Yes. It’s because the thin muscle tissue that creates the valve between the two sections of the lower colon and the rectum are generally meant to be one way. For some, the sphincter flexes and opens because the nerves think it needs to pass poo. No problem. For others, it may be really tight or really loose, so when a dick is pushing up against it, it tears some.
When this happens, you need to not have anything up there for 6-12 weeks to let it heal. If it keeps happening, it’s worth having a gastroenterologist take a look or see to make sure you don’t have something else going on like a pocket forming, a potential rupture of the colon inside you which would leak colon fluids into your gut and essentially poison you, or you may have a polyp than needs to be removed growing on the sphincter.
No matter what, be piggy if you want, just don’t neglect your health.
Hope this helps.