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  1. Streamworks in Berkeley opened on June 17th (albeit with some new rules and regs). But OPEN at last!
  2. Trump is not a Nazi. He is a facist, following the Facist Guide Handbook to the letter: 1.) Present yourself as the sole individual able to solve a nation's problems; 2.) Present immigrants and foreigners as enemies and evil-goers; 3.) Create doubt about the objectiveness of the media; 4.) Create doubt about the trustworthiness of government (i.e, the Department of intelligence, the Post Office, election results) 5.) Belittle opponents in order to silence them; 6.) Accept no responsibility for mistakes made by you or your administration; 7.) Aim your message to appeal to the lowest common denominator: the unsuccessful, the under-educated, the lazy, the "entitled" and the self-delusionable.
  3. Seventh row center in the Helen Hayes Tjeatre, New York, during a matinee performance of "Kiss Me Kate' . With the company chiropractor. It was too damn hot...
  4. Does anyone have an extreme medical fetish? I get hard thinking about being tired to a steel table, an iv in my arm a masked surgeon telling me that my new life will soon.begin. no idea whats going to happen and no way to stop it.
  5. I know the answer to this one: because he's deplorable. A born-rich priviledged draft dodger who has public humiliated himself, his trainwreck of a family, the Republican party and the United States. He's a walking maloprop who is incapable of speaking sans teleprompter least he create another catastrophe. He will be the argument against having a "citizen president" for the next generation. He has gone out of his way to insult every demographic except privileged white straight cis men. He incapable of speaking the truth...even when it would serve him better than a lie. He has systematically thrown lifelong friends under the political bus in an effort to appear lucid, competent and aware of whats going on around him. He is not Sarah Palin... but he's an incredible stimulation.
  6. I have had a body mod fetish for years and have come close to submitting to a castration or nullo, but i believe that decision should be left to a Master. I also hope to be heavily tattooed and pierced by a Master who enjoys dehumanizing me.
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