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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. For me talking dirty online was never to get off, but to add excitement of what would happen when we eventually met up. I don't know why, but I never got off on just talking, and I was never into phone sex either. It just didn't do anything for me, but talking dirt to set the mood for an eventual hookup does turn me on.
  2. Love it, it's one of my favorite things to do.
  3. I would recommend that you see a proctologist or a colorectal specialist. It could be something as simple as internal hemorrhoids or possibly a fissure or tear. They're likely to give you a better diagnosis than a primary care physician.
  4. Yeah, I am! He actually prefers to fuck throat over ass so most of the time he's dumping load after load down my throat. 🙂
  5. One of my regulars now is a multi-cummer who can easily stay hard and cum at least 4 times in a row. He's also got incredible stamina and can fuck and cum when he wants. He's rare, I've only met a handful of guys who can stay hard and cum more than once.
  6. The most important thing to ask yourself is "why do I care what others think?". If you can start to live your life on your terms you'll be a lot happier. Some people will be there for you and support you, some will not. Those who can't accept you as you are don't have a place in your life. I don't care what "the community" thinks about me, nor do I care to advance their "agenda". I live my life on my terms. Living your life to please others is no way to live your life.
  7. I have a younger latin regular that I suck off and he fucks me. He's only about 5"uc, not thick either. Aside from having a small dick, he's got a great top attitude toward sex, likes to be aggressive and he's constantly horny and he shoots a regular load. He tells me he doesn't get a lot of action and that I'm his regular sexual outlet. What he lacks in penis size he makes up with enthusiasm and aggression. We've been having sex on and off for almost 5 years now.
  8. You're going to have to figure out what your hang-ups are and let them go. For years you've probably been telling yourself that 'I only fuck guys who ....". You have to start telling yourself "I fuck all guys no matter what they look like or how old they are". When your subconscious psychology gets taught differently, your behavior will follow and the hangup will start to disappear.
  9. A close friend of mine spent a good chunk of his teens and early twenties (14-25) getting fucked in mall bathrooms. He swears its one of the easiest places to cruise and find hookups. He says hes probably been fucked by or sucked at least a thousand guys in mall bathrooms. He said the trick is finding the right ones that are busy enough to bring in some traffic with intervals of privacy but not so busy that everyone can see or hear what's going on.
  10. Unplanned. Was a high school friend I had just started sucking off a week before at a sleepover . Was sleeping over again and was sucking him off and he told me to lay down on my stomach. I turned around and laid down face down and he started rubbing his dickhead against my hole and trying to push it it. I had already been playing with my ass on my own for a while by then so I told him to get some lube and he came back with some lotion. He lotioned up his dick, squirt some lotion on my hole and then worked his way in. The lotion stung but I enjoyed feeling his dick in my ass. Once he was in he didn't waste any time and went to work pounding my ass till he shot. I felt his dick throbbing like crazy and his cum spurting into my ass. When he was done, he left his dick in my ass for a bit until he caught his breath and then pulled out and cleaned his dick off with his boxers. I put my underwear back on and we went to sleep. That was one of the best summers of my life.
  11. When I lived there the Brookside reservation and then Rocky River reservations used to be the crusiest areas. Rocky River is closest to Lakewood, which is a heavily gay area of Cleveland.
  12. That's always a good thing in my book!
  13. Gay romance just seems muddled with complications, and I think the curiosity and desire to experience many different men doesn't help the situation at all. I have a close group of friends who have tried the romance/dating thing all to find that one of the parties slips up. Sometimes it's a boozy night of poor choices. Sometimes its finally having that opportunity to get with someone you've been craving for a while. It also seems that the second you're in a relationship, everyone who wasn't interested in you suddenly becomes interested in you. Then there's trying to find the "right" person. A lot of gay men are superficial and shallow, and only looking for big dicks, big bank accounts, someone to take care of them or buy them things. Or they're life is a mess in other ways like drugs, alcohol, a mountain of debt, legal issues, etc. mental health issues like self acceptance, etc. Honestly, who wants to take on al that baggage? Not me, I'd rather be single and happy than in a relationship and miserable.
