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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. The second someone tells you that they're under age, just block them. Don't even bother trying to continue the conversation.
  2. That's just somebody saying they're a total bottom but pretending to be a top.
  3. I'm guessing it was the licking cum off the floor and drinking it from used condoms that probably made some people uncomfortable, most likely because they've never seen it before.
  4. It's OK, you can keep making excuses for your party. He signed it because he wanted to sign it. If he really believed it was the wrong thing to do, he should have vetoed it and let the congress override it. The truth is that Democrats have been at the forefront of censorship (remember Tipper Gore and her campaign to censor music?). The truth is that Republicans have had the joy of riding the coattails of the democrats who have led these censorship attacks. And thank you again for attempting to subtlety insult me. I can always count on you to show your true character to all of us.
  5. Really? I'd bet my money an international political scholar has much more knowledge about what is going on in our government than the average US citizen. So many people here believe whatever they're told to believe and do no research on their own, or spend any time to analyze the facts to draw their own conclusion. The democratic party lives for the "uninformed voter" and they do everything in their power to ensure that their "followers" stay as uninformed as possible.
  6. It seems like everybody wants to be a sex worker or is asking for "donations", most likely to support a drug habit.
  7. The nastiest place was with my brother, we checked into this really cheap and sleazy motel and my brother made me pay... it was like $39 a night, or $12 an hour, the mattress was lumpy, there were drug deals going down outside, the bedspread was all worn out and it was burned and stained all over and the drapes had a rip in them about 6" long and 3" wide, right at eye level so that if you stopped to look in, you would be able to see us fucking on the bed. The room smelled like smoke, sex and what else so he cracked the window and then he got drunk and laid back on the bed and we started having sex. He had me facing the drapes and he pounded the fuck out of me for like two hours. I could feel wet cum spots on the bedspread, people walking by could hear us thru the cracked window and would look in and watch for a few seconds and then leave, and a few would stay for a few minutes. I could tell some were drug dealers and they called others over to watch. I felt so nasty doing it there and seeing the people come and go but it gave me a huge mental rush!
  8. Some of my hottest and nastiest fucks have been guys who work for HIV organizations.
  9. The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) was the first attempt at regulating internet porn - signed by none other than Bill Clinton. If you're going to blame someone, go back far enough to find out who the true culprit really is.
  10. I have a friend who has five brothers. Four of his brothers are gay, and one claims not to be. Their father came out as gay after the youngest graduated college.
  11. I've got pics and vids of me sucking cock, as you can see.
  12. If you're diagnosed with something, just let them know that you were and that you're not sure how you go it, but you wanted to let them know so that they can get screened too. I remember years ago getting a call from the health department telling me I was exposed to and STI. I knew exactly who it had to be because I had just came out of a long dry spell and that was the only person I had been with. I was grateful that at least he was honest enough to share the information with them so that they could contact me. I called my doctors office to let them know and they arranged for me to be treated the same day and took blood samples for testing. In most instances, they treat you pro-actively and await the results to come in after. In my case, I was negative, but having the knowledge gave me the ability to get treated.
  13. You may wan to go the azithromycin route over Doxy if you have any kind of kidney problems. Azithromycin is broken down and excreted by the liver, not the kidneys. The reverse is true if you have liver disease, then you'd want to go with the Doxy.
  14. The tablets are much more stable than the capsules. Follow your doctor's advice for storage and use. The capsules can go bad, and they can lead to kidney damage if used after the have gone bad. Right now the shelf life of doxycycline is expected to be four years if stored properly. It is one of a handful of drugs with a short shelf life. Also, be aware some people are sensitive to doxycycline and can develop kidney issues with long term use. Have your doctor check your kidney function regularly. [think before following links] https://medssafety.com/what-is-the-shelf-life-for-doxycycline/ From the site above: Can doxycycline be used after the expiration date? No, the safety of doxycycline beyond its shelf life or the expiration date cannot be guaranteed and it can also be risky and potentially harmful to the patient’s health. Not only is there the possibility that the medication is less effective, but there is also a chance that there has been the growth of bacteria or degra­dation of the drug that can lead to toxic effects.
  15. Did Ryan recognize his dad's voice if his dad said he was about to cum?
  16. I had an 'anon' fuck once who told me that after he fucked me he wanted to see my face. He wanted to be able to identify everyone he's ever fucked and he wanted me to see his face AFTER he fucked me. He probably had control issues but at least he was up front about it, and he told me he never fucked the same guy twice.
