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Everything posted by Swampboi

  1. Dude. Just ask your dr. Take it from someone who’s had to have his dr look at his genitals and give him multiple shots in the ass. You just have to ask.
  2. My doc said it takes around 10 days to build up to full effectiveness.
  3. Only one time have I felt a guy’s dick pulse as he came. More times I’ve felt a “general wet warm” feeling. Most of the time though, it’s hard to say.
  4. A few nights ago, a very sexy man said to me on Grindr that he wanted to look me in the i when he sprayed inside of me. Man. When I say he could have gotten me to lick a public toilet seat at that point... I’ve succeeded in social distancing this far—but I live alone and my resolve is absolutely weakening.
  5. That’s what I was thinking...
  6. Met quite a few guys at pigweek who frequent this site
  7. I like to be upfront and honest about things related to sex. If someone asks, I’ll answer honestly. So far that’s been a good policy. As slutty as I am, I like to think I’m pretty responsible about my testing and overall maintenance. I’ve got nothing to hide.
  8. In a 12 month period, the max ive gotten is two. However, the first of those two was like 4 months ago so that count could still increase—I really really hope it doesn’t though.
  9. My doctor has been very adamant that typically, stds like chlamidya and ghonnorhea do not typically show symptoms. That being said here have been my experiences: 1. Chlamydia- I thought I had a UTI. There was clear discharge (looked like precum) that was happening throughout the day—including while I was flaccid. I also had burning while peeing. It very well could have been a uti in addition to chlamidya, but my doctor ran a urine panel and i for sure had chlamidya. (Treatment was 2 antibiotic pills taken in one dose which gave me crazy stomach cramps). 2. ghonnorhea (throat) - I came down with 103 fever/chills and couldn’t swallow for days. When I got tested, the nurse practitioner insisted that it was unlikely to be an std Bc the symptoms didn’t really add up. The symptoms cleared up before I got the official diagnosis and treatment— which the doctor says doesn’t add up. He believes I had a secondary viral infection which caused my symptoms and just happened to also have ghonnorhea too. Idk. (Treatment was a shot in the ass. my dr was pretty cool, he also prescribed me the chlamidya treatment as well Bc he said most patients that have one also have the other). I didn’t and have that one chilling in my fridge for a rainy day... 3. Syphilis— the only symptom I noticed was what felt like the biggest angriest itchiest hemorrhoids in my ass— which is what I though it was. I’d been bottoming a lot (Vegas bath houses then pig week 2019). I didn’t suspect syphilis and it wasn’t until they called me with my blood test results (from prep labs) that I knew I had it. (Treatment was a HUUUUUUGE shot of penicillin in the butt cheek— which caused my leg to go numb, and gave me a wicked reaction including fever/aches/and a pretty bad cold sore outbreak).
  10. I prefer booking up with poz guys! Something about letting Poz guys (or really any guy) cum in me is the ultimate act of submission. I love it when the cum oozes out of my hole. I call it “waiving the white flag” Bc it’s like evidencing that I’ve been Completely “had” by a man. anyway, when a poz guy does it— it’s such a rush Bc it’s like stakes are raised. Idk. Now I’m just rambling
  11. I’ve commented on this a few times, but having just come down with a bout of syphilis, I’ve been thinking on this topic. I think the most crucial thing about barebacking is having a plan for how you want to maintain your health. That’s going to look different for everyone, but for me that means having a place where I get tested/treated, having regular tests scheduled and being familiar with the process and associated costs(I’m on prep, so whenever I go in for my bloodwork, I have them do a full panel anal and oral swab as well as urinalysis). Sounds obvious, I know— but you’d be surprised what a difference that makes.
  12. For sure we all get turned down for things we can’t control— my height, my skin color, and my overall lack of thug like qualities. Best I can say to anyone: you’re good. Don’t focus on what they don’t like about and focus on what you like about you. Improve where you want to improve, but otherwise just live your life for you. easier advice on some days rather than others but it’s true
  13. It legitimately could be nothing. But if you’ve noticed enough to ask, I’d say you should get it checked out. that’s just based on my personal experience. (chlamidya in penis, gon. In my throat, and syphilis). A little ass tingle is worth looking into.
  14. Only like 12 but I know how it all works for next year.
  15. Accommodations made. I hope to see/meet/get fucked by a lot of you there. See you all in about a week!
  16. Literally just learned about this party 20 minutes ago. Still cheap to register and fly in. I’m going. I want to collect as many loads as humanly possible. I’m gonna start preparing my hole this weekend haha
  17. Valm. You can get it on amazon. Doesn’t leak. Stays slick. I LOVE it
  18. THIS! Omg. This is 100% my experience and thoughts. ...are we the same person..?
  19. Last night, for the first time, I felt a guys dick pulsate inside of me. It was...hot to say the least— but I’ve had a lot of dick and that was the first time I’d felt the pulsating. Typically, I just get that warm slick feeling.
  20. Love all cocks, but I really love uncut. They just feel so good inside of you (less friction??) and also the guys are more sensitive.
  21. Just came down with a rough bout of Gono in my throat/ass which is pretty frustrating. I’d say it comes with the territory, and it’s usually no biggie to get treated—just kind of a bummer. *shrugs*
  22. So I’m also tight—annoyingly so. I never head into the big game without warming up first—meaning my pre fuck routine involves cleaning AND stretching with a dildo/but plug. I use poppers and I push that bad boy in and I try to keep it in for a while. Eventually, I’ll work myself up to fucking myself with the toy—and usually that’s enough to get me ready for play time with even the most impatient tops. When i I first started doing this, it took forever. Now I’ve got the whole routine, cleaning and all, down to 20 minutes. Also helps release any trapped water you have up there— or worse...”mud”.
  23. Guys it’s so easy to get Boner pills through Roman or hims. I think I got the prescription in less than an hour and they delivered them to my door within 3 days. Safe. Legal. Easy af it’s like $40 per shipment,
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