  14. You could consider cruising the metroparks, some areas are know for high sexual activity.
  15. I have an RX as well, also because of concerns related to syphilis drug shortages.
  16. I guess you should be glad that's all they've tried to sell you. I've had a lot of guys on both sniffies and grindr trying to sell me weed, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, tv's, cameras, cell phones, laptops, etc.. i think a lot of them are trying to make money to get a fix of their drug of choice.
  17. I'd tell my younger self to follow my instincts more and act impulsively on sexual urges. I missed guys giving me signs a lot earlier in life, overthinking it as if it were just in my head, but looking back now I realize I should have just acted on it and see where it went.
  18. I was in a two-year relationship once. Every morning I woke up and he fucked my face before work, it was awesome!
  19. No correlation between the two. I've had tall guys with big hands and small dicks, and I've had short guys with small hands and big dicks. Had sex with this guy who was 6'7", hot as fuck to look at, but dick was only about 4". One of the biggest dicks I've ever seen was on a short 5'4" latino, who was packing a thick 10" dick. I'm surprised the weight of his dick didn't cause him to fall over.
  20. Went out of town for a weekend trip to Laughlin. Hooking up there is hit or miss, with mostly misses and very few hits. Saw this older Mexican man probably late 50's early 60's sitting at the bar in the casino playing video poker and I noticed he seemed to be staring down every man and woman passing by and was giving off vibes that he was looking for something, just wasn't sure what. Passed him a couple more times over the next hour or two and then finally decided to take a chance. I went over to the bar and sat next to him, ordered a drink and played some video poker. Eventually we started talking, first some small talk then slowly more revealing stuff. Found out he was divorced, and I used this as my in, asking if his divorce was due to her being a bad fuck and he responded that and a host of other problems, which took us to a conversation about how he hadn't had sex in months and that he'd be happy if he could at least get his dick sucked. I told him I'd be glad to help him out and he asked me if I had a room in the casino and I said yes. No sooner than I said yes he said "let's go", cashed out, paid the bartender, grabbed his beer and we went up to my room. He dropped his pants and sat in the chair not saying a word and I went to work. It took a while to get him off since he had been drinking quite a bit but he finally shot. Huge load from a thick 7"uc dick with about 2" of foreskin hanging from it. After he got off, he stood up, pulled his pants back on said thanks and left. I was thinking he was a 10 beer queer and left it at that. Went about my day the next day and got back to my room in the evening and found a note slipped in the keycard slot. All it had was a name and a number. I texted the number and it was him. I texted him and he called me right back. He told me he had come looking for me again the next day didn't see me around the casino and knocked on the door but I wasn't there. Told me he was nervous wasn't thinking and left too quick but wanted to get together again. By now it was late and he's 30 miles away from Laughlin so we agreed to meet on my next trip out, or he said he'd be willing to make a trip to Vegas now and then to meet up as well.
  21. My personal philosophy is that if you're going to suck a guy's dick, then you have an obligation to swallow if he cums.
  22. I'm doing much better in Vegas. Have a much larger single family home with a pool, great neighbors, a beautiful mountain view on three sides of the house and a view of the strip on the back side, better job that pays more than the one I left in California and no state income taxes. My only complaint is the heat and my allergies are worse here, but other than that I'm glad I left.
  23. I definitely agree. I've had numerous blowjob-only hookups end up with me getting fucked. It's always best to prepare for the unexpected.
  24. All of California is becoming that way. I used to have a beautiful condo a few blocks from the beach in what used to be a great and prestigious neighborhood and then over the years it became unsafe to be out. I used to be able to walk the streets to the bars and restaurants and not care about what time I wandered home. Then it became I had to be home by 10pm, then 8pm, and then anytime it was dark. My condo balcony also gained a "homeless" view. I had decided I had enough and left. I grew up in California, it used to be a great place to live, but now it's a great place to flee.
  25. I love the look of a beat up hole that advertises that you're a slut. A lot of guys I find who can't get it up or keep it up are because of drug use.
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