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About backdoorjimmy

  • Birthday 05/29/1999

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  • Interests
    Reading, hiking, having my turd tunnel gapped with big dicks, giving head and being a full service commode for men who need to go, taking hot loads in my ass.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    I'm a 25 year old guy in a relationship but I'm into to group sex with other guys. I'm a total bottom and need my horny ass serviced with big dicks. Hands off my wiener, please. The only oral I want is when I get my ass eaten. If you need a toilet, use my mouth. I swallow everything but puke. Currently owned by a hung daddy who makes my pussy shiver and cream. I love being whored out to other men and having my slutty ass sold cheap.

    No loads refused, poz or neg. 10+ inches of cock moves you to the front of the line; HIV, moves you to the front of the line.
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    I love to get laid with a hard dick. Any size is good but XXL is what I crave (10 inches or more). I want to be a toilet for men to use anytime they need one. Unload your full bladder and please leave a hot, fresh pile of stink logs in my mouth. Fuck me long and deep so my boy pussy creams around your dick. When we're done, I want my hole to be opened up and stinking so everyone will know I had it serviced by a stud.

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  1. For me it's always about the fuck. Long fucks, quick fucks, slow and gentle, hard and rough. It doesn't matter. I just love having cocks in my ass, making me feel good. The load is a creamy bonus at the end that I get to enjoy in the afterglow.
  2. This was honestly difficult for me to answer for a lot of reasons. I've never taken the time to consider whether my urge to be fucked is driven by a reproductive instinct. For me, it's always boiled down to pleasure and the desire I have to have anal sex. The thought that it's connected to a natural, evolutionary instinct to reproduce is fascinating but also confusing.
  3. My boyfriend can go for an hour or more when he's in the right mood. The first time he fucked me my inner thighs cramped up and I had chafing against my taint, but the sex was off the charts incredible. The thing I've learned is that vaseline is my best friend when we're about to fuck like that. I love having him stroke my ass out while I lay back and relax, but regular lube just doesn't cut it for me. Also, change positions at least 3 times per hour or you might have a bad cramp that kills the mood. I tend to cramp up the most when I'm being taken missionary for more than 20 minutes. Being on my hands and knees for a long time tests my core strength, but I won't cramp as easily. When he lays flat and lets me ride him, I can go 45 minutes before my thighs cramp up. Drink some Gatorade ahead of time if you can. Enjoy that big dick!
  4. This is exactly what happens to me. My hole feels like it's wet when I'm feeling the constant urge for anal. It practically blooms when I'm in the presence of any male I'm attracted to.
  5. Based on this, I'm guessing he wanted to go through with it. But when it hit him that his fantasy was about to become a reality, he panicked and ghosted you. I try not to take it personal when this happens. It used to piss me off (it still kinda does) but I try to remember how nervous I felt when I had my first anonymous hookup. Sorry you got stood up
  6. I fell in love for the first time when I was 18 - we met at a party I'd been invited to by an FWB. He and I dated for 3 years and had a blast. We did couple things like date nights and cuddling, and we did hot things like hooking up with other couples and finding big dicks to suck together. We finally broke up because we weren't sexually compatible. I'm a total bottom and he's bottom-vers at best. There was a need that I just couldn't fulfill and I totally get it. We're still FWB's and best friends forever. The next time I fell in love was during the pandemic in 2020. I'd met three amazing guys who all lived together, and grew attached to the oldest. He was in his 40's at the time and was always extra affectionate with me after sex. So I quarantined with them and things blossomed from there. Eventually he claimed me as his bitch and I fell head over heels in love with him. We're still together and I an honestly say I'm the happiest I've ever been. We do all the couple stuff that I used to with my ex, but he's a total top who doesn't yearn for more than I can give him sexually. We both play around on the side, but he's my ride or die and I'm his.
  7. My preference is to leave it in my ass, but if it runs out then I do what I can to gather it up in my hand and slurp it down. If it runs into my undies, I'll find somewhere private to suck on the cumstain when I have a moment.
  8. I did some digging and here's what I found out about NATO funding - From Wikipedia - (link to article embedded) NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) funding comes from two primary sources: National Contributions: Each member country contributes to NATO's budget based on an agreed cost-sharing formula. This budget covers the costs of NATO's operations, infrastructure, and administration. The contributions are generally based on the Gross National Income (GNI) of each member state, with wealthier nations contributing more. Common Fund: NATO has a common fund that finances certain collective activities, such as military operations, missions, and the maintenance of NATO's headquarters. This fund is supported by the national contributions of member states. In addition to these sources, NATO also encourages member countries to spend a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defense, which helps ensure that the alliance is adequately funded for its collective defense and security initiatives. However, this 2% guideline is not a mandatory requirement, and actual