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Status Updates posted by leatherpunk16

  1. I'm not feeling 100% today. Splitting headache. And all I wanna do is play with my dick. 

    Isn't this a sign of something else that chasers go through when it comes? Probably not that, but I wanted to share that I'm touching my dick! Lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      Feel better and if you still feel bad tomorrow, get to a doctor's.

    3. leatherpunk16


      I'm better now. I have way too many headaches lately. Mostly stress and inconsistent sleep.

  2. On Monday I had a day-long unofficial date with the poz pup from the fisting party I posted about. We walked his dog, talked a great deal, and he eventually invited me back to his place for food. I went, we smoked some greenz, and ate. And then he bred me. THICK DICK, and surprisingly cut for a Latino boy. We connected, and I decided to be bold and ask him for an actual date. He said yes! I stayed overnight since my roommate is a piece of shit (and the ceiling caved in while I was away), and got a great night's sleep. We fucked again in the morning. I gave him a damn waterfall of semen after. Sweet guy.

    We're going for sushi this weekend. I really like him. 

    And before you ask, he's medicated. But I'm not after him for that. 

  3. Got some great dick last night! It was the guy from the fisting party on Saturday. His touch is so gentle, so inviting, and one would never think he's a PIG. Eats ass like it's the last time he'll ever do it, fucks with an incredible passion, cums multiple loads, and kisses well. He even got a bit of poz talk in there even though neither of us has it. He knows what I am, and even told me that chasing is hot. What do you make of this exchange?

    Him: You really want the gift, huh?

    Me: We don't have to do that right now. (pause) Unless it's already too late?

    Him: No, it's not too late. 

    He had already bred me by that point, and I was giving him a chance to be honest with me. He's kind enough and level-headed enough that I think he WAS being honest, and nothing to worry/get excited about. Just chatter.

    But a great fuck all around. He wants to help me destroy my hole and grow a rosebud. Will definitely see him again. And again. And again. Something of him reminds me of my late husband. But I mustn't fall in love with him. Too soon for that, and besides, this is just sex. 


  4. Went to my first BB party in a while last night. Got my ass eaten (best ever), bred a poz pup, watched others do likewise. Got a new friend and a guy who wants to breed me as well. A good night means I wake up without all this pent-up poison in my system, and I feel considerably relieved. 

    I need to do this again!!! LOL

    1. rawsatyr


      When you say: "Pent up poison in your system..!" I feel an electrifying chill! I want to hear and imagine more Should we take this conversation in private? Enquiring minds want to know more! lol

    2. leatherpunk16


      It's all right, I can say publicly. The poison refers to a long buildup of masculine energy and cum and horniness that nothing was alleviating. So I fucked and got it ALL out.

  5. In the past twelve hours, three people I don't know have asked me if I'm poz.

    Think it's a sign? Do I give off those vibes?

    1. skinster


      It's just an open mind showing.

    2. pigoma


      Open minded and poz go together. 😁😁😁😁

  6. I have a long question.

    My neighbour is a recent convert to the Brotherhood. He got stealthed and was furious about it. Attractive guy. I want to fuck him. He's open to the idea, but when I told him I'm a chaser, he was appalled. But he is still interested all the same. He's been taking his meds for a month. (This part is important to my question.)

    He has a problem topping men. Big dick and bisexual, but prefers to plow women and gets nailed by men. I wonder - if I can get him to blow a wad (whether through oral or JO), his seed will be exposed to me. I can save it in a syringe and freeze it for later self-injection. Will his bugs survive the freezing and I could poz myself with a turkey baster? I am thinking he hasn't been medicated long enough to still be toxic. 

    I want to know - is this a possibility after the fact (and the fucked)? 

  7. Recently bought marijuana for the first time. Legal here in Washington. Fuck, this "Gorilla Glue 4" gives an incredible high. I have yet to fuck while on this stuff. I could easily become a stoner out here, LOL.

    1. Justaholeff
    2. leatherpunk16


      I'll bring it over sometime if you like.

  8. My upstairs neighbor is poz and asked me to open his rosebud. He got stealthed last winter and just started meds. He's a hot bottom with a monster dick and wants to do sex with me. 

    And here I sit, flirting with the idea that I can open his prolapse in exchange for a poz load. God damn, what is wrong with me??? I think this is a source of trauma for him, so maybe I better not tell him what I am.


    1. switch2


      sounds like a great time, would be up for that also

  9. I got nailed by Brian Bonds last Friday night. He was in Seattle for a layover, and while we had intention of making a film, we did not. But I got that nice hot poz load, and his dick is thick and full and AMAZING. We also talked about life, industry things, and ideas for future scenes.

  10. Update on my "newly" poz ex.

    His conversion wasn't as recent as I thought. He converted a few months after we broke up in 2016, so while I was getting to know my late husband, the ex was taking a raw poz load. What is disconcerting is that after my man died, I went back to the ex. He never said one word about his health, and resumed breeding me. You know what that means?

    I was taking his medicated poz loads in 2018 and never knew it! He just assumed that I knew.