  17. I have shown up for hookups wearing a suit. Also had a guy who was into dress socks.
  18. I'm an oral bottom.. would have to reverse that role lol.
  19. I can see that, but a lot of times I see cops fireman, military, etc., bragging about it in their profile, because they know it draws attention to them. You don't get much attention being an accountant unless someone needs help with their taxes....lol.
  20. You can get some restroom action going, better to go to a less popular casino and watch for the cleaning crew.. if they're just leaving, you have a good half hour at least before they circle back again. If you do get caught by the cleaning crew, usually because they see 4 feet in a stall, most of them will either knock on the door and walk away just to let you know they know what's going on, or they'll knock and ask you to break it up. They're supposed to stop it but at the same time not make a big deal so that it's obvious to everyone else around what's going on.
  21. You should do what you're comfortable doing, but understand he has the same right to do what he's comfortable doing. No harm no foul on either end, but keep in mind this is a hookup, not a marriage proposal. I get turned off by people who ask for anything I don't believe they're entitled to know or are out of context for where we are in the conversation. For example, if we're talking about a quick fuck, someone asking me what I do for a living right away is a bad sign for me. What I get from that question is that they're broke and/or desperate and want to see what they can get from me. Who cares what I do for work if we're just going to fuck? I'm not going to care what you do. You can ask, doesn't mean I'm obligated to answer, and doesn't mean I'm obligated to continue to talk to you either. I have free will and so do you.
  22. Yeah, the majority of the hotels have adopted key access for the rooms, but you can still block the door open with the latch. The problem is that most of them also require access to the elevator with a key, or they have security standing at the hallway to the elevators asking you to show them a room key before they will allow you to pass. Some of the older hotels/casinos haven't adopted this yet, but you may want to call ahead as a concerned customer and just ask about room security procedures they have in place. so you know. You may also want to get creative if you're into the anon scene and ask for two or three key cards and then find a good hiding place somewhere on the casino grounds for one of them and then steer people there and then ask them to return the card to that place when done. Along the strip be careful about public sex as the majority of the strip is under surveillance in one fashion or another, so be very creative if you take that chance. Most of the time they'll just ask you to break it up but every now and then you'll run into someone who's hard-nosed about it and will either have you arrested or evict you or ban you from the hotel if you're staying there. It just depends on their mood and circumstances at the time. The weather has also changed, so much colder out in public now. Where are you staying? If you're on the strip, each casino has its own crowd/feel and logistics, and that influences the foot traffic near you. There's also different sexual opportunities based on the core audience attracted to a particular casino and its following. Are you staying alone or traveling with friends? If you can host, that's a DEFINITE plus, because many visitors can't. One of the most difficult factor for hooking up with visitors is that they often travel in groups, so they usually share rooms and/or have a full agenda of things to do with other people (or their day doesn't go as planned because of other members in their group or they drink too much, etc.), so don't be disappointed if planned hookups don't materialize, it's just a nature of the beast in this city. You may also have some late night drunken booty-call opportunities, some are good, some not so good. You might want to arrange a telephone call before hooking up to judge just how drunk they are. On the flip side, sometimes numerous hookup opportunities happen on the spur of the moment - people have the room for themselves, wife leaves to shop with friends, a buddy decides to nod off early (or hung over from the day before) and they're suddenly free, and you may have to be creative and/or act fast to make them happen. If you're looking for fast and easy action, you can hit the spas, next to that is to stay on the strip where the foot traffic is heavy and avoid the off-strip hotels and casinos. You'll pay a premium for staying on the strip though, right now room demand has been high since covid is mostly behind us and not all the casinos reopened, leaving less capacity and higher demand, but if you want to be where the action is, the strip is more central than off strip. Be very careful of showing any outward signs of illegal drug use if that's your game. Unless you're a high roller, there's very little tolerance for turning a blind eye to that on the strip, and one of the fastest/easiest ways to get arrested and charged. If that is your game, you'll likely want to stay off strip, but then your chances of being able to walk to a hook-up or have them walk to you goes way down. If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask!
  23. Maybe too much foot traffic had people believing you re selling drugs? I've seen similar situations in which things that look potentially shady on the surface are investigated only to find out there pretty mundane. We had some guy lurking around our neighborhood in a creepy looking van for a while and a neighbor reported him to the cops. It turned out he was a subcontractor for the cable company and the housing tract was new so he was spending a lot of time around here.
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