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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Everyone will do anything for the right person. If I’m on a “hookup site,” show me your ass, and we decide if we’re fucking first. We can talk about that other stuff after. But I’m not playing the pretend not to fuck game so you can waste my time. I can write a mini novel about these “too holy too fuck” guys. More often than not, they are fucking and just don’t want to feel like whore or they’re stalling.
  2. If being with your BF isn’t allowing you to be fulfilled, why do you have a BF? No judging, because I don’t think sec is everything, just asking. Because it’s obviously bothering you.
  3. Believe it or not, alot people use grindr not too hook up, but to boost their ego. They get off and feel a sense of superiority rejecting men.
  4. Anyone in a Treasure Island movie before the last 7-10 years. Steve Parker, Fyrfli, Dawson, Will, and all the rest of the original pigs!
  5. Yes. I pull out, don’t cum, then bounce. Don’t wait till I’m 50 strokes in to play games.
  6. Shout out and respect to all the fags in this post. The men who love dick in there lives, and welcome it. The guys who go for what they want online and in the bookstores/saunas. Though I’m more into masculine men, I admire that u go for what you want!
  7. This whole narrative that Black people are so homophobic that there is some underground culture of “down low” men exclusive to the black community spreading HIV is pure fiction. I’ve seen so many married white men in saunas and spas it’s ridiculous. How many black cumdumps do you know? There is just as much homophobia in the black community as their is in the white community, Latin community, etc. Black people were not the ones creating sodomy laws, outlawing gay marriage/education, or starting a “straight pride” parade. Let’s not even talk about the It Gets Better Project, where you can find thousands of stories of non black kids being persecuted for their sexuality. There are dozens of studies that show Black people receive lower quality healthcare than everyone else, even if they have insurance. I know this from personal experience. Also, some black HIV cases are from immigrants from other countries with extreme poverty looming for better healthcare. When they come here, they are lumped in with blacks who are Americans. There are some good points on here, but seriously some of you need to update your stereotypes. I swear some of you guys know nothing about the black community or perspective besides the sexual fantasies in you’re head. And you’ll always have some other black guy co-signing cause he’s bitter a few people in the black community who don’t accept his sexuality.
  8. I do admit I kind of have a foot fetish. But it’s more of a curiosity thing than sexual.
  9. What if it’s just a matter of preference and older guys don’t turn them on?
  10. Okay, I know stealing is wrong, but hey we got a lot of different types conversations on this forum. I was wondering if anyone had ever stolen a guys underwear before? I only have once. I justified it because a guy at a local sauna just happened to forget to put them in his locker and he walked off. He never came back, so I picked them up and put them in mine. Stealing? Yes, but I tell myself he forgot them. Another time, this beautiful sweaty bear at my gym was wearing tightly whities. He left them when he went to the shower. I think he knew I was watching. They were almost saying “take me” but I couldn’t do it. I’ve always kind of had an underwear fetish. When I see a guy, I always wonder “what kind of underwear does he wear?” I have to catch myself sometimes watching guys stretching their arms up cause I get curious.
  11. While I agree with a lot of what you said, sexual objectification was just ONE of the many tools used justify the structure of who benefits from this societies resources and who doesn’t. Black men weren’t enslaved or discriminated against just cause folks thought they had large genitalia. Unpopular Opinion Coming: The term BBC doesn’t really bother me because whether we use it or not, it’s not going to change people’s minds. Me personally, I’d rather know what it is and take it from there. Am I mildly offended?I always try to determine a persons intent first and if I sense true racism, I check them on it and keep it moving. Let’s be real, BBC offends some black people not because of the racist connotations but because it reminds them that they are just a mere sexual object to some of these men. Yes, they may have sexual access, but it is a reminder that they will never have the social access they so desperately crave from these men, white men in particular. You will be asked to fuck and go home. Not trying to shame the OP because I don’t know him. But I can count the number of Asian/black couples I’ve seen in my life on one hand without using my thumb, so I almost expect it to be some sexual BBC fantasy. I’m on my phone, so I apologize for any grammatical errors!
  12. I agree honesty is the best policy. Why should someone alter their behavior when you haven’t committed to them or made it clear a change in behavior would result in a commitment? To get fair, I would also ask, if you’re into him, would you still be posting here on Breeding Zone?
  13. If you’re speaking of dating, I would tend to think that equates to either lifestyle or money. If your are a high earner, achiever, etc. he may feel like being with you be additional pressure, insecurities or stress he’s not ready to tackle. For example, if your a 32 with a six pack, and he has an extra few pounds, there would be some internal pressure for him to work out and eat right. Or if he’s comfortable being a fry cook, and you’re a CEO, they power dynamic is too imbalanced. More likely than not, he’s either going to have step his game up with you, or come to the realization he is going to have no control in the relationship as far as finances.
  14. Too many 5’s and 6’s thinking they are 7’s and 8’s chasing 9’s and 10’s. This is why it’s so hard to hook up online….
  15. If we’re going NFL, definitely Travis Kelce. I can’t think of anyone hotter. I don’t bottom but….. And his chest is a rug, which I love.
  16. Great questions. I’ve dated other men who weren’t “out” before and it turned out fine. It’s all about honest communication with each other. If that person wanted to come out, then we would decide the next steps, but there was no pressure. I don’t “de-gay” my house. It’s just a regular house with decor. I don’t have pictures of naked people hanging up no more so than any other person lol. I’m not a big photo person. As far as resources, for me personally, a legacy is something you build for your offspring. I don’t have any children right now, so it would go to my family by default which I’m fine with. If I had a partner, and needed resources to go to them, I would act accordingly. That would include possible marriage. “Coming out” doesn’t change life insurance policies or deeds to property. I think people falsely equate “coming out” with happiness. If they think coming out somehow makes they the superior gay, and everyone else is just miserable that’s fine. I know plenty of guess who are out and just as lonely and depressed as those who aren’t. I view myself as black first and foremost, so I guess I just have a different perspective. I love men but I will never buy 100% into the “gay community” but that’s a post for another time!
  17. Damn that’s bad news. I always had fun the few times I went.
  18. The one time I went it was typical Sacramento: dudes standing around waiting on the perfect 10. I never understood why it’s so hard too hook up there in a city with two million people. (Actually I do but that’s another post). Dude working in the front would occasionally inspect the play area, and say out loud “damn where’s all the hotties!?” (Real professional but I digress). One dude came in, and the guy working at the front left the counter to try hook up with the guy. I really miss the old spa they use to have there years ago.
  19. There is really no such thing as “hard to get.” What that really means is they are deciding if they want to fuck you while waiting for a better option.
  20. I’m out to a few friends, no family. I have no regrets. I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything at all by not “coming out.” We don’t ask straight people to proclaim their sexuality, why should I? I don’t have any wife or children, I pay my own bills. I feel I only need to be honest with myself. If I chose to share I like men, that’s my choice.
  21. I didn’t mean to disrespect or ignore that situations like yours happen. My point, which I probably did not articulate well enough, are guys trying deflect and confuse the conversation to say what happened to you is the same as not telling guys their status.
  22. Let’s just keep it real here. There isn’t that much “stealthing” going on. It’s really just folks wanting to lie about their HIV status so they can have sex and the want the rest of us to go along with it.
  23. If something is illegal, argue it’s morality. If something is immoral, argue it’s legality. Notice a pattern?
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