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    deep ejaculation. knocking up chasers.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    Vers top breeder, potent HVL seed.
  • Looking For
    Looking for neg bugchasers in Minneapolis to breed repeatedly til they reach their goals.

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  1. I love fur, bring it on! As if on cue, this just appeared in my YT feed:
  2. Here's hoping he becomes a pozzing missionary and expands the flock.
  3. In this twitter video, some guy apparently just keeps cumming and cumming, overflowing a drinking glass. At the same time, he is periodically squeezing a bulb, like those on a blood pressure cuff. The attached tube goes underneath him somewhere, I can't quite tell where. The jets do not seem to coincide with the bulb contractions. The fluid does indeed seem to be coming out of his cock, not a nearby tube. Can anyone tell me what is going on here? I've seen guys with relative hyperspermia before, but this seems almost unreal. And then there's that pressure bulb being squeezed. Is there some hidden device(s), and what are they? I can hardly imagine someone body-modding a port/catheter into their seminal vesicles or urethra, being fed by a pressurized tank of "cum".. Maybe this is "a thing" in the body-mod community?? I volunteer to experience having my guts flooded to capacity by a guy like this.. Strictly for scientific purposes, of course..
  4. Thanks @sweetholealabama. I found it at [think before following links] https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/interracial/the-zone/ . It seems part 1 was reworked with bugchasing elements and ended up here on BZ. I enjoyed both versions.
  5. Any chance your friend will share some of his blood? Asking for a friend.. 🙂
  6. If you're looking for nearby sex gatherings: Smaller sex parties at various guys' homes. Also check out Naked MN. The "warehouse parties" of yesteryear are continuing next door in the guy's home. There is a "family sauna" in Duluth of all places.. it is very hit-and-miss..
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