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Everything posted by Veytoss

  1. I suggest to follow my guidlines to reduce the chances to be infected After that, the decision on what to do is up to You
  2. Joydivision Aquaglide Anal
  3. Dear @Bdsmslut I fully understand your desires and your fears, it's absolutely normal, so don't worry You need to ask yourself: - Can I accept the risk of catching some STDs? - Is it the pleasure of going bareback worth it? Only You know the answer If you want to make it more often (or always bareback) I suggest to take all the actions to lower as much as possible the risk of catching STDs, You can start from this post Have fun!
  4. Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, tops must collaborate to make it confortable for everyone :)
  5. I wrote this brief guide, check it out
  6. Most recent studies show that the on demand is more effective than we tought: https://www.poz.com/article/new-hiv-infections-new-french-study-ondemand-prep However the daily use continue to be the safest and reccomended way.
  7. First of all, congratulations for your interest in PrEP to protect yourself You can find all the informations for UK in this website: http://i-base.info/guides/prep Basically, You can take everyday (reccommended, so you can have as much bareback sex as you want, whenever you want) or the "On demand", only when You plan to have unprotected sex. Remember: Prep protect you only from HIV, I suggest You to read this post with other things to do have as much fun as you want in the less risky way
  8. The most confortable position is with both top in supine position in front of each others, so You can sit on both cock with less issues.
  9. @LndpozboiYou can do exactly the same things, if not more, if you're healty, take vaccinations and PrEP. So, I ask it once again: How will your life improve once you became poz or you catch other stds?
  10. Is your brother gay too?
  11. IMVHO You should do all the best to make sure you minimize the chances to catch a stds, so You can focus on having fun, get tested regularly to make sure that if something happens, you react and cure it as soon as possible, as fast as possible. I'd like to share my message from another thread: - HPV-9 vaccination; - Hepatitis A + B vaccination; - To reduce Hep C try to follow NoMoreC guidlines ; - Quadrivalent anti-flu vaccination at the beginning of november every year (yes, not really STDS related, I know :P); - Flush your mouth with this before fun to reduce gonorrhea risk; - PREP everyday; - Use a lot of lube; - Avoid washing too aggressively and always uses a nourishing cream in order to keep the skin soft and elastic, thus reducing the risk of micro-cracks; - Take a supplement with probiotics and prebiotics together like this ; And You got a really good protection against the most severe MST. Have fun!
  12. The advises are always the same to lower chanches of catching STDS:: - HPV-9 vaccination; - Hepatitis A + B vaccination; - To reduce Hep C: https://nomorec.nl/en ; - Quadrivalent anti-flu vaccination at the beginning of november every year (yes, not really STDS related, I know :P); - Flush your mouth with this before fun to reduce gonorrhea risk; - PREP everyday; - Use a lot of lube; - Avoid washing too aggressively and always uses a nourishing cream in order to keep the skin soft and elastic, thus reducing the risk of micro-cracks; - Take a supplement with probiotics and prebiotics together like this; And You got a really good protection against the most severe MST. Have fun!
  13. Beautifully amazing!
  14. Thanks for sharing @BerlinGuy, I hope You're ok now with yourself
  15. Thank You for your reply! Can You link me some official documents about what you wrote? On the official CDC FAQ page I read: Does taking PrEP long-term have harmful health effects? In people who are HIV-negative and have taken PrEP for up to 5 years, no significant health effects have been seen.
  16. PrEP is the most secure and effective way currently available on earth to prevent HIV infection until a true vaccine will arrive (hopefully in the next 3 years).
  17. Can you point to some PubMed articles showing PrEP is "toxic" as you say?
  18. So lovely ?
  19. I suggest to use an old shoe box or something like that, it has a greater chance to pass unnoticed, while a safe will bring questions from parents.
  20. Just curious, at what age did you start taking PrEP? I started recently, so in the 30-40 range
  21. Where You under PrEP when the events happened? If yes, you should be shielded against HIV, do a HIV test ASAP anyway.
  22. Rembember thant undetectable = cannot transmit the virus https://www.healthline.com/health-news/cdc-person-with-undetectable-hiv-cannot-transmit-virus
  23. What did the research find? Fourteen different bottles of PrEP from online suppliers were tested. In addition, Truvada and PrEP from the England IMPACT Trial was also tested. The results showed that there’s no evidence of fake PrEP in any of the samples we obtained across the summer of 2018 from any of the six suppliers. https://prepster.info/realdeal/
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  24. It depends how much I like the guy face
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