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Everything posted by Close2MyBro

  1. I actually prefer darker features, dark hair, dark eyes, some color to their skin, etc. Just a preference, I'm open to all.
  2. I enjoy the natural scent of a man's skin, but I don't care for body odor or other strong smells.
  3. I actually have a friend who sucked his dad's cock thru a glory hole in an adult book store when he was 23. Neither had any idea until they both walked out of their booths and saw each other. They were shocked at first and didn't know what to do or say so they both headed in different directions. His dad came to him a few days later in his room and asked him if he wanted to talk about it and he said not really, and then his dad told him it was the best blowjob he had ever had and left. A few days later while his dad was in bed sleeping and his mom was at work, he went into his dad's room and pulled down his dad's boxers and started to suck his dick. They've had an ongoing oral relationship since and it's been about 10 years now. All his dad wants is a good blowjob on a regular basis and he is proud and honored to help his dad out.
  4. I was 12 when I noticed I was growing hair. I had my first orgasm with cum about 4 months later.
  5. Definitely Larry Flynt. Had it not been for him, and his relentless pursuit of the 1st Amendment, we may not even have any porn right now.
  6. Got my last load late Saturday night / Sunday morning. Saw a message on doublelist from a chubby 21yo straight latino visiting from Texas who was in Vegas to celebrate his 21st birthday. He had hoped to get lucky at some point during his week-long trip but no luck, and he was anxious to get off and get to bed. I responded and was the only response he got that was willing to go down to the strip and meet him in his room. He was pretty drunk but had a nice thick 7" cock. I sucked his cock for about 15 minutes and finally he shot a huge load down my throat. I sucked him clean and left.
  7. I've had this happen once before with an uncut man who didn't want to pull back his foreskin before he had me suck his cock and as soon as his cock was coming out of my mouth he made sure to hold it in a way to slip the foreskin over the head as it was coming out. With some careful maneuvering i managed to get enough pressure on the base of his penis to keep the foreskin retracted and quick pulled my mouth off, and it was obvious he had some kind of STD as the head of his penis had visible sores. I let him know that i thought that something was amiss and that maybe we should get together another time after he's had a chance to see a doctor. I quickly booked an appointment with my doctor for an STD screen and the first round came back negative, but based on my description, the doctor suspected gonorrhea and treated me as a precaution. I went back for follow-up testing a month later and everything was still negative. The guy had deleted the profile he had created and I didn't see him online for a few months and then he appeared again with a new profile and the same pictures. I didn't reach out to him again, I figured I'd just be glad I got away unscathed from that encounter.
  8. No, I didn't. I've only been to a bathhouse a few times. My first experience at a bathhouse was less than successful in my eyes, because I went in not knowing what to expect or how they operated. I've always been a cocksucker and I had all these visions of swallowing load after load all night long. I didn't realize that many people there would let you suck on their cock a while but then move on to some other scene and not give you their load. I sucked about ten guys and got no loads, so I figured I was doing something wrong. It wasn't until I talked about my experience with another friend of mine who went to the bathhouses frequently that a lot of guys hold onto their load until they're ready to go home or they see something that really makes them hot. He also told me that if I wanted quick blow and go guys, I needed to go during lunch hours, when many men leave work, hit the sex club for a quick get off and then go. I didn't go back for many years, as I felt I had more success online than at the club.
  9. My sense of hearing is probably my second turn on after vision. I have a lot of anonymous sex, and I am often blindfolded so I cannot see the men I am having sex with. I rely heavily on my hearing to pick up any possible clues as to what's going on and if there are others in the room as well, as this sometimes happens. Next is the tactile sensations that I feel as we are having sex.
  10. I don't smoke, except weed now and then, but I've had a couple of long-term fuck buds who enjoyed cigars or cigarettes while I was down on my knees sucking them off. One of them used to tell me there was nothing better than some good head and a good cigar, it was how he liked to relax after a long day.
  11. Good luck in that area. Very slim pickings that way, but every now and then you might get lucky and find an aggressive closet bi guy.
  12. Have had a few humiliating experiences, but the one that happens most frequently is that my older brother will blow his load all over my face and hair and then force me to sit there until it dries. Then he'll send me out to go get him some food - either drive thru McDonalds or go into a restaurant and pick him up an order to go, and then bring it back to him. He often has me take the long way there so that more people can see me as I drive. When I get back, I have to tell him about all the looks and stares that I got and anything that anyone may have said when they saw me, either at the restaurant or on the road. If someone says something to me, I have to remember the words verbatim, and be able to describe the person in detail.
