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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. Some of my best hookups were from Craig's List!
  2. As long as everyone there is cool with what's going on, then I don't care who watches.
  3. I've only had one instance of this happen, where a guy quickly pulled out while I was sucking him and then came on the floor. I asked him why and he said it was because he was positive and that he hadn't disclosed that before our encounter.
  4. Just ask for the "deep tissue massage" up front 🙂
  5. No one I've know who has had them has ever said they've gone away on their own. If anything, they continue to grow if not treated.
  6. This is actually a great question. There wasn't just one, there were a few that help shaped me into the oral/anal cumdump I am today (in order of encounter, not ranked in any way): 1) My Latin friend Jack from high school. He was the first to wrestle me, pin my arms down and stick his dick in my mouth and have me swallow his load. Started fucking me a couple of weeks after. Lost touch of him after high school, but reunited by accident four years ago when he responded to an ad I had placed offering to suck cock. A beautiful start to a happy life, and will always have a special place in my heart. We "reunited" and hook up regularly now. 2) Doug - Met him on AOL, he was 55 and I was 29. Married and wasn't getting much sex at home and wanted to get his dick sucked. He worked close to my place and would swing by and fuck my face. He was a white guy, 8" and thick, huge mushroom head. He shot gobs of cum down my throat, one of the biggest shooters I've ever had. Sucked him off 2-3x a week for almost three years. He took a job across town and we lost touch. 3) Alonzo - Black guy I also met on AOL, 9" dick, I was 30 he was 50, recently divorced and looking for relief. He taught me everything I needed to know about pleasing a black man and what end of the dick I was on. Got me into small groups, he would bring friends over and not tell me in advance. Was a regular fuck bud (at least weekly) for about 9 years until I moved away. We still talk regularly and hook up annually. 4) Trey - He was a Latin fuck buddy I met online, we knew each other casually from seeing each other out at the bars but he was part of a different 'click' in town that didn't care for my 'click' but we met up anyways. The sex was awesome and we kept our "relationship" a secret from our 'clicks' for years. He wanted to try watersports and I kept saying no to him but one day he just pissed in my mouth as I was sucking him with no warning, and he awakened me to drinking piss. I drank gallons of his piss after that. Also lost touch with him after I moved away. 5) Edrice - Another black fuck buddy of mine. Monster 10x6 dick. Taught me how to take large dicks and taking dick hard and deep for a long long time. Boy did he have endurance when it came to fucking. Went on for about two years but then he got messed up in drugs and I wasn't part of that lifestyle so we lost touch. 6) Diego - Heavy set Latin guy. Met him on Craigslist, but we didn't seem to hit it off in the first few message exchanges and decided not to meet. He reached out to me again many months later out of the blue and we started emailing back and forth for another few weeks and he broke me down and talked me into meeting anonymously, with me blindfolded, door unlocked and waiting for him. Damn what an awesome fuck he was, big guy with a big dick. He'd pin me down with his weight and fuck the hell out of me, blow his load deep in my ass, pull out, dress up and leave, leaving me with my ass wrecked. I've never see him with my own eyes, we always fucked anon, but I'd know him the second he sticks his dick in my mouth. He's responsible for turning me onto anon sex. It ended when he met someone he wanted to date. 7) My older brother - All I can say here is damn, I've never been so addicted to a dick so fast as I am to his. Still ongoing, but not as regular since I've moved away. 😎 Manny - He's an ex-coworker of mine, multi-cummer with lots of endurance. Fucks my throat for hours and feeds me load after load. I've never met a multi-cummer who can come as much as he can. He can easily shoot at least 8 full loads before he starts to dribble. He lives in SoCal and I live in Vegas, but he loves to visit Vegas, and I still have friends and family in SoCal, so we make it a point to meet up EVERY chance we get. He's the guy who told me he should divorce his wife and marry my throat. I'm sure there's a few others but those are the most notable that helped shape me into who I am today.
  7. I've never been interested in the "perfect" guy, I'm more interested in the guy who wants to have some hot nasty sex. Most of my hot sex has been with guys that were less than perfect.
