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    Looking for guys to film my ass being bred. Who wants to meet up at the baths. Pretty low limits. ♠️🐽🅱️🅱️🔽💦
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    Looking for raw tops. Don’t care if you’re micro or hung like a horse as long as it’s raw and you breed me. Like aggressive tops. Looking for guys to film me taking loads, I cheat on my bf of 19 years, he doesn’t know I take all loads

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  1. Have to use a rag as well. So much better for me
  2. Fuck yeah it is. The dirtier sleazier the better
  3. I’ve been raped a few times.. grabbed and raped during a college party, recently was raped at the porn arcade.
  4. Good cheating slut!

    1. RaunchFilthPup


      Thanx, it’s sooooo much fun 😈😈😈🐷🐷🐷😈😈😈🐷🐷🐷

  5. Fortunately Megaplex in RI has shower rooms, I just kneel in the shower and everyone knows why I’m there
  6. Really happy that I already have taken 30 loads. Might not be a lot to some but if I can keep up this pace 2023 is a gonna be a good year
  7. Asb2004ri
  8. How has this not already been your reality? Like you are one hot bitch and you always have been. Your scenes have always proved that.
  9. You have to continue this story
  10. Either on my face, or into a shot glass to inject into my hole
  11. If you don’t want an open relationship know I’m still fucking with strangers. I will bttm raw for anyone
  12. It’s about being fucked by strangers and having as many stranger loads in me. If you can’t cum you need to be upfront about it
  13. Most of my loads are anon. Now that my husband knows I’ve been taking loads he insists that I never see their faces. He’s getting off on me not knowing who’s breeding me
  14. Wasn’t Jarod already used up by the time he stopped performing, on video at least. Imagine how used up is now. that would be hott. And Tim Skyler was always hott, Even as a bttm I know that they’re hot used up Twinks
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