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Everything posted by evilalex

  1. Your friend should get in touch with a lawyer. If he can't afford one, some law schools have legal aid clinics staffed by law students and supervised by attorneys.
  2. I don't like getting fucked, but I loooooove sucking dick.
  3. Is there much of a gay porn community in Malaysia? Build a social media following, and get on Just For Fans, or a similar platform. Possibly chaturbate. Once you've built up a portfolio of works, start applying places. Or just start applying places, and you might get lucky.
  4. I wanna see some photos of you all cum kissing.
  5. Thanks for the replies, guys. I didn't realize this was so common. I'm going to try finding out what i'm interested in, and then finding a group.
  6. How do people make friends as adults? I have no idea. I don't really mean FWB, or even just male friends. I have no idea how to go from meeting someone at an event, to hanging out (not including hook ups). Part of it is that I prefer being alone, and people can be tiresome, but it would probably be beneficial to make some.
  7. Welcome. How old were you your first time?
  8. Anyone else find Richard Ramirez hot tho?
  9. I think there's still an active serial killer in Long Island. He hasn't been arrested yet has he?
  10. Man, I really want to know who Zodiac is/was.
  11. Hey, Anyone else have a fascination with serial killers? Which ones? I'm watching the new Netflix doc about Dennis Nilsen rn.
  12. I would choose whoever had the best wilderness survival skills.
  13. I'd say 16, as long as there were exceptions for like a 17 fucking a 16 yo. And if people below the age of consent are having sex with people also below the age of consent, that's fine.
  14. Fuck yeah. Love porn. I want the place where I'm fucking to be as sleazy as possible, porn adds to that atmosphere.
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