    He was kinda horrified when I told him I am a bugchaser. But he says he feels no different from before - no extra desire to breed or spread or anything like the rest of us get. Even his conversion was super mild, no flu at all. It's so weird. 

    I got a load from him this morning. Didn't feel any different than any other I've earned.

    1. skinster


      I am probably overly cautious here. It sounds like there is some repressed emotion - he was horrified but continues to do the same thing and says he still feels the same as before. I don't recall if you ever offered your current opinion on this guy elsewhere. So probably it's difficult to expect this to go long term, and you're still processing too. If that's the case, ongoing developments may quickly become unpredictable in ways you're not looking at, regardless of his health affairs which he again may not comment on.

    2. leatherpunk16


      It won't be long term. We're not getting back together. Too incompatible. It just nice that we can be friends. I probably won't see him again since I'm moving in nine days. But I know him to be an honest and trustworthy guy, so I'm not concerned about whatever else he might be keeping from me. 

      When I asked him why he didn't tell me his status in 2018, he said that was undetectable then, so it was not an issue worth discussing. Wouldn't change anything.

    3. PissPigBrooklyn


      I guess he;s right. Undetectable=Untransmissible. I suppose though one would expect an ex to transmit that kind of news. It's a major event. I guess maybe you should be glad he was on meds. I don't think you wished to be converted by him and now you can continue to hunt for the right poz guy.

  11. Twice in the past week I've received messages on Twitter from guys who want to give me their charged loads. 

    Such a thing has never happened to me before in my life! I feel like someone's telling me to bug up. 

    Hey, has anyone heard from bugRyan lately? I miss his posts.

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      He was online earlier today but hasn't posted anything since early August. I miss his posts too!

    2. LthrRaw


      Go for it Brother. Just make sure you've got a big fat stogie clamped in your jaw when he dumps his toxic load into you 😉

    3. leatherpunk16


      Hehehe, LthrRaw seems to know what I like! 

      Maybe I'm too obvious.

  12. Going to Walgreens today and dumping my PreP in the drop box. 

    Two reasons: 

    1. I'm a goddamn bugchaser, and I'd be a hypocrite to hang on to this.

    2. It's expired. Not any good anyway. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. suckerboi


      Glad you made the decision you wanted to!

    3. Sarif98


      It's very freeing when you accept your nature instead of fighting it.  I fought it long enough myself until I eventually gave in and accepted my chasing desires.

  13. Need help with one of my bottom pigs. He always cums early while I'm doing him, so I have an idea. I want to cover my meat stick with his jizz and continue breeding him. This is to be a surprise for him, and he's begging me for a hint. What can I say that won't give away this surprise until it happens?

    1. Willing


      Tell him , Do as I say bitch🤨

  14. Fisted and fucked a hot rosebud last night. Turns out I can plow with my new PA. It's been four weeks and I took it super cautiously, but I felt a shift at one point, and it began to pull. I kept expecting to pull out and find no ring on the end of my cock. We were both kinda spent by that point, so no load was given. I came home, cranked it out, and sucked the cum into an empty syringe for freezing and later use. 

    I think I'll start saving loads from other men who don't shoot inside me for later use. This oughta be fun.

    1. leatherpunk16


      Oh, did I mention the guy is poz and has a sweet rosebud? 😈

    2. Willing
  15. Last night, I got a message on a hookup site from my ex. He tested poz last year. I'm stunned. He was always very selective about his men, but he refused protection and didn't know what PreP is. Someone wasn't honest about his status, and my ex converted quite uneventfully. I don't know why I care so much - he's my ex for a reason, and knowing this guy, he went through the whole thing by himself like it was just a minor cold and carried on with his life. 

    And now he wants to breed me again. This is the guy with the little dick, and his top skills sucked. He's taking the medicine, so I won't bug up from him, but I'm suddenly hungry to go and get that charged load from him. 

    HE'S MY EX FOR A REASON. I can't say it enough. Do I want to see the man who hurt me and disrespected my dead husband? Do I want to go through being pounded by his uncomfortable five inches just to get that poz load? I just don't know. Help me out here, guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leatherpunk16


      In his defense, he's not a bad person. We disagreed on what my sex life should be. He apologized for the offense a long time ago, and I'm over our breakup. I'm inclined to sympathy for him, but it's no big deal for him that he converted. (I actually had to explain 'conversion' to him, that's how clueless he is about things.) 

    3. Willing


      I'd bend over and be his bitch being used as a poz cum dump by an ex would be so hot,  he's got some other guys DNA now and wants to share some,  I'd do it  and love it,  😵

    4. skinster


      Too much drama to be viewed as a low maintenance situation or shrug it off IMO. I'd volunteer a suggestion - before you say yay or nay consider whether you're open to more of emotional complications in your life as things are for you now. My reading is that you're not. I do not mean a challenge for you to insist on proving me wrong.

  16. News! You pigs will be happy to hear that I successfully spread gono again last February. I got nailed 3 times in the last week of the month, and one of them infected me with it. (I now know who.) And I spread it to the next guy. It was his first bug, and I was his first guy. Feeling empowered by that. He just confirmed that I gave it to him back then. 