  8. A lot of guys are all talk and no action.. lol.
  9. Yes, I'm Latino also and most Latinos are uncut, but some are cut. I think it has to do with how tight they adhere to the culture. Some people believe that uncut is less sanitary than cut. Some Latinos that have assimilated more into American culture are getting cut while others are leaving it uncut. I also see a lot of parents doing what they have, so if the father of the baby is uncut, the son is uncut, but if the father is cut, then the son gets cut.
  10. Cheating is definitely hotter. I love cheaters. I love being able to satisfy a man in ways that his boyfriend/husband/wife/girlfriend can't or won't, and that's usually why they come to see me. I have a handful of regulars who are in relationships but come see me when they want or need some some good, hot sex or need some relief they can't get at home.
  11. Your doctor will decide if Aldara or surgery is your best first option. Many times it depends on the size of the wart and the location. Most people don't have a recurrence in the same spot once treated but some do. They are contagious, so you should get treated. Some are painful, some are not. Some cause pain just because of their size, and some can bleed. I'd definitely recommend treatment. Aldara is the brand name medication for Imiquimod. It should be available as a generic now, but it used to be brand name only and was pretty expensive without insurance, but should cost about $25 for treatment as a generic.
  12. PART 1 I found out last Saturday that I had to travel to SoCal at the last minute, so I left Tuesday morning and headed down to my client's site. Spent most of the day in and out of meetings and then finally left around 6:30pm and drove thru a Carl’ Jr then headed to the Best Western about a half a mile from the work location. I pulled into the parking lot next to a white work truck not thinking about much but getting my keys and getting to my room and eating and relaxing after my long day. As I got out of the car I noticed a black man sitting in the truck smoking a cigarette and talking on his cell phone. The truck was running and the windows were up so I couldn’t hear what was being said. I took a good look, saw he was an older black man with a scruffy beard with some greying and a short afro style haircut... he noticed me lookin and he looked back we caught eyes and then I looked away and headed to the office to check in. I got my keys and as I was walking back to the car to get my things, I saw him get out of the truck and walk into the door right next to mine.. I got my stuff from the car, went over to my room and was putting the key in the door when the door next door opened and he came out talking on his cell phone. we looked at each other again, I nodded my head to acknowledge him and he did the same and I went in my room set my stuff down and sat at the small couch to eat my Carl’s Jr... the curtains were open with just that white privacy curtain drawn closed but it wasn't completely closed, there was a gap of about two inches between them.. the black man stood outside talking on his cell phone kind of pacing back and forth between the front of his room and the front of mine, I could hear some of the conversation and my guess was he was talking to his wife... as he paced back and forth, I would sense him looking at me thru the curtain gap and I’d look up and catch him looking, a few times I’d see his shadow coming and i'd be looking by the time he came by and he'd see me looking at him.. this went on for about five minutes or so and I was eating while we kept exchanging glances... a few minutes later as he was standing in front of my window I heard the door open again next door, another black man came out and told him he'd be back and got into the truck and left.. he kept talking on the phone and pacing and we kep looking at each other while I ate for probably another 5 minutes or so before he finally hung up the phone and went back in his room. I really couldn't hear much from the room next door but the tv running, I finished eating and started to unpack my dress shirts and other stuff that needed to be hung up and then turned the tv on myself and laid back on the bed to relax. after about three minutes I heard the adjoining room door on his side open and thought that was odd, thinking maybe he was unfamiliar with them and he wanted to see what was there, but then about five seconds later he knocked at the door and I heard him say "yo".... I got up from the bed and went to open the door and I said "hey whats going on" and he looked at me said "so whats up" and not sure where he was going with this I responded "what do you mean" and this time he stepped forward into my room reached down and adjusted himself real quick like black men do and then he said again "so whats up" and this time I was starting to understand where this was going and I responded "just kicking it here after