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About twstdpigboy

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    Poz, On Meds
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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. I knew I had been reading more of this story ... I think part 2 had been entitled "Possession". I was roughly 1/2 way through that chapter and it seemed to disappear when my screen refreshed ...
  2. In most western democracies the criminalisation of HIV has largely become a an issue of the past. The laws and the courts having trusted in the SCIENCE of U=U and brought legal systems and political policies inline with the FACTS. An HIV positive sexual partner that is medically compliant with their meds and is undetectsble CAN NOT transmit the virus to a negative partner (regardless if its a person you love or a lying underaged grindr hookup); years of study have made that clear. Your cum is not a loaded firearm. Sadly, as we have all witnessed this past 20 months of hell on our TVs and computers and tablets and phones there is a significant portion of the American public, their politicians and their courts that still mistrust and flat out ignore anything that remotely looks lke it didn"t spring forth from the divine mind of the fictitious creator they believe specifically only protects them from the evil that surrounds them and provides all that they will ever need to know. SCIENCE is the Devil's work ... though they certainly dont mind using his tools to tweet, like and misinform and lie. It will be decades, if ever, that all 50 states and all 350 million of its citizenry finally catch up with the rest of us and make right the decades of shame, the countless lives lost, imprisoned and ruined because of their mass fear and ingnorance.
  3. unopened, service minded pig looking for BLACK DOMS OR MASTER. like long sessions esp if spun and servicing YOUR hole from under my rim seat ... pog is Poz undetectable, send dm and see if YOU'D like to take it for a spin.
      • 1
      • Piggy
  4. there are 2 forms of the microorganism that causes Chlamydia...there is the garden variety pathogen that only requires a week of antibioticsand the there is the form that is more persistent and requires a 3 week course of treatment (that's the evil twin)
  5. I absolutely love rimming! Yes, there are risks ... as with any type of sex; you need to educate yourself, know what the risks are and how to mitigate them and recognise the inevitable will eventually happen no matter what so know what to do. I have had Giardia and in less than 2 weeks lost 60 pounds but I never looked better. LOL. Seriously though, what do you all think might possibly happen when you eat and suck on a person's asshole lips and savour the uniqueness their taste or shove your tongue up their juicy pucker? We shit out of that tasty hole or had you all missed that connection ... it's the end of the road for everything you eat. The first time I went potty as a wee one I understood that the hamburger I ate the night before wasn't what was afloat in that toilet when I went and dropped the kids at the pool the next morning ... it was very different ... or have none of you ever looked in there? I am always amazed that so many people know so very little about the most basic of functions of our own bodies ... but then again I also thought Americans weren't stupid enough to ever let The Orange One become the US president ... so there you go. Watch a TedEd on your gut or borrow a basic Microbiology 101 text book from the public library or ask the smartest person you might know or for the love of all things messy, risky and utterly raunchy and fun just use the huge mass of neuronal cells sitting between your ears a few times and THINK about OR LEARN about something before you do it. For the under-educated ... people are more microbe than we are human and the most fastidious flushed out and cleaned hole can give you something even if all you do is fuck it. ... we are just glorified food-seeking fleshy tubes for that microbiome we carry poop out everyday and for all the hijackers like Giardia, HEP-A or B or C or any other of a thousand other ultra tiny beings we can't see but can just pick up. You gonna stop having sex? There is nothing zero risk in life ... nothing. Even if you never, ever dive in that beautiful, sweaty, funky cum dripping, shit shoot at all ...vanilla sex ... even when you're doing it right and as often as possible can still kill you. You can die of a heart attack just masturbating at home alone. Who knew? So why avoid living on the kinky freaky side of life every now and then or living at all for that matter ... because? Come on ... get over yourself. Just know what you're possibly getting into BEFORE you do it. Please ... The surest way to not die is to never live in the first place.
  6. Anal Chlamydia is a tricky one. Many haven't a clue that they have even been infected since it can present without symptoms. To make matters worse there is a more stubborn evil twin that no longer responds to the standard one week treatment of doxycycline but requiring those infected stay the course for 3 weeks instead. Since it can present without symptoms it can go unchecked for quite some time. The best advice I can give and only because I've had it - is to know your body. Know its quirks, how it feels when your doing your morning rituals; do you feel empty when your done or is there a lingering feeling of not having quite finished the job etc. That was my only clue; went on like that for a few weeks. I just knew something wasn't right. Doc took stool, swabs etc; found nothing. I was insistent that there was something amiss. A couple of weeks later had the doctor do a 'peace of mind'/'humour the hypochondriac' swab and a few days later I got the call back that it was chlamydia and lucky me I had to take a 3 week course of doxycycline since it was the evil twin at my party. I've had the doc add it to my routine STD panel of tests so should I have another party crasher show up I might get the heads up sooner rather than later. Had never had it before and it's a tricky fucker that likes to plays hide and seek and even when you do get tested it evades detection ... so know you body.
  7. this is the inventory at the moment ...
  8. This is the best guide by far cleaning out for bottoms 101.pdf
  9. it is never ever appropriate to take an antibiotic as a prophylactic ... antibiotics resistance is real. if you did happen to pick up an STI the chances of you having the proper dosage and for the appropriate duration is slim and having the right antibiotic even slimmer. there is already a strain of resistant gonorrhea let's not make it a possible syphilis as well ...
  10. been on there since Oct 2019 ... have never had an issue ... ever.
