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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. I've had good luck with both adam4adam and sniffies, those are my two go-to's right now.
  2. If you're not happy where you live, you can move. Thousands of us have left places that weren't suited for us. If you stay, then you choose to accept everything around you, good and bad.
  3. I gave up on grindr a while ago. Just not worth the time. Many other places to find dick and not have to pay for it, or waste time watching ads and blocking tons of people you're not interested in. When you report criminal activity, the do nothing. When you need actual support they also do nothing. I'm surprised grindr is still around.
  4. Wow, just had a flashback to the bookstore on Brookpark Road. I haven't been back to Cleveland since 2018, not sure if any of those things are around anymore. Used to enjoy going to the Stallion and hanging out on the patio Sunday afternoons. I believe A Man's World changed names a couple of times and then disappeared. The Grid is gone too. Not sure if you remember Rockie's or the Cage, they're gone now too. Trashy places but a lot of good memories.
  5. Just saw my doctor this morning and discussed DoxyPep. He's all for it and wrote me a prescription. He agrees that with the shortages of other antibiotics to treat STDs, especially syphilis, that DoxyPep is the way to go for now.
  6. I have a fuck bud I hook up with now and then who lives on the second story in a condo complex. His bedroom window faces a gay neighbor of his that he knows well, and their two units mirror each other except for a walkway between them, so his bedroom window faces his neighbors bedroom window. On our very first hookup, he asked me if I was into being watched and I said I didn't care and he opened the blinds so his neighbor could see into the bedroom and watch us fuck. He's done that every time we've hooked up since. I've never met the neighbor but he's watched us fuck probably about 10-12 times so far.
  7. Six guys.
  8. I think that STD's are a crap-shoot. I know very promiscuous guys who have never had one, and I've had friends from high school get one after their first time.
  9. I think you need to read your posts, because you're actually describing yourself.
  10. Latin guy, 7.5uc, fat and wide... i loved it!
  11. You need to accept yourself as a slut, both inside and out. Until you can own being a slut, you're always going to have some kind of anxiety or apprehension about it. What I mean is that you have to get yourself to the point where you're not afraid to tell people you're a slut, you're not afraid of people finding out you're a slut, or talking about you being a slut or being concerned about being used by another man for sex and then tossed aside. As long as some part of you is holding onto some else's view of who you should be or how you should act, you aren't going to be able to get past the anxiety.
  12. If a majority of democrats pass the bill, the the democrats are the cause of the problem. They have the power to stop it, and if they choose not to, then that's on them.
  13. I don't think it would be the pot, it's usually hard drugs that disrupt normal liver function. It could possibly be the other medications. The heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs are all able to influence each of the other organs in that list thru the releasing or inhibiting the release of various hormones, enzymes and other blood chemicals, so if something is affecting one of them it is possible to have that create an effect in one of the other organs. Hopefully your doctor can help sort this out.
  14. So in California, where the democrats have a super-majority, using your logic, if the assembly and senate passes the bill and the governor signs it, you still blame the Republican who introduced it? Incredible.
  15. Do you do any recreational drugs as well? These could affect your liver function, which could impact your kidney function.
  16. There are many states proposing legislation, including a handful of democrat strongholds. [think before following links] https://news.bloomberglaw.com/in-house-counsel/social-media-porn-sites-targeted-in-states-seeking-age-checks
  17. As someone who suffered kidney damage from Truvada, I'd make sure to have our blood tested at least quarterly and watch your bloodwork markers for kidney function. Mine snuck up on me after five years of Truvada, when I started to experience a sudden decline in kidney function. I was referred to a nephrologist who took me off of all medications for a month and my kidney function started to return. He took me off Truvada and my kidneys continued to improve but never returned to full functionality. They've been stable since a few months after I came off Truvada, but I'll never regain all the lost function I experienced on it. My doctor told me it isn't unusual for people to be stable for many years and then suddenly start having problems, so keep an eye out.
  18. I appreciate the response. It helps add some perspective to the situation. I just don't get why they would think it wise to kick off someone who's just browsing. What's funny is that twitter's own site says they will tell you exactly what post got you kicked off, but my friends who have tried to make that request keep getting an email back that they're permanently suspended but never get the information they're asking for.
  19. Well this is what's odd, two of them were not blue subscribers but would both browse and post, one was a blue subscriber and browsed and posted, a third was not a blue subscriber but would only browse and follow, but never liked or posted or did anything else to interact and he got suspended too. So I was thinking maybe someone he followed got suspended for a severe violation and they suspended everyone that followed that person too.
  20. A lot of them are getting messages that they've been permanently banned and can't create another account. A couple have tried to appeal but within seconds get an email that says that they're account won't be reinstated and they are permanently banned from twitter.
  21. I don't use twitter much but my friends who do have been telling me they've been getting their accounts suspended left and right? Is this happening to anyone else?
  22. I love how the sleaze factor just appears out of nowhere. This motel is near a beach community and a lot of the guests are tourist families with kids, but yet amongst all of that, something like this happens 🙂 .
  23. Then at least mention that the health care in Louisiana ranks lower than Texas on just about every measure and put your comments into perspective.
  24. I think he was looking for advice regarding his medical condition, not for your political opinion on the State of Texas.
  25. Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is definitely one.
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