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About jamie6369

  • Birthday 04/22/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lincoln, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Crabs, chavs, dogging, nsa hookups, chastity, spitting, CBT, possibly shaving
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Educated to degree level, (IT), but no ambition at all, so work in a completely different sector. Can travel / drive within reason, local transport is a bike (with pedals)
  • Looking For
    Ideally, 20-30, blonde, spikey, dressed in Adidas and just off the footy field in need of sucking. Really want my first STD, I've decided crabs is the way to go. If you're itchy please donate!
    SnappyChatty thing: jamiewbike (think KiK is the same username)

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  1. Agreed - I hate deodorant/antiperspirant. I love to smell sweaty. Unfortunately, society seems to be the opposite 😪
  2. I had crabs once👄, felt so good crawling around my crotch area 😵

    1. jamie6369


      Yea, I so wish I could get some more.

    2. Willing


      Me too,  I'd share with you 👄

    3. Willing


      Pm me sometime 🦀

  3. I hold my hands-up, this is like 90% off-topic! I'm looking for football players in the Lincoln area, I organise a friendly, all inclusive, kick about. Currently Wednesday evenings. We have male/female/trans/young/old/gay/straight with various abilities from crap (me) to quite good. Just looking for more players - chances of finding someone to breed are fairly slim. Also Lincoln has a gay rugby team - nothing to do with me, just thought I'd mention it if any anyone was interested.
  4. If we are going to do a group meeting / chat type of thing - what would everyone prefer - a pub, or somewhere more private like my living room?
  5. I wonder if we could arrange a group meeting - not necessarily for anything sexual, more a coffee-morning type of chat, just to meet and make friends.
  6. I'm just going to pop-in here and say it's nice to see that there is life in this County of ours 💗
  7. A little way from Nottingham, but Brough rest area on the A46 near Newark is supposed to be a popular spot
  8. Hey buddy. Unable to message you yet

    1. jamie6369


      No worries I'll try messaging you first and see if that works.

  9. Hiya - nice to hear from someone else in Lincolnshire. I'm in Lincoln itself.
  10. I've been asked, although not on BZ, yes, I still have crabs.

    Tbh, I don't see what all the fuss is about its been like 9 months now, and for me, they are no trouble and hardly itch at all.

    So for now, I'm keeping them.

  11. I've been caned a few times, and spanked. I would like to experience one of those paddles with the hole in. They look "interesting" 😂
  12. I just realized after a few weeks of having them that I have crabs too! 

  13. Just a quick update - yes, I still have crabs - they are literally no problem. They itch a little at times, but nothing too bad.

    I've been through a kind of "primal" stage where I pulled about 100 off myself in a week and the population obviously decreased quite dramatically. I'm now trying to keep from doing that again and letting a few hatch and grow to adults to repopulate.

    I think I could possibly share them by posting adults to others here in the UK - I could post them as late as possible (6:45pm) from the main sorting office and hopefully they would arrive the next day. There is some evidence that they can live for "up to 24 hours" off the human body.

  14. It's now been 11 1/2 weeks since I got these little guys - they seem to be enjoying their new home! 

    I think it's fairly safe to assume I'm one of those that doesn't feel them itching too much.  So far I'm not having any problems with having a ton of crabs - lol, although I do wonder about developing an iron deficiency 🤣  🕷️




  15. The little guys are spreading - found one on my arm this morning and looks like they are on the lower abdomen and top of legs. 😍

    Was hoping to keep them in my pubes, lol, "you can't beat nature" I guess

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