    1. Willing


      Sweet,  keep up the good work  👏 

    2. leatherpunk16


      Kinda can't since I killed the bugs right before lockdowns began.

    3. xjoshx84


      I've had gono for a couple weeks and just got chlamydia from a bud, if you get near NYC i'm happy to help you out 🙂


  17. I've decided something for myself. I'm going to stay neg as long as possible while building my new life. If I still want to charge up in 5 years (which will give me ample time to build that life), then I will become active in pursuit. Looking back over my life, the interest has popped up periodically and dropped off for long stretches. This current spot is the longest it's gone on, but who can say it will be maintained? 

    I know some of you will be disappointed. But I'm doing what is right for me, and when I'm ready in other places, then it will happen. If it happens prior to the 5 years being up, then it happens and I deal with it. For now, that's the goal and I feel good about that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Justaholeff


      I know some will be disappointed but, it's your path and your right to walk it!  Always do what's best for you. We still gotta play though when you arrive in Seattle.

    3. leatherpunk16


      Yes, we'll be nasty fuckers.

  18. Hey, pigs. I just posted my first story in the Bugchasing section. I invite you to take a look and tell me what you think of it. Thanks awfully.

    1. seasqrd


      Great story. I'm really looking forward to more.

  19. I have an idea for a story brewing in my head. I just don't know if I want to make the effort. My posts, you will observe, are long-winded and full of irrelevant details, and I don't think that is what BZ is about. I don't know that one could stomach an entire story with such a dense plot or drive.

    1. AirmaxUK


      I love details - they paint the background picture. Give it a go and see how people react. I'd read it for sure!

    2. justsexnowatl


      I love the details too - I like it when I can imagine being there and part of it.  Background, visuals all +++

    3. Beardude


      I like your posts because of the details.

  20. Dick is a little itchy today. I washed my PA, and pulled out this white little film. Just a little piece. Almost like cum, but that's impossible. And one side under the head of my penor looks a little puffy and red. That's a new one. Wonder what horrible disease I have THIS time.

    1. Justaholeff


      Keep us posted!

    2. Willing
    3. leatherpunk16


      The itching has stopped. After my sexerise, I went into the shower and used an anti-bacterial soap to wash my PA and body. No more trouble there. And the puffiness? I later brought myself to full erection. Turns out that it was just bunched up skin. Nothing abnormal there.

      Good. I don't need to be in a clinic and getting a lecture from the doctor about bareback sex during a pandemic. It's more the hassle than the concern about another bug that I find annoying and unnecessary.

      Part of the ho life.

  21. I did it, pigs! I joined Team PA, and got my dick pierced for my 40th birthday. It hurts now, but will be nice when it's healed.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Willing


      Makes my hole pucker😵

    3. alltopswelcome


      will you fuck me with it when its healed? 

  22. Got bred today! I had to go up to Madison for auto service, so I saw a friend of my late husband. 'Martin' and I played before with Mark, but I was not into him. What I remembered about him was a nasty overbite and his MONSTER DICK. So we got together and fucked. He pumped a 4-day load into my ass. I barely noticed, which means my bottoming has improved. Last time I took this guy's pole was January 2018, and I did not have a good time. 

    Anyway, his huge dick pumped a fat wad of cum DEEP in my guts. I then had a great idea. I lay back on the bed and beat off. 'Martin' caught my cumshot with his hand, then proceeded to finger my own spunk into my hole. It was super hot. My ass feels good right now. 😃

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarif98


      Wish I could wear those cummy boxers 😈

    3. justsexnowatl


      I think it's hot that you were horny enough to give it another chance with someone you did NOT have a good time with before.  Sounds like it's mostly to do with your bottoming skills :)  I wouldn't give a fuck about the overbite if the sex is hot - sounds like you'll go back again for sure now!! 

    4. leatherpunk16


      It's doubtful I'll be going back. This was kind of a farewell, and he's in a 14-year relationship with another man. He was more Mark's friend than mine, and I have no reason to return to Madison. 

      And for those who are wondering, he is definitely neg.

  23. MODS: I think the website needs a "top" button to scroll back to the top of a page in the topics. (Gosh, that was a lot of more 'top' than one can find on Grindr. LOL) It's annoying to find a topic update with a new post, and find it at the bottom of a page. I want to go back to the forums when I'm done reading it, and scrolling manually is a chore. 

  24. Got an appointment to get my dick pierced on the 24th. Yay! I'm doing sex right before the piercing - but is that safe? Will I be too sensitive for a piercing? Should I refrain from bottoming after? Surely someone here knows these things from experience.

    1. RawSexPig


      If you're having a PA, then the healing time is between 3 to 4 weeks,.  I would strongly suggest you start no smaller than a 10 gauge, better if  the piercer can do it at 8  gauge  because it is safer when having sex as it wont tear.

      As soon as possible (i.e. every 6 months) have it stretched to  6 gauge.


    2. leatherpunk16


      Really? I was told by another that I should start with a 6 so it heals faster and I can size up to the big rings. It's good to have multiple opinions. Thanks for your input.

  25. I'm in a mood for some SERIOUS darkness today. Can't identify exactly what, though.

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