a long day, how about you?' and now he reached down with his hand and started stroking on his shaft with his thumb while he was talking to me and he said "i think u know whats up, I seen you lookin - I look at you, you look at me we be lookin back n forth so what up with u? you dont need to play eyeball no more if you a fag lookin for some dick I got some, I can give you some for real you dont need 2 be cute about it... so I remembered my teaching from my black master and I responded "just like that, huh?" and he responded "yea, just like that" ..i told him I was down and he asked me how much dick did I want. he told me he was staying there with a buddy from work that he kicks it with now and then and that his buddy would probably be down to give me some dick too or it could be just me and him.. I told him I was cool with two guys and he said give him a minute he was going to call his buddy and he did, he had him on speaker phone, his buddy answered "yo whats up" and the older black guy said "you wanna get your dick wet tonight" and his buddy responded "yeah, what you got in mind" and he said "got some boi pussy in the room next door he cool taking us both on" and his buddy responded "he a freak?" and the older black guy nodded his head yes while he looked at me and said "yes" to his buddy on the phone and his buddy said "aaaiiiggghhtt ... imma get some drink at the liquor store n hit the burger king, lets kick it after we eat" and the older black man said "aaiiightt .. late!" and hung up. he looked at me and said he'd get me when they were ready and I said ok and he left the room and closed the door on his side and then I closed the door on mine but left it unlocked. I went and laid back on the bed both amazed and worried and confused because I really knew nothing about either of these two and I didn't even get to see the other black man at all really just saw him quickly in passing walking toward the truck.. about 20 minutes later I heard the door open to the room next door and then heard him and his buddy talking but couldn't make out much because their tv was on but I could tell the spoke for a couple of minutes and then started to eat because of the silence in between the sentences, so I decided to get myself ready for whatever was going to happen next.. after that I went back to watching tv while I waited. Finally about 40 minutes later I heard the adjoining room door open on his side and then the older black man, now in boxers and a tank top, came in and said "we ready" and I got up and walked into their room. I finally got to see his buddy, he was tall, like 6" and very slender, probably weighed about 160 lbs at most, in his late twenties, not very attractive honestly, actually kind of ugly, looked very rough and ghetto, had his hair in corn rows with a few longer strands on the sides and back and he was laying back on the bed shirtless with some yellow basketball shorts on toothpicks for legs but no obvious bulge... as I walked in the buddy said to me "so u the bitch givin up that pussy tonight" and I said "yeah I guess so" and then the older black man introduced me to his buddy s Leon and told me that his name was Vince and I told them my name was Richard. Vince told me they were in town from Bakersfield working on a freeway construction project nearby, but they lived in Bakersfield, I told them I lived in Vegas and was there for the week on business heading back on Friday and they told me they would be there thru Friday morning as well and then heading home. After a little small talk Vince took off his tank top, dropped his boxers and laid back on the bed with his arms behind his head. I took this as my cue and took off my t-shirt and shorts and boxers and Leon dropped his shorts as well.. Vince had a nice looking dick and was already starting to get hard and I walked over and got on his bed on all fours and started to suck his dick, which had just started to grow as I started sucking on it and moments later I felt Leon rubbing my ass and spreading my ass cheeks open and I heard him say "damn, pussy looks good" and Vince responded "this mouth feelin pretty good right now too"... as I was sucking on Vince's dick I could feel it continue to grow bigger and wider and bigger and wider as I sucked it and then I started to feel it form a mean upward curve as it continued to inflate in my mouth and spread my jaw open, his mean upward curve was now very obvious and I had to lean my head forward more to accommodate his fat curved dick as I sucked it, I could hear Leon licking his fingers and rubbing my ass with his other hand and then he started to stick his thin bony middle finger in my ass and twist it around and he said to Vince "damn, pussy feel tite, we gonna have to bust it open" and Vince just responded by saying "u know it". By now I had already figured out that taking Vince in my ass was going to be a challenge because of his wide girth and because of