  13. One of my consulting clients is at the end of a cul-de-sac in a business park not far from an off-strip casino. Whenever I got to see this client I usually find one or two used condoms, as I imagine people pull into the dark business park to have sex at the end of the cul-de-sac. Unfortunately, by the time I get there they've been driven over, the contents are spilled and dried up.
  14. You don't just swallow your spit as you go?
  15. I never knew this was a problem. I've never had to do anything special to prepare to swallow a guy's load.
  16. I have. I've written about it in a similar thread before. The link is here:
  17. Ah okay, now I get it. Yeah, I completely understand the appeal of the 'bad boy', and have had plenty of them myself, but the problem is finding a way to enjoy the sex without the rest of the trouble they bring. It's not always easy, and sooner or later they become more trouble than they are worth. Either they realize you're not a bank and give up trying, or they become so annoying that you have to cut them loose. As a rule, i don't kick anybody "a few bucks" for anything. All I have to offer is a free fuck, nothing else.
  18. I guess I missed where the drama comes in. It sounds like you have the perfect situation with both of them, but you're expecting more than either of them can offer. Hard to accept, and yeah, it would be a better world for you if they were on that same plane, but they're not, so you've got to accept it for what it is. If the heartache is too much for you, maybe you need to step away and find someone who is more emotionally available if that's what you need. I've had a lot of different kinds of fuck buds before - some who just want a straight up trouble free fuck, and some that want all the passion and emotion. One of my fuck buds and I came from very different worlds. We'd hook up, make some serious love to each other, tell each other we loved each other and then go back to living our very different lives. This went on for years. Did we wish it could be more? Yes. Did we accept we had the best we could in the current situation? We did. Neither of us regrets it and we both look back at that time with the best of memories. It was truly a 'better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all'. I say take it for what it is, enjoy what you can, and have some fond memories and good times to look back at. 😋
  19. Man, after a long dry spell, I'm finally getting some regular action. Early this evening I walked over to the community mailbox to pick up my mail and as I got there my neighbor pulled up. I live on a cul-de-sac, and I know all my neighbors well and we have group functions where we all hang out. They all know I'm gay, as it came up years ago when I had first moved in. This particular neighbor is a black man in an interracial marriage with a Latina wife and since he lives on the farther end of the street, I don't see him as regularly as the neighbors that are closer to me. He said hello to me and we had a little small talk and then he asked me what I was up to this evening. I told him I didn't have any plans and was just going to watch some TV and relax. He told me that his wife was out of town visiting family in California and he said he was going to watch the football game tonight and asked me if I'd like to head over to his place and have a few beers. I reminded him I wasn't a big beer drinker and he said he had liquor as well. We've never had a chance to hang out alone so I figured it would be a good idea because I'd get to know him better, so I said sure. He said to give him about a half hour to get out his work clothes and catch up with his wife and then head over. I went home and dropped off my mail and walked over to his place about a half hour later. He had changed from his dress pants into some basketball shorts and I could clearly see an outline of his penis, which I have to admit excited me. He pulled a beer out of the fridge and he asked me if wanted my usual rum drink and I said yes. He made me a drink and we sat down and watched the game, chatting about people on the block and other random things. I knew the drink was strong from the first sip but I didn't want to be rude and say anything and at the same time I didn't want to sip it too slow and make it obvious that there was a problem with the drink. Soon it was starting to hit me, but it became obvious to me that he wanted to get pretty tipsy as well, as he was downing beer after beer during the game. Looking forward toward the TV as we were mostly watching the game, we only occasionally turned toward each other while talking. About half way thru the game I noticed that he appeared to be hard in his shorts, which only gave me more reason to glance over more frequently. As we watched the game, out of the corner of my eye I saw his arm move to scratch his leg. The next time I glanced in his direction, I saw the head of his dick sticking out of the leg of his shorts, which just encouraged me to turn my head more