. I never miss o drop of this intoxicating mixture of oiss and my ass.
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