defense spending varies among member states. From ChatGPT - NATO Funding NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) funding comes from two primary sources: National Contributions: Each member country contributes to NATO's budget based on an agreed cost-sharing formula. This budget covers the costs of NATO's operations, infrastructure, and administration. The contributions are generally based on the Gross National Income (GNI) of each member state, with wealthier nations contributing more. Common Fund: NATO has a common fund that finances certain collective activities, such as military operations, missions, and the maintenance of NATO's headquarters. This fund is supported by the national contributions of member states. In addition to these sources, NATO also encourages member countries to spend a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defense, which helps ensure that the alliance is adequately funded for its collective defense and security initiatives. However, this 2% guideline is not a mandatory requirement, and actual defense spending varies among member states.
  9. To be clear, I care a lot about the result. That's why I'm casting my ballot for Harris. But I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to want to give my vote to a candidate who's earned my vote. It's not that hard - medicare for all, which would be cheaper than the private healthcare system we have in place now, would be a great place to start. Increasing the federal minimum wage would be another layup. It hasn't moved since I was in elementary school, and I'm 25 now. Doing more to help the un-housed people in our nation find housing would be another way to earn my vote. None of those are unreasonable asks. I know this thread isn't about those particular issues, but let's not pretend that Harris isn't unpalatable to a lot of people, especially progressives, solely because she's a woman. That's what Obama tried to do, and it was problematic. She's unpalatable because she's second in command of a highly unpopular administration and she's done almost nothing to distance herself from Biden and his policies. And I get it, she's in a tricky position, but it's her job to navigate this moment and convince voters that she's the right person for the job. It's not their job to turn out for her because she won't win without them. I think this highlights the problem with our two party system. We have other options (Green, Independent, Libertarian) but for some reason, the voters always default to the democrats or the republicans. The DNC and RNC are a perfect example of corporate capture - two non government organizations that are so ingrained in our political ethos that NOT voting for one or the other is seen as throwing your vote away. Or worse, handing the election to (insert candidate here) because you didn't vote for their opponent.
  10. This is the issue I take with his stance. If he wants to address sexism, I'm all for it. There are plenty of people who aren't voting for the Vice President because she's a woman. But those people span all races and nationalities. There are even some women who won't vote for her because she's female. But Obama's approach was problematic from my POV because it assumes the following: Black males that aren't voting for her are doing it because she's a woman Black males would automatically vote for a democrat otherwise The democratic candidate is owed the black vote by default The issues that all Americans are dealing with, including struggling to pay their bills and keep their heads above water, should take a back seat to the expectation that the Democratic candidate will win the overwhelming majority of the black vote On top of that, there's the issue of democracy shaming. We all have the right to cast our ballot for the candidate of our choice. People who vote third party, and third party candidates, are often blamed for losses on either side. The fact of the matter is that candidates have to earn our votes, and if Harris, Trump or whoever else doesn't appeal to voters, it's their own fault. I acknowledge that I'm approaching this issue as a white guy, so my perspective might not hold as much weight here. I'm voting for Harris because I think she's slightly less horrible than Donald Trump. But if the election weren't so close here in Virginia, I'd be writing in Cornell West as my pick.
  11. I don't use them, but would never judge others for using them. It's a personal choice for me - drug addiction runs rampant on both sides of my family. My boyfriend and most of his boys smoke pot and drink heavily when they party, and I have no issue with that. To each his own. But for my own peace of mind, I never partake.
  12. Thanks. He normally sets something up for me so I don't do this often, but the guy I've been hooking up with is really cute and so sweet.
  13. Haha! I'd never waste a load like that 🏳️‍🌈 Although I'd be down to substitute mayo on my own sandwich for cum 😄
  14. I had the day off yesterday so I had the house to myself while my boyfriend and our roommate were at work. I've been seeing a cute 20 year old off and on for the last couple months behind my bf's back and decided to have him over. My boyfriend comes home for lunch everyday at 12:15 so we had to be quick. He came through a little after 11 and I took him to the room, took my sweats off and held onto the dresser while he fucked me. His dick is really nice and I loved feeling him inside me until he nutted. When he pulled out I hiked my sweats, sucked him clean and saw him to the door so I could make my bf a hamburger and tater tots for lunch.
  15. The closest I've ever come to this is when I bumped into a former coworker at the store and hooked up with him at his place. The next day I met him the warehouse where I used to work. It was just him and one other guy there since it was a weekend, so we had privacy and plenty of time to fuck in the men's room.
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