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  • Interests
    STDs, HIV, AIDS, bugchasers, breeding, anal stretching, fisting, large toys, gangbangs, orgies, poppers, porn, verbal, etc.
  • Background
    I'm a fucking sick and twisted filthy pig who loves to fuck RAW. The riskier, the better!
  • Looking For
    I love discussing my experiences and fantasies with other morally depraved pigs. So don't by shy to shoot me a message on here or Telegram.

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  1. 2024 was a busy year for me. I started the year catching rectal gonorrhea and chlamydia at the same time. Got treated and took a long break. Then I went to a bathhouse and caught chlamydia again. Fortunately the symptoms were pretty mild. But then around November I tested positive for syphilis. I finally got that all cleared up and now I'm ready to be a no loads refused slut again.
  2. This is what a cumfilled pussy should look like!
  3. My pussy is in heat today. 2 random loads so far but hoping to take MANY more!

  4. I love having a loose worn out hole. It's my badge of honor after years of being a no loads refused cumdump.
  5. Has anyone else been ass up taking random loads all weekend long? My pussy is so sore but I can't stop until I reach my goal!

  7. Should I be ashamed that I just lied to a young twink so that he would let me breed him? He asked me twice if I was "clean" and of course I lied both times. We all must learn the hard way to never trust a stranger from the internet. Hopefully he continues the cycle! #TOXIC

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pigskin


      I do the same thing. I never feel ashamed, I feel it’s my fucking duty to breed and infect as much naive negs as possible. That’s why I’ll never have a biohazard tattoo. Keep up the good work!

    3. slagcunt


      No shame. Pride, lust and joy.

    4. toxicspermpig


      @livemanji I was the naive twink who thought I was somehow safe as long as I only let some tops breed me!

  8. Sent you maSSage on telegram

  9. Absorb it! A good faggot should always keep filthy toxic sperm inside of its body as long as possible.
  10. Very HOT profile and profile Pictures you've got!  Wonderful!

  11. There's really no way to tip toe around it. Raw sex is risky. There's no magical guaranteed way to eliminate this risk. The only thing you can do is attempt to mitigate it - which you've stated you're already doing. So other than that, embrace the risk and have fun. That's the freedom of being a cumdump. If you're still paranoid and nervous about it then you may not be ready for that lifestyle yet.
  12. Mmm. Anal stretching,  sounds hot😵

  13. I personally don't give a fuck about condoms. Sex is meant to be natural and risky. It's a huge turn off if a guy even mentions using one. I'm only interested in fucking no loads refused cumdumps.
  14. Idk why I'm so addicted to nasty cumdumps. I've fucked 3 tonight so far and I'm searching online for another one. Anyone else having one of those nights? 

    1. Str8convert


      Yes, I have nights where I want to be a filthy cumdump, I usually end up riding my biggest toys until my hole is nice and gaped.

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