  11. @tallslenderguy thank you for that ... but while I agree many of us can sometimes pass for str8 its usually for most of us rarely lasts and to any African American or black members who were offended by my statement I apologise. the last thing any of us needs right now is a "my pain is just as valid ..." white apologist getting a spotlight. that was not my intention however if anyone took it that way I sincerely apologise. my point was merely to call attention to the fact that as a sexual minority the question of not being a visible minority is complicated when it comes to sexual orientation and not necessarily helpful when making comparisons. rather my point was had I not made my comment so personal is that we should be comparing at all. gay men should be allies to all victims of institutIonal, explicit and implicit biases wherever they are encountered - be it racial biased, gender or gender identity related, religious motivated or sexuality. I'm still on the fence when it comes to any sexual behavior that occured between two or more consenting adults. one of the main motivations behind any type of play that has a strong sexual and moral/social component to it is it turns us on because it is so utterly wrong were the motivations behind the play actual hate and the ritualized activity real. Just because someone is turned on sexual ly by age play doesn't make then a paedophile ... The vast majority of age related role-play is carried out be men and women, gay, str8 or bi who would probably vomit if they where to imagine their activity perpetrated in real life with real victims. that isn't even what their play is about ... The dynamic at work with almost all role playing has to do with power exchange. Race play, age play, and play like Alpha/faggot or sissy play and having an affinity for it and expressing it much like BDSM and other ritualized sexual activity does make people hate, rape, lynch or murder people. if it did then every white actor to ever utter the N word or played a German Nazi officer in WAS I is a white supremacist or antisemite and there is no basis for tha anywhere in reality. I've taken part in race play ... I found the experiences exceptionally stimulating emotionally draining and had the people participating not allsis agreed to participating in in-depth aftercare analysis dicusduring in smaller group's or 1 on 2 and if mental health check-ins during didn't occur then I may have had some very disturbing deepthought internal discussions ... but like BDSM these kinds of sexual expression are potentially damaging if aftercare is not practiced and made an integral part of the play. I think context and motivation are important to take into account. But I also think that having this conversation at this particular moment and trying to understand what impact it may have on racism in america might not be one a white person necessarily wants to lead with when having the difficult discussions we all need to be having with our non-white friends, colleagues, peers and family. I think we may have bigger issues to tackle first and its probably more something we need to be all on the same page for.or when coming out its generally suggested to start with the "I'm gay" issue ..is and not necessarily talk about the sex you're having, if you're TOP or bottom or that you're into leather. The important thing that they needed to process that a child of theirs was gay ... they first need a restructuring or rewritting of their hope, dreams and expectations for their child. White people will also have to do a similar set of processing ... as will we all - Black, White, Asian, East Indian etc.. The entire foundations of our way of life are needing to be restructured, redesigned and or rebuilt ... its going to be tough, painful but enlightening and rewarding ... but it's huge enough already... let's tackle some of the big stuff first as there is much needing attention... the more subtle or tangential discussiobut while no less important should be examined when we're all an the same page emotionally, intellectually and more capable of seeing each others point of view.
  12. @cagedclit1 in what way do you think that this articles conclusions has any relationship to PrEP?
  13. no, I completely disagree with your statement that we can hide being gay. as a gay man I have the cracked bones and black eyes and anxiety disorders not from complete stranger picking me out at a distance but from my own father who terrorized me most of my childhood to the day I left for university bedistant being disgusting faggot was apparent to him. so no I don't agree that we can just hide. it is that assumption that gets perpetuated day after day after day and I'm sick of hearing it. every gay kid that went to school and was taunted by bullies knows that you can't pretend or hide. to have another to say that and continue that false view and try and convince everyone else of that truth is as complicit in my black eye as the nextdoor neighbor that wouldn't call the police on my father when asked. to have people who call you their best friend one day and then because they want to be cool and part of the in crowd suddenly start bullying you is not something any child should have happen ... and this wasn't some 5 year old but a high school aged person youve known your entire childhood. hate is everywhere and it easy to incite and hard to change but needs to be called out in all its forms. do racial minorities have these challenges ... most certainly they do and that not what I'm saying - the power systems of all the political flavors are partsaying my fond of using race to point out the superiority of one race over another its the lowest hanging fruit, genders next and then it the gays ... but when I say low hanging fruit I'm not talking apples ... I'm talking the tomatoes grown in a waist high steel cage ... and there are rows and rows and rows of us being plucked. no one is immune just because of the colour of their skin. all people around the globe are just as likely to be the other in one area and in the position of power in another. we are all fodder for hate because we are all visible. the sooner we see the the better it will be to making the reforms we neare ultimately work for everyone regardless of who or what they ar. the "isms" of our character only need 3 things to take root: a power differential between the us and the thems with systems in place to exert the control, people willing to look the other way and do nothing even in the face of the inhumanity and economic/moral or social disparity/insecurity so that those in power have concrete reasons to set us others apart. i am disgusted by what I see and hear and it makes me fearful of our chances to set things right. each and everyone of us sees their complicity in the racial unrest gripping our lives. black do it to each other, whites do it as well to other whites and yes most certainly whites do it blacks - its easy to do because we are all others to everyone and those in power have rigged the systems to make the control ethier to achieve when the others do it to themselves and its people like trump who know exactly wha they system needs to keep us all at each other's throats... the middle class is shrinking and the rich are richesystem more than ever ... here in the West its the billionaires and trillionaires that make sure that the poor population grows, we all know who they are ... how many are frightened old men hunkered down in their bunkers or mansions, what's the racial, gender, religious and sexual orientation breakdown of these old white str8 men? ... In Asia? in Africa? in Latin America? exactly the same but just different ... its about control and keeping it and all we have to do is do nothing except point and say my pain is worse than yours ... those in power get to change rules or playing fiplaying an economic circumstance here and there and that crisis they saw coming suddenly is now crisis for all the rest of us.
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