the mean upward curve, I kept sucking on his dick and he was moaning and saying "oh yea baby that’s how daddy like it, lot of tongue and no teeth" and Leon was twisting his finger in and out of my ass while stroking it in and out and then I felt two fingers go in and more twisting and stroking.. I kept sucking Vinces dick and every now and then he'd put his hand on my head to adjust the pace and then let go, Leon pulled his fingers out and stepped off the bed and returned a few seconds later with some kind of lube (later found out it was cocoa butter) and I felt him lubing up my ass and heard him stroking the lube on his dick.. Vince asked him if he was gonna tap that ass and Leon said yes and Vice responded "aiiight, imma kick back and enjoy this head action"... Leon was busy fingering my hole with the lube now and doing a one finger then two finger alternation for a bit before I felt him move up behind me and get ready to stick it in.. remember, I had still not seen his dick and didn't recall seeing a bulge either so I wasn't sure what to expect, I was already surprised by how big and fat Vince's dick was and how curved it was too. I continued to suck Vinces dick and finally started to feel Leon rubbing the head of his dick on and around my hole and from what I could tell at that point it felt like it was probably a little bit bigger than average but nowhere near as fat as Vinces dick.. finally Leon held my ass and started to slide his dick into my ass and I felt my ass open up and confirmed that he was a little bigger than average in width, he played with my ass a bit sticking it in pulling it out sticking it in and pulling it out I think he liked the visual and then finally I felt him stick it in and start pushing it deeper into my ass, he started doing some stoking but just real easy like he was loosening me up and then he started to slide more of his dick into my ass, as my ass started to fill up with his dick I expected to feel his pelvic area hit my ass soon but boy was I wrong about that... he kept sliding dick into my ass deeper and deeper and deeper and there was still more dick to go.. Vince asked him if he was in yet and Leon responded "almost" and slid more dick up my ass and after I could already feel him deep in my guts I finally felt his pelvic area hit my ass cheeks, and then he told Vince 'now I’m in" and Vince asked him how it felt and Leon responded "pussy feel real good, don’t get too many bitches take my whole dick" and Vince responded "I think this bitch fuck some niggas before cuz he workin this dick too good for its size" and Leon responded "for real dude, I’m balls deep in dis bitch and she ain't even squirm"... Vince asked me "you fuck some niggas before" and I moaned "mmmm-hmmm" with his dick in my mouth and he said "yea I thought so", Leon left every inch of his dick balls deep in my ass, just holding my ass deep against his pelvis and told Vince he was gonna enjoy every inch of my pussy for a bit and Vince told him take his time cuz my head game was on spot so I kept sucking Vinces dick while Leon enjoyed every inch of the inside of my ass, doing some grinding but keeping it balls deep inside me. Finally Leon said "ok, time to work this pussy now" and started pulling out and pushing in at an easy pace at first and then slowly picking up the pace, sometimes going only partially back in and sometimes going balls deep, I could tell by now that he was really turned on by the visual of it all by how he was fucking me, by now Vince had both his hands on my head and was pretty much controlling my head movements while I sucked his dick and Leon was stroking in and out of me at a medium pace, hands firm on my ass and occasionally slapping my ass and saying "damn that some good pussy, bitch treat dis dick rite"...Vince asked Leon if he planned to nutt twice and he said 'yeah' and then Vince told him he'd do the same, after a few more minutes of this I heard Leon tell Vince, "ok, imma work it hard now" and Vince responded "aiiight" and then both of them started to get more aggressive with me, Leon was pumping my ass hard and deep, slapping my ass after ever few strokes saying "imma fuck this pussy bitch, how u like dis bitch" and slapping my ass again, Vince had my head in a head lock and was pumping my head up and down on his dick with force saying 'suck that dick bitch, suck that shit good'. As I was getting worked hard at both ends for what seemed like 20 minutes Vince asked Leon "where u at" and Leon responded "I’m close, u wanna nutt" and Vince responded "yea lets nutt this bitch up" and they both got even more aggressive with their fucking and I heard Leon moan out "awww shiiiit, aawww shiiiiit" and then Vince said "fuck, imma nutt" and started to blast his load in my mouth, I felt gobs of cum squirting out of his dick and filling my mouth and he was about four squirts in when I felt Leon grab my ass hard, slam his dick balls deep in my ass and started yelling "oh fuckk" gasping for air and started squirting deep in my ass as he moaned out after every squirt, I felt his hot cum coating the inside of my guts, ever bit of the force of the blast was against the wall of my guts and completely unmistakable, meanwhile Vince continued to squirt gobs of cum filling my mouth so much that I had to swallow before he even finished his nutt. Leon was exhausted, I felt his hot sweaty body lean down on top of my back his arms now by my side holding himself up on the bed and he told Vince "holy shit what a fucking nutt!" and Vince responded "fuck yea it was" and let go of my head... I sucked Vince clean, and Leon leaned back and slowly pulled out and once his head was out I felt him squeeze a little cum from his shaft onto my hole and wipe it around with the head of his dick and then he got up off the bed, so I finally leaned back and off of Vinces dick and both of them were obvious sweaty and spent and Vince looked at me and said "fuck you a good bitch for bein an older bitch" and right away Leon said "fuckin for real bitch, I dont get balls deep with a lot of bitches but fuck that pussy banging" I finally got to take a good look at Leon's dick, he had a hairy bush of black pubic hair, his dick was at least 11 inches, maybe 12, and a little thicker than average with the head like an arrow and two nice sized balls hanging from a sack that was like three to four inches away from his body... Leon went to lie down on his bed and I just kind of stayed there on the bed for a few minutes while they caught their breath and recovered from their orgasm and finally Vince said "damn you a good fuck bitch" and Leon responded "true that" and Vince said we should take a short break before we swap places and I said ok.
  13. My older brother, but it started later in life. That's why I have the member name that I do.
  14. I've met a lot of bottoms that like to get their ass ate and dick sucked.
  15. To me the experience matters more than the labels.. I don't care what people call themselves or what they call me, as long as the sex is good then I'm happy.
  16. A close fuck buddy of mine is in need of a sane cocksucker/cumpdump for regular sex. He's divorced from a woman, lives in the Shaker Heights area of Cleveland and he hasn't had much luck finding a replacement for his regular cockwhore (me) since I moved away. He's 9" uncut, loves everything from passionate to rough. If you're interested, please message me directly and we can discuss and see if you're a good fit for him.
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  17. I'm pretty sure it was from my very first sexual experience, when a friend from high school pinned me down and fucked my face and blew his load in my mouth. I felt it start to slide down my throat and I instinctively swallowed it. That first experience sent me on a life-long journey to suck dick and swallow cum.
  18. I had a similar situation with a dad/son pair that were neighbors to my parents. Was just father and son living in the house, he had divorced many years before. Had an unplanned situation where I saw the dad's dick and made a compliment that lead to him fucking my face. Didn't realize how close him and his son were (they shared their life stories with each other) and the dad told the son about me sucking his dick. A couple of weeks later I was visiting my parents and saw the son in his garage. He called me over and I walked next door and into the garage and he moved over in front of his truck so no one could see from the street and he pulled his shorts down and asked me if I wanted to suck his dick too. I asked him if his dad told him what happened weeks before and he said yes, they share everything. Needless to say, I started sucking both of them regularly, sometimes together, sometimes alone but that went on for about two years when I would go visit my parents until my parents passed away and we sold the house. Only sucked them a few random times after that when I was around the neighborhood.
  19. Older guys who can still fuck like they're in their 20's and 30's are hot as fuck to me! 😁
  20. I've had married guys I suck off tell me they'd divorce their wives for my mouth .. lol.
  21. I have some tops that have NO interest in my dick at all and they ask me to wear a jock strap when they fuck me.
  22. I used to suck off a guy who liked to smoke a cigar while I gave him head and blow the smoke in my face. He always told me it was his way of enjoying his two most pleasurable experiences at the same time and looked forward to our regular get togethers.
  23. I'd also like to see an area to share more of my real life experiences but because many of them are considered '[banned word]' they need to be shared in a 'clinical' matter which I feel takes them out of context and doesn't allow for the full sharing of the intimate details.
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