frequently and take a look. I wasn't sure by how much of it was exposed if this was accidental or intentional and didn't want to make any assumptions at that point. I could tell he was pretty well endowed by the way he tented in his shorts and I don't even think he was fully hard yet. I did my best to catch glances every chance I got without it seeming to be obvious. About ten minutes later he scratched his leg again, this time pulling his shorts back farther and my next glance I could see about a third of his dick hanging out of his shorts and now I realized this could only be intentional. A few minutes later he asked me if I'd grab him another beer so I got up and went to the fridge and came back and now most of his dick was hanging out of his short and he was rock hard. He knew I was staring right at it as I handed him the beer and I said "What the fuck man, are you trying to tease a fag or what"? He said "Tease you? What am I doing to tease you?" I said "You're sitting there with your dick hanging out, do you know what that does to a gay man?" and he said "No, what's it do to you? Does it make you hungry? Do you feel like you need to put something in your mouth?" I said "Oh damn, you get right to it" and he said "Why don't you stop talking and get right to it?" As I stood there staring at his big juicy dick, I said "Fuck, we might start something we can't stop" and he said "Now you're teasing me, don't make any promises you can't keep." I wasted no time getting down on my knees between his legs and he pulled his shorts down to his ankles. He put his hand on the back of my head and steered my mouth right to his dick and I took his dick into my mouth and started to suck on it, as he used his hand to maneuver my head up and down on his dick setting the pace and the depth as he pleased. As I was sucking his dick, I heard him say "Damn, I've been waiting for this since I found out you were gay, and fuck its even better than I thought." I kept sucking his dick and he kept giving me directions with his hand on my head. After a considerable amount of time I finally sensed him change the rhythm and pace to deeper and faster strokes and I knew he was getting close. He put his second hand on my head and started pumping my head up and down on his dick in a forceful motion, started to moan and finally he shot, and kept pumping my head up and down on his dick as shot after shot made its way in my mouth. I felt my mouth fill with his hot cum and after the spurting stopped he slowed the pace and finally let go of my head. I swallowed his load and sucked him clean. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief and he said "Man, you've got some mad ass skills, you put the bitches to shame!" I told him it must have been years of practice, and he responded that I had place to practice right between his legs. As he pulled up his shorts, I asked him if he was serious, and if he really wanted to get something started and he said yes. He just told me we'd have to keep it down-low and probably have to sneak around to keep it a secret from his wife. I told him I was down with that and he agreed we need to set up a routine very soon. We went back to watching the last part of the game and as we were walking toward the door for me to leave, he grabbed my hand and put it on his dick and said "say goodbye to your new best friend" and I gave his dick a squeeze and said "until next time" then I headed home.
  20. I know I can't and won't stay loyal. I have some regulars who I'd continue to have sex with even if I was dating someone. The sex is just too good!
  21. I've always lived in a city where there are plenty of people, but I have had situations in which people talk to others about what I've done with them, but in most of those situations I have people reaching out to try to hook up with me more than I have people who don't want to hook up with me. I guess depends on the crowd around you.
  22. Try numbing your throat with a Chloraseptic tablet or spray first first and then try taking the medication? I've seen some huge tablets before but I don't consider Tenofovir to be especially large.
  23. I wish I could give you a sure-fire solution to the situation you're in, but every situation is unique. I have a 'relationship' of sorts with my older brother. We've never been closer since, so please don't let the family aspect discourage you, but as for the rest of it, I really can't give you any meaningful advice as you really need to weigh all the variables and make your own judgments as to if/when to act, and how to approach it.
  24. From my experience, most South Asian men will let you suck their dick as long as the conditions are right. Secrecy is very important to to them so don't approach them around a group. It's much better if you can approach them one-on-one. I had one who wasn't comfortable hooking up in his workplace but told me where to meet him after work and I did. Was well worth it too, he had a nice 8"uc dick and fucked my face like a jackrabbit.
