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    Copenhagen - Denmark
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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  1. - hate when they skip the first penetration part. Going directly from someone is about to take it up the ass to full on fucking, without showing the cock sliding in? Booo.... - Condoms....Unless we're talking sucking cum out of condoms 🙂 - Fake moaning...Please STFU, and let's just enjoy the sounds of flesh pounding against flesh - Semi-hard guys trying to Top, not being able to get a full erection. Move over please, and make room for the next guy - Dehydrated guys trying to squeeze cum out, that looks like expired toothpaste. Drink some water once in a while, ok?
  2. Personally I always feel, when I'm receiving a blowjob, that the other person could be anywhere else, doing whatever, but has decided to be right here in front of me, with my cock in their mouth. If they're deepthroating me or not, we're going to have a great time regardless 😄
  3. Hi there! 🙂 Top - Copenhagen - Denmark
  4. I'm on the freezer team. There's nothing better than gooning away hours after hours and lubing up your hard cock with cum, and if you've saved enough, smearing it all over your face and body. I don't think there's anything that turns me on more than the smell and taste of sperm 🤩
  5. Just me, enjoying a bit of cumplay 😉 [think before following links] https://twitter.com/696Kris
  6. Normally I don't have any problems getting hard, but I've used both Viagra and Cialis lots of times, just to spice up things 😄 My experience with Cialis is pretty much the same as yours. It doesn't matter if I cum or not, I always feel really horny the next 24H after taking Cialis. F... it, I'll think, I'll take one now, just for the hell of it 😄
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