  25. Last night I fell asleep on the couch around 8pm and woke up again around 11:30pm. I was heading to bed and decided to check the sex sites I visit regularly to see if I had any messages and on one site I had three. Usually by that time of night everyone in Vegas is a drunken mess. The first was from a guy who's headline said "Looking for love" his profile looked decent and said he was up for fun until he found love so i responded. Turns out what he was looking for was a large dicked top to plow his drunken ass. I went on to the next post from a guy who's headline said "Fun 24/7" and chatted a bit with him but he was either distracted or about to pass out as the chat was taking way longer than it should so i gave up on him. The last one was a profile with headline "two tops from palm springs" the profile had almost nothing in it other than that they were a married couple and both tops, ages 48 and 57, and one picture of their two dicks pressed against each other, which looked good. We chatted a bit and they said they lived in Palm Springs but came to Vegas for the weekend, I asked for more pics and they declined but the chat went well enough I figured I'd take my chances. I told them I could be there in about 45 minutes and they agreed and gave me their hotel information. I got myself prepped and went out and met them at their hotel. When they opened the door, the first thing that became evident was their ages were more like 57 and 68 but in decent shape for their age and they seemed nice enough. The older one was surly and burly, scruffy goatee and was wearing a tank top and shorts and I could see that he was hairy as a gorilla with hair protruding from everywhere.The younger one looked clean-cut and clean shaven like a school teacher and just a little bit of a dad bod going on but also wearing a tank top and shorts. They welcomed me into the room which had two queen beds and we sat down, they sat on one bed and i sat across from them. After some small talk about their trip in town and how they met, the burly one (Hank) stood up and walked over to me and said 'I think its time we take this little piggy to market' and he leaned in to kiss me and started to fondle and squeeze my nipple thru my shirt and then slowly pushed me back on the bed and continued to kiss me deeply. I heard his partner (Matt) start taking off his clothes and then while Hank was kissing me Matt started to pull of my shoes, unbuckle my belt and strip me naked. Hank stopped kissing me long enough to pull of my shirt and then he dropped his shorts and pulled his shirt off as well. Hank's entire body was covered in a thick coat of hair, even the shaft of his dick was hairy. These 'take charge' tops quickly took charge of me and what ensued was about two hours of a random mix of passion, raw animal lust, debauchery and rough sex, with me pinned between them in one fashion or another the entire time. Matt was anything but a school teacher at that point. There was no asking, they just took what they wanted and used me as they pleased.I felt like a true pig with no control of the situation at all, as Hank used his strength and size to control me as they pleased. My throat and ass were pumped and pounded continuously with an occasional brief pause to change positions or for one of them to dump their load. I had Hank's hair stuck in my teeth from him fucking my face but had no break to try and pull it out. I soon realized that as the night went on I was just going to accumulate more hair in my teeth so I gave up on any hope of breaking any of it loose. Both of them had incredible stamina and I was used for quite a while before they would reward me with a load, and then quickly go back to pumping and pounding until it was time for the next load. Sweat was pouring from both of them and I was drenched in it. As Matt had very little body hair, his sweat rolled off his skin and dripped on me continuously. I found my hair was dripping in sweat as well, it was the sweat that ran off of Hank's back and onto my forehead as he sat on my face and forced me to eat his hairy ass while Matt fucked me and they kissed each other. I accumulated more hair in my mouth and teeth from Hank's ass as well. Hank's body glistened in sweat and the mix of grey and light brown hair just added to the sex appeal and the nastiness of the whole situation. Every time Hank was on top of me, I was drenched with more sweat that had been trapped in his body hair. Finally, after taking about two hours and four loads from each, we all collapsed in a soaked and exhausted mound of flesh on the bed. We layed there stacked against each other for a few minutes while we all caught our breath with none of us saying a word just breathing hard at first and eventually our breath returned to normal. Hank got up from the bed and said "guess it's time to fill your tank and send you home" and I leaned up and saw him standing there holding his dick, waiting for me to get on my knees and drink his piss down. I got up and got on my knees in front of him and took his dick in my mouth. Matt got up about the same time and came and stood next to Hank and Hank let his pissload go and had me gulping him down at a fast rate and what a huge piss it was. After he was done he squeezed out the last few drops into my mouth and stepped aside and Matt moved into position. Matt let go and I gulped him down as well, with his piss being much stronger and saltier than Hank's. They kissed briefly while I was gulping Matt down and then when Matt finished I got up and they handed me my clothes and I got dressed. Both gave me a quick hug and kiss (drenching me in more sweat), with Hank returning to give me a deep kiss and then they both showed me to the door and I left. I got home and pulled 17 hairs out of my mouth and on a sudden impulse I stuck them back in my mouth and swallowed them with a glass of water, ensuring Hank's DNA lived with me. This morning I got up and there was a message from them that said "What an awesome piggie, you made our trip great. Here's our email, let us know when you're in town, we will definitely let you know when we